Sau 6 ngày ra mắt MV Tự Tâm thì tới hôm nay mới thực sự có thời gian để viết lời cảm ơn tới tất cả mọi người. Ngay lúc này, đầu óc vẫn chưa hoàn hồn lắm về sự thay đổi của 1 tuần vừa quá, mọi thứ đến quá nhanh nhưng rất hạnh phúc và biết ơn mọi người.
Tự Tâm là sản phẩm đánh dấu sự trở lại của Nguyễn Trần Trung Quân sau thành công của 2 bản hit "Trong trí nhớ của Anh" và "Màu Nước Mắt". Sản phẩm đã được sự đón nhận không chỉ khán giả Việt Nam, mà còn các bạn fans quốc tế nữa, đó là sự cổ vũ tinh thần lớn nhất cho Quân và toàn thể ekip sản xuất.
"Quàng Thượng" gửi lời cảm ơn từ tận đáy lòng tới anh em ekip của mình:
☘️ Cám ơn nhạc sĩ - tác giả trẻ Nguyễn Thương đã sáng tác ca khúc Tự Tâm cho Anh. Chúng ta có duyên từ "Màu Nước Mắt" và bây giờ là duyên tới "Tự Tâm" và chắc chắn rằng chúng ta sẽ còn tiếp tục có duyên nữa trong những sản phẩm tới.
☘️Cám ơn giám đốc âm nhạc - Anh Đoàn Minh Vũ đã cùng Em làm hết mình cho phần âm nhạc xuất sắc. Anh vất vả thực sự và cũng rất chịu khó lắng nghe mọi ý kiến của Em. Cám ơn em trai Trần Đăng Quang (quản lý anh Vũ) đã kết nối và luôn đúng lịch cho Anh.
☘️Cám ơn Anh Bố Thỏ Heo - Nguyễn Minh Đạt đã hết mình mix master cho Tự Tâm. Anh luôn là best best best.
☘️Cám ơn 2 nghệ sĩ hàng đầu Việt Nam : Anh Trần Văn Xâm - Nghệ sĩ đàn Nhị và Anh Hoàng Anh - Nghệ sĩ sáo trúc đã chiều chuộng và lắng nghe từng ý kiến của Em. Nếu không có 2 Anh thì có lẽ không thể lột tả hết được cảm xúc của kịch bản Anh ạ.
☘️Cám ơn anh trai Dominik Nghĩa Đỗ - Anh quá vất vả với Em và team sản xuất khi phải leader tất cả các lịch, tất cả các cuộc họp, kết nối tất cả bộ máy làm việc thật suôn sẻ, anh vừa đấm vừa xoa, vừa nhẹ nhàng mà lại thật hổ báo dữ tợn, nhưng chung quy lại Anh giúp Em quá nhiều.
☘️Cám ơn anh trai Đinh Hà Uyên Thư - Đạo diễn tỷ view đã đồng hành và dốc hết công lực cho dự án lớn của Em. Như thường lệ, Em luôn được Anh chăm chút tỉ mỉ nhất và Anh cũng là người hiểu cần làm gì tốt nhất cho Em. Tuy hay mắng mỏ và chì chiết Em nhỏ nhưng luôn yêu Em.
☘️Cám ơn bạn Quang Đăng và nsut Trần Hoàng Yến đã biên đạo khúc múa dạ tiệc mở màn bi kịch Tự Tâm rất xuất sắc.
☘️Cám ơn Stylist Mei Mei (Nguyễn Phương Mai) và team stylist (Em Nghiêm Huyền - Em Phụng My) hỗ trợ Anh từng li từng tí trong các set đồ Cổ Trang. Làm tất cả trang phục đẹp nhất, tốt nhất cho Anh.
☘️Cám ơn Đặng Trí Viễn - Phương Koi đã giúp Quàng Thượng , Bạch Liên Bông, Hoàng Hậu luôn đẹp nức lòng từng khung hình và Em Kang Trần đã giúp các bạn diễn viên lung linh trong Tự Tâm.
