This has by far been one of the hardest periods of our 15 year relationship. Our living situation, having just moved house. Moving is so stressful on it’s own then on top of that, home schooling, closure of almost all public places, the anxiety over corona with an auto immune disease, the worry about family, friends, work and the hardest part is the kids feeling so unsettled. My lord, it’s all just a bit much to deal with to be honest, but you have to. Life goes on. You have to somehow rise above it all breath and be present. Make the most of a bump in the road. Our relationship is not perfect but it’s eternal and we will get through this. What else you wanna throw at me universe grrr #LiveandLove #StayHome #Forevermark #ad @forevermark
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【教你揀 至搶眼婚嫁鑽飾】
每個被男友寵愛的女生,都會天天佩戴伴侶送贈嘅 #愛情信物,尤其是 #被求婚 後,更想時刻show off男友為你精心挑選嘅 #求婚鑽戒 !即睇 Evelynchoi蔡穎恩 親身示範,教你如何將 #婚嫁首飾 融入生活,時刻成為旁人焦點!
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【 此刻=永恒?Forevermark 將每個愛情時刻化為永恒👩❤️💋👨!】
相信唔少情侶同另一半相處嘅時候,都想時間可以過得慢啲,甚至希望可以一直停留,永遠都喺對方身邊👫⋯⋯最近, Forevermark 以「此刻即永恒」嘅概念,推岀咗一條網絡愛情影片,紀錄戀人每個愛情時刻都足以成就永恒❤。而 Forevermark 緍嫁鑽戒就係彼此邁向永恒嘅最好印證💍,因為每粒 Forevermark 鑽石都有獨一無二嘅標記同編號,可以成為戀人之間嘅專屬幸福密碼之外,更象徵住恒久同無休止嘅愛💞!雖然未必可以 24 小時喺你身邊,但我知道同你一齊嘅 moment ,就係我嘅永恒~😘!仲唔快啲去: 瀏覽更多戒指款式,許下一生中最重要嘅承諾,成就永恒嘅愛啦💘!
即刻睇睇 Forevermark「此刻即永恒」嘅足本影片,回味一下同戀人每個浪漫時刻:
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