【教你揀 至搶眼婚嫁鑽飾】
每個被男友寵愛的女生,都會天天佩戴伴侶送贈嘅 #愛情信物,尤其是 #被求婚 後,更想時刻show off男友為你精心挑選嘅 #求婚鑽戒 !即睇 Evelynchoi蔡穎恩 親身示範,教你如何將 #婚嫁首飾 融入生活,時刻成為旁人焦點!
#周生生 #ChowSangSang #EndleaCollection #Forevermark #ADiamondisForever #LiveAndLove #21DaysofLove #ForevermarkSetting Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Official Page 周生生珠寶官方專頁
21daysoflove 在 林愷鈴 Ashley Lin Facebook 的最佳貼文
Forevermark has invited me to participate in their #21DaysOfLove campaign, because apparently, it takes 21 days to form a habit.
Before I tell you what I’m planning to do for the next 21 days, I must tell you how lucky I am to be surrounded by people who love me. But sometimes, being a self-centred millennial (haha), I tend to forget that.
Thus, in the next 21 days, I challenge myself to do my very best in replying messages from my loved ones and spend more time with family and friends.
Like it or not, we are products of our habits and aspirations, and I plan on taking this opportunity to make a solid change.
Why don’t you join in the #21DaysOfLove and share your images/stories of love and tag #21DaysOfLove and #Forevermark. The small things that we do every day build Forever and we shouldn’t just notice them, we should live them.
Jewellery Forevermark
21daysoflove 在 林愷鈴 Ashley Lin Facebook 的最佳貼文
Forevermark has invited me to participate in their #21DaysOfLove campaign, because apparently, it takes 21 days to form a habit.
Before I tell you what I’m planning to do for the next 21 days, I must tell you how lucky I am to be surrounded by people who love me. But sometimes, being a self-centred millennial (haha), I tend to forget that.
Thus, in the next 21 days, I challenge myself to do my very best in replying messages from my loved ones and spend more time with family and friends.
Like it or not, we are products of our habits and aspirations, and I plan on taking this opportunity to make a solid change.
Why don’t you join in the #21DaysOfLove and share your images/stories of love and tag #21DaysOfLove and #Forevermark. The small things that we do every day build Forever and we shouldn’t just notice them, we should live them.
Jewellery: Forevermark