☘️Cám ơn chị Út Chằng - Lê Huỳnh Mỹ Phượng chuyên gia hoá trang hàng đầu đã giúp Em làm chiếc tay giả để Em nhỏ Bạch Liên lên khỏi mặt hồ, và những mũi cung tên xuyên thấu máu me rất chân thật đến thế.
☘️Cám ơn bé Trang Hà - bé Tài - bé Quang - bé Chính đã giúp Anh lưu lại tất cả video hậu trường, tất cả hình ảnh đẹp nhất của dự án. Các em rất vất vả thức thâu cùng Anh chiến đấu hết mình. Yêu các Em.
☘️Cám ơn Team Tóc Hairoin Salon của Đức Trịnh - Halen và 2 cộng sự Bé Như - Bé Hiền đã giúp dự án Tự Tâm tự tin về mái tóc luôn đẹp tinh tế. Đồng hành 3 bài Hit rồi thì tiếp tục ghi thêm những bản Hit nữa trong sự nghiệp của nhau nhé.
☘️Cám ơn các em thân cận: Võ Lời - Nghĩa Thiện và thành viên mới Cúc Hoàng đã hỗ trợ tất cả ekip trong suốt quá trình sản xuất và quay Tự Tâm. Các em quên ăn quên ngủ và chiến đấu với Anh thực sự dã chiến. Thương lắm.
☘️Cám ơn nhiếp ảnh gia Kỳ Anh đã xém chậm chuyến bay đi Sing chỉ vì chụp ảnh poster cho Em. Anh luôn kĩ lưỡng và xuất sắc.
☘️Cám ơn team truyền thông: D Group Media (Anh Trang Nguyễn Vĩnh Duy - bé Quốc Đạt) đã hỗ trợ chia sẻ thông tin tới các anh chị phóng viên báo chí.
☘️Cám ơn các đối tác hỗ trợ truyền thông: Yan News, Yeah1, các anh em youtuber, hot streamer đã reaction, các kênh thông tin youtube rất nhiều
☘️Cám ơn Tik Tok đã cùng đồng hành với Quân.
☘️Cám ơn Nhaccuatui đã độc quyền và đồng hành cùng Quân.
☘️Đặc biệt cám ơn trân trọng team TheAnh28, em Hưng, em Phượng, em Trang, và toàn thể các Anh Em công ty: em Thế Anh, em Lang Lâm, em Nhật Lệ, em Kiều Linh, em Việt Đức, em Xuân Khánh, em Văn Thảo, em Bích Ngọc, em Hoài Nam, em Thanh Hà, em Thu Hương, em Diệu Linh.... và toàn thể anh em công ty đã hỗ trợ trực chiến và đưa Tự Tâm tới gần khán giả hơn.
☘️Cám ơn các page lớn - nhỏ - các group đã đăng tải và chia sẻ Tự Tâm tới nhiều khản giá. Quân thực sự biết ơn và cám ơn các bạn nhiều.
☘️Cám ơn các anh em bạn bè celeb, bạn bè đồng nghiệp đã chia sẻ rất nhiều cho Tự Tâm
☘️Cám ơn tập thể chị Van Anh Tran (Van Anh Salon), em Hảo, chị Hà... đã chăm sóc tóc dài cho em từ lúc mới làm dự án.
☘️ Cám ơn Tóc Giả Justyle , 2 em chuyên gia Long - Mai đã hỗ trợ hết mình cho dự án
☘️ Cám ơn em Phạm Quốc Việt đã giúp Anh và team từng chiếc poster xinh lung linh.
☘️Cám ơn Yang Yang và Huy đã viết tay typo và logo cho Tự Tâm rất xuất sắc.
☘️Cám ơn Hoàng Hậu - Quỳnh Lương. Em rất tuyệt vời em biết chứ? ahihi nhưng Bạch Liên vẫn là của Anh em nhé 🙂
☘️Cám ơn Blue (Nguyễn Duy Anh) và team Blue Production gồm các Anh Em:
- Đạo diễn: Đinh Hà Uyên Thư
- Đạo diễn hình ảnh : Tung Bui
- Phó đạo diễn : Lê Hoàng Phương
- Tổng Sản Xuất : Mr. Blue
- 2 Chú quay phim : Mr. Blue - Duy Vk
- Focus: Duy Vk - Vinh Nguyen
- Editor: Minh Nhut Tran - Br.
- VFX: SPICEFX - Ngô Quốc Duy, Đinh Thịnh, Cù Thế Hùng, Trường Giang, Trần Hồng Vy, Lâm Thảo ,Sider
- Colorist: Mr. Blue - Phước Tài
- Team Thiết Kế: Do Ba Ty Team - Lê Minh Sang Team
- Camera Equipment Thong Kieu
- Lighting Grip: Cinelight
- Sản Xuất: Mrs. Bắp (Ngo Mai Phuong)
- Trợ Lý sản xuất : Cyan - Mine Nguyễn
- Catering: Le Le Team
☘️ Cám ơn Anh Lâm Thảo và toàn thể team VFX đã hỗ trợ và giúp sức team Em hoàn thành những cảnh kì diệu thần bí trong Tự Tâm.
☘️Cám ơn gia đình của Con đã ủng hộ và tin những điều con làm.
☘️Cám ơn đặc biệt tới Yu Thánh Thiện Siêu Gầy Cao Thủ và toàn thể CÁC ÁI KHÁNH (các em của anh) đã đồng lòng, hết mình, và san sẻ yêu thương cũng như đoàn kết, nhiệt huyết để đưa sản phẩm của "Quàng Thượng" vượt ra khỏi biên giới Việt Nam. Anh yêu các em lắm, yêu rất nhiều và chỉ muốn nói rằng "gia đình mình hãy thật đoàn kết, văn minh và nhiệt huyết nhé)
☘️Cám ơn nhãn hàng trà - Đăng Khoa Company và game Cửu Kiếm 3D đã tài trợ và đồng hành cùng dự án Tự Tâm ạ.
Cám ơn Em - Denis Đặng - Bạch Liên Bông. Anh quá may mắn khi có Em đồng hành và xuất hiện trong sự nghiệp của Anh. Cám ơn Em đã luôn hết mình và làm những điều tốt nhất cho Anh. Chúng ta sẽ tiếp tục cố gắng và phấn đấu nhiều hơn nữa nhé. Hãy nhớ rằng hậu cung của chúng ta luôn yêu và thương chúng ta nhé.
Many thanks for your support
After 6 days of launching MV Tu Tam, finally I have time to write my thanks to everybody. Right now, I cannot manage to get my wits because the change on this week. Everything's come so fast, and I feel so happy and grateful.
Tu Tam is Nguyen Tran Trung Quan’s comback after 2 hits “Trong trí nhớ của anh” (In my memory) and “Màu nước mắt” (Tears' colour). This MV is welcomed by not only Vietnamese fans but also international fans. It really lifted our spirits for Quan and production team.
“Emperor” want to send thanks from the heart to the production team.
Thanks young musician – Nguyen Thuong, the person who compose the song “Tu Tam” for me. We cooperated from “Màu nước mắt” and we can do it one more in “Tự Tâm.” I certainly we will have more chance to cooperate in the next productions.
Thanks to the music director - Mr. Doan Minh Vu for bending over backward with me for the best music. It was a very hard work of you to listen to all of my comments. Thanks to my brother Tran Dang Quang (manager of Mr. Vu) for connecting and always being on schedule for me.
Thanks to Brother Bo Tho Heo - Nguyen Minh Dat for making the best mix master for the song “Tu Tam”. You are always the best of the best.
Thanks to the two top artists in Vietnam: Mr. Tran Van Xam – Erhu artist and Mr. Hoang Anh - Flute artist. Both of you pampered and listened carefully to all of my ideas. If it weren't for the two of you, I wouldn't be able to fully describe the feelings of the script.
Thanks to my brother Dominik Nghia Do - You laboriously worked with me and the production team to be the leader for all schedules, meetings, and you connected all the working system smoothly, you were not only gentle but aggressive as well. However, in general, you give me too much help.
Special thanks to Mr. Quang Dang, especially Mrs. Tran Hoang Yen, who is a Meritorious Artist for directing spectacularly the choreography of the beginning show in “Tu Tam” music video.
Special thanks to Stylist Mei Mei (Ms. Nguyen Phuong Mai) and Stylist Team (Ms. Nghiem Huyen and Ms. Phung Mai) for supporting meticulously in my different historical costumes. It is clear to me that those costumes were made perfectly by your talent.
Thanks sister Ut Chang - Le Huynh My Phuong, an make up artist helped me make a little fake hand for my White Lotus when he went out the lake, and the bow and arrow pierced nose bloody were very true.
Thanks babies Trang Ha -Tai - Quang - Chinh that saved all the videos behind the scenes, all the best picture of the project. You were struggled together recording mode me fought hard. Love you.
Thanks Team Hair Heroin Salon of Duc Trinh - Halen and 2 coworker Nhu and Hien helped Tu Tam confidently because of our hair always exquisite. Continuing be my companion 3 Hit more, okay?
Thanks to Vo Loi - Nghia Thien and a new member Hoang Cuc that supported all crew during production and filming Tu Tam. All of you forgot to eat and sleep. Love you, too
Thank you, photographer Ky Anh, for almost missing your flight to Singapore for my poster. You are always meticulous and excel in everything you do.
Thank you, the communication team: Group Media (Trang Nguyễn Vĩnh Duy - Quốc Đạt), for sharing the information with the journalists.
Thank you to all the social media networking groups and media groups: Yan News, Yeah1, youtubers, hot streamers and YouTube, for the music video reactions and the sharing the news to everyone.
Thank you TikTok for accompanying me.
Thank you NhacCuaTui for the exclusive rights and accompanying me.
My sincere appreciation to team TheAnh28, Hưng, Phượng, Trang, Thế Anh, Lang Lâm, Nhật Lệ, Kiều Linh, Việt Đức, Xuân Khánh, Văn Thảo, Bích Ngọc, Hoài Nam, Thanh Hà, Thu Hương, Diệu Linh.... and everyone else in the group for your full support and bringing “Tự Tâm” closer to the audience.
Thank you to all the sites and groups for uploading and sharing “Tự Tâm” with everyone. I appreciate and am grateful for all your support.
A special thanks to the super slim expert - Yu thanh thien (saintly yu) and all of my “people” (my lovely fans) who have been so supportive, affectionate as well as enthusiastic. Together, you have joined hands to spread “Tu Tam” beyond the boundary of Vietnam. I love you so much and I just want to say that: “Let our family be an united, civilized and enthusiastic one!”
Not to forget to thank the 2 sponsors of our project: “Dang Khoa Company” and “Game Cuu Kiem 3D”.
And the biggest thanks to:
DENIS DANG - THE WHITE LOTUS. I'm way too lucky as I have you as my partner, thank you so much for your presence in my career. Thank you for working so hard and always chose the best for me. Let's try hard and harder, let's strive for more. Please remember our fans are always supporting and besides with us.
*【Tự Tâm】のMVを公開して6日が経ちました。みなさんに本当に感謝したいです。この一週間はいろんなことがありました。僕はびくりしまして、嬉しくて、それはみなさんのおかげです。
*【Trong Tri Nho Cua Anh】と【Mau Nuoc Mat】の2つのヒットが成功した後に、【TU TAM】はNguyen Tran Trung Quanの復活の製品です。この製品は、ベトナムの聴衆だけでなく、国際的なファンからも好評を博しており、Quanおよび制作チーム全体にとって最大の精神的なサポートとなっています。
*【TU TAM】の曲を書いてくれた作家の Nguyen Thuongに感謝します。 【Mau Nuoc Mat】からの一緒に働いて、そして今は【TU TAM】でした。これからももっと一緒に働くチャンスがあると思います。
* 音楽監督である Đoan Minh Vuさんに感謝します。あなたは僕のコメントをすべて聞いてくれて、いい結果の為にすごく頑張りました。Tran Dang Quangくん(Vũさんのマネージャー)は計画を準備して、時間いつも守ってくれてありがとうございました。
* Anh - Nguyen Minh Dat:ミクスマスターにしてくれてありがとうございます!あなたはいつも一番最高です!
* ベトナムの2人のトップアーティスト:Tran Van Xamさん、Hoang Anhさん、お二人のおかげで、台本の気持ちは完璧に聴衆に届きました。
* Dominik Nghia Do お兄さん、大変にお疲れ様でした。全てスケジュール、全てMTGを自分一人で対応するのはすごかったです。助かりましたよ。
*「十億ビューのディレクター」 Dinh Ha Uyen Thu お兄さん、このプロジェクトで一緒に頑張ってくれてありがとうございました。あなたは厳しかったですが、いつもの通り、お世話になりました。
* Quang Dangさん、 Tran Hoang Yenさん、【TU TAM】のダンスを振り付けてくれてありがとうございました。そのダンスはとても素晴らしかったです。
* スタイリスト Mei Mei(Nguyen Phuong Mai)とチームスタイリスト(Nghiem Huyen - Phụng My)はサーポットしてくれてありがとうございます。作てくれた衣装は最高だったです!
* Đang Tri Vien - Phuong Koi、化粧してくれてありがとうございました。皆さんは綺麗になったのはあなたのおかげです!
* Le Huynh My Phuong - Ut Chang お姉さん、 MY WHITE LOTUS の義手や血のエフェクトなどを作成してくれてありがとうございました。本物のようです!
* Trang Haちゃん - Taiくん - Quangくん - Chinhくん、舞台裏のビデオ、プロジェクトの最高の画像をすべて保存してくれてありがとう。学生たちは、僕と一緒にすごく頑張りました。みんな、大好きだよ!
* Đuc Trinh - HalenのHeroin Salonチーム、Nhuちゃん、Hienちゃんは、【TU TAM】に美しく繊細な髪に自信を持つように支援してくれたことにありがとうございました。一緒に働くのはヒット曲3曲だったですが、これからも続けましょう!
* Vo Loi - Nghia Thien そして新メンバーCuc Hoang にありがたいです。【TU TAM】 の制作と撮影中にすごく大変に頑張ってエキップをサポートしてくれました。愛してるよ!
* 写真家 ~ Ky Anhは飛行便遅れた出来ますけどポスターをとった援助するためにありがとうございます。貴方はいつも綿密な、秀逸なです。
* チームテレコム: D Group Media(Anh Trang さんとNguyen Vinh DuyさんとQuốc Datさん) は
* Yans News, Yeah1がプロモーションしてくれたありがとうございます。そして、 ユーチューバとホットストリーマーもリアクションして感謝します。
*Tik Tokと一緒に行くためにありがとうございます。
*Team TheAnh28, Hungさん、Phuongさん、Trangさんと全部会社員:The Anhさん、Lang Lamさん、Nhat Leさん、Kieu Linhさん、Viet Ducさん、Xuan Khanhさん、 Van Thaoさん、 Bich Ngocさん、 Hoai Namさん、 Thanh Haさん、Thu Huongさん、 Dieu Linhさん、 .....いつも一緒援助するためにありがとうございます。
*小さいページと大きなページ、相役と友達と家族も"自心"はシェアード をありがとうございます。
*Van Anh Tran(Van Anh salon)とHaoさん、Haさんは私の髪のお世話をするためにありがとうございます。
*Tóc giả Justyle と二人達人Long - Mai はプロジェクトを援助するためにありがとうございます。
*Pham Quoc Viet さんはきれいポスターをするからありがとうございます。
*王妃様- Quynh Luong ありがとうございま。あなたが偉いですけど白蓮は私のです。
* Blue(Nguyen Duy Anh)とBlue Production Team:
- 監督: Dinh Ha Uyen Thu
- イメージディレクター: Tung Bui
- 副監督 :Le Hoang Phuong
- 演出家: Mr.Blue
- カメラマン: Mr.Blue - Duy Vk
– Focus: Duy Vk - Vinh Nguyen
– Editor: Minh Nhut Tan - Br
– VFX: SPICEFX - Ngo Quoc Duy, Dinh Thinh, Cu The Hung, Truong Giang, Tran Hong Vy, Lam Thao, Sider.
– Colorist: Mr. Blue - Phuoc Tai
– Team designer: Do Ba Team - Le Minh Sang Team
– Camera Equipment Thong Kieu.
– Lighting Grip: Cinelight
– ProductionMrs. Bap(Ngo Mai Phương)
– Production assistantCyan - Mine Nguyen
– Catering: Le Le Team.
*Lam Thaoと全部VFX Teamは魔法のシーンを知るためにありがとうございます。家族の信じを謳うためにありがとうございまうす。
* 私はやることを信じ、応援してくれて、家族から色々な力をもらいました。
* 特に、私の作品を国内にとどまらず、海外にも知られること。ユさんと友達を感謝します。大好きです。
*ダンクォア会社と NINE SWORD 3D ゲームのお提供、ありがとうございます。
* 最後、DENIS DANG - MY WHITE LOTUS。私の稼業の中で、あなたの存在が最も大きで、幸いです。いつもそばにいて、精一杯に努力してくれて、ありがとうございます。これから、また私とともに頑張りましょう。私たちが一人じゃありません。応援してくれる皆んな様がそばにいることを忘れません。
#TuTam #NTTQ #DenisDang
#CửuKiếm3D #DangKhoateacompany
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3 am youtubers 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
【桃花開在周杰倫】The Peach Blossom named Jay Chou(English writing below)
我不是蔡依林的歌迷,但她這次為專輯的付出真的讓我刮目相看 - 回顧蔡依林出道至今的「黑歷史」MV《怪美》,邀請吳君如一起拍向80、90年代香港電影致敬的MV《腦公》,邀小S拍的MV《紅衣女孩》,以及今年榮獲台灣金曲獎年度歌曲獎的《玫瑰少年》等等。
2) 要賺錢,你速度要快。
錢如流水走很快不等人,你要懂得觀察局勢,學學那些Youtubers的掙錢速度及魄力。如果還是不會, 批八字看風水時,可請教你的師父如何迅速為自己增強桃花。
In my Youtube video last week, I talked about how Jay Chou cultivated his great Peach Blossoms in his past life and the correlation between your personal wealth and your Peach Blossoms.
On 11 September 2019 2300H, Jay Chou released his much-awaited new song "Won't Cry". His MV crossed 10 millions views within 48 hours on Youtube, setting a new record for Chinese music entertainment scene, and was the #1 trending MV in over 10 countries, including USA, Australia, Korea, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. His latest single also crashed Chinese music streaming site QQ music in less than a hour after its release.
In comparison, Jolin Tsai launched her new concept album end of last year, after a hiatus of 4 years. The album broke out of the conventional love ballads typical of Mandopop. 7 songs in this album were launched on Youtube with very creative and artsy music videos, which attracted much online discussion.
Yet the views on her MV cannot be compared with Jay Chou's latest MV.
While I am not a fan of Jolin Tsai, I applaud her effort for this album. The Ugly Beauty MV talks about the criticisms that Jolin Tsai had received since her debut. The Hubby MV was a salute to Hong Kong movies in the 80s & 90s, with Sandra Wu guest starring. Xiao S was also invited for her Lady in Red MV. The song Womxnly won the Song of the Year in this year's Golden Melody Awards, while this album won Album of the Year.
My personal favourite is the song Womxnly, which was inspired by the sensational story of Yeh Yung-chih, a secondary school Taiwanese student who had been long bullied for his perceived effeminate behaviour and thus, never dared to go to the school toilet at break times. One day, just five minutes before school ended, he was found dead in the school’s restroom in a pool of blood at the age of 15.
In May this year, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage and Womxnly became even more symbolic.
Let's now take a look at Jay Chou's new single Won't Cry. If you also think that "Jay Chou is my youth", the many punchlines in this MV, the lyricist Vincent Fang and the mystery guest Ashin of Mayday will have you grinning in surprise.
To me, while this song is not bad and a continuation of Jay Chou's love ballad style, it does not carry as much creativity and positive energy as Jolin Tsai's Ugly Beauty album. Jay Chou's MV was also pretty similar to many of his past MVs. There was no breakthrough.
Yet, beneath all that we have seen till now, is the karma from many past lives.
My Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha expounded that in Jay Chou's past life, he practiced the Magnetization Sadhana of Varjayana, and had recited an astronomical number of the mantra of Love and Respect. As stated in his Bazi, his songwriting talent this lifetime is a reflection of his cultivated Peach Blossoms of Mass Appeal.
This is an extraordinary Peach Blossom, as it rewrote the judgment standard of Mandopop. The viewership of Jay Chou's Won't Cry MV and sales volume of the single are just as astounding. Within 24 hours of release, his new song sold 5.485 million copies online and raked in S$3.2million.
The entire physical appearance of Jolin Tsai spells of heavy Peach Blossom of mass appeal. However, with Jay Chou in the picture, both she and JJ Lin Junjie who released a new single The Right Time 3 weeks ago paled in comparison.
Some clever Youtubers quickly uploaded their own covers, in less than 24 hours of Jay Chou's new song release. There were cover songs, piano versions, and lyric version. This is a very smart way of leveraging on Jay Chou's Peach Blossom luck for FREE. Works best if the song and Jay Chou’s Bazi are compatible with their Bazi.
Through online searches and online entertainment channels who report about the covers, the Youtubers get to boost their subscriber volumes and viewership at a much faster rate.
These are the 3 points I wish to highlight to everyone after writing so much:
1) To my fellow Dharma brothers and sisters who are fortunate enough to receive our Root Guru's Dharma empowerment of Kurukullā and Rāgarāja, please cultivate this Sadhana diligently.
When you have Peach Blossom of Mass Appeal, your benefactors are prominent and everything that you do in life gets easily done, even earning money is faster for you. My personal experience is that if you practice this Sadhana with the Bodhicitta heart to benefit sentient beings, the effects will be incredible.
2) If you make money, you must be speedy.
Money waits for no man. You have to know how to observe the situations and learn the money-making speed and drive of those Youtubers. If you do not know how, seek the advise of your Chinese Metaphysics practitioner, when getting your Bazi analysed or Feng Shui audit done.
3)Move in the right direction with the right method, and you can change your life and others' too.
Regardless your Bazi has mass appeal affinity or not, to have money, to have charisma of Love and Respect, you must be diligent in forming mass positive affinities. Learn to give and accumulate your way through. For no matter how many mass affinities you have, they get expedited over time.
The celebrities and Youtubers I mentioned above are examples of diligence.
When your hard work brings you the ability to influence, you will be able to guide others to improve their luck, be it you are conscious of it or not. And that doubles up your merits.
Don't squander your youth by living aimlessly. Don't blindly give all your time to your family and be miserly in giving your time to others.
Constant giving requires thought, otherwise when your good fortune hits rock bottom, you and your family will face a dire drought of life resources.
"The smart one spends his effort in prevention and accumulation, while the fool puts his hope in salvaging. "
3 am youtubers 在 頴珊頻道 The Wingshantsui Channel Facebook 的最佳貼文
When we mention “Xinjiang”, most people might imagine a land “far, far away...”
It is the region situated at the border of northwest China, but it’s actually only 5 hours flight away from Shenzhen!
Last March, I visited its capital Ürümqi and one of the most westernmost cities of China, Kashgar, for sightseeing.
Xinjiang locals say the Ürümqi International Airport will be completed in a few years’ time.
That means that Ürümqi will become increasingly important as one of China’s main central hubs to connect with Middle East and Europe.
By then, I am sure this beautiful place will grow to be quite famous and populated more than ever! —
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3 am youtubers 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最讚貼文
Upper body and Arms Workout with dumbbells. You can do this workout with weights or if you don't have equipment, you can always find alternatives like filled water bottles to help you get started before you pick up some weights.
✚ What weights should I use? Do I need dumbbells? How many reps?
Check out the FAQ section at the bottom of the schedule page:
✚ Free Program Schedule
Episode 1 - https://youtu.be/nnpwDoD6fyA
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/Stxhth7HT_E
Episode 3 - https://youtu.be/mZM9Fimp2g8
Episode 4 - https://youtu.be/Ksui3Ui1o60
Episode 5 - June 30th
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Sofasound - Dream Lover
Watch: https://youtu.be/9TiPvPmHnwo
Download / Stream: https://bitbird.lnk.to/waitingallmylife
Khamsin - Over (Kultur Remix)
Watch: https://youtu.be/RDsL8TcK29A
Duskus - Closed
Watch: https://youtu.be/dRCTnmXa1jA
Download / Stream: https://bitbird.lnk.to/7WyikLiK
Sofasound - Waiting All My Life
Watch: https://youtu.be/fc71YFpiRgI
Download / Stream: https://bitbird.lnk.to/waitingallmylife
Hundaes - All Love
Watch: https://youtu.be/IM4Ru0odJxI
Download / Stream: https://bitbird.lnk.to/Yb7RXqfi
#workouts #fitness #chloeting #chloetingchallenge #abs #homeworkouts
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Some people may see my video titles as click-bait. YouTubers optimise their video's meta data for discovery due to how the algorithm is like. This isn't anything new. Most people who've been watching YouTube for years would understand this. If you're unhappy and get triggered by this, well, this channel isn't for you then. I’ve provided free workout schedules and programs since day 1 and have always optimised my meta data as such so that's not going to change.
Having said that, it doesn't mean the workout do not work. You will still see results by following a suitable program schedule, watching your diet, being in a deficit or surplus (based on your goals), doing exercises in good form, etc. These are all equally important factors. You're not going to get abs, grow a booty, grow biceps magically from 1 or 2 videos, in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks cause everyone is different. I've explain multiple times throughout videos throughout my channel over years that it takes time and lots of factors, so don't take a video title out of context. Targetting fat loss is not scientifically proven. Everyone is different and it takes time.
When doing any home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you're not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my channel are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.

3 am youtubers 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最佳貼文
15 Mins Legs and Booty workout with Dumbbells, that you can do with or without a resistance bands. Time to get fit if you have a set of dumbbells at home, feel free to use alternatives you can find at home if your just getting started.
✚ What weights should I use? Do I need dumbbells? How many reps?
Check out the FAQ section at the bottom of the schedule page:
✚ Free Program Schedule
Episode 1 - https://youtu.be/nnpwDoD6fyA
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/Stxhth7HT_E
Episode 3 - https://youtu.be/mZM9Fimp2g8
Episode 4 - https://youtu.be/Ksui3Ui1o60
Episode 5 - June 30th
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Track: Coopex, EBEN, Sarah de Warren - Bad Dream
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/6xO-iMWhZjM
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/e6fS
Usage Policy: http://www.magicmusicLLC.com
Track: Tom Wilson - Run For Your Life (ft. M.I.M.E) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/RunForYourLife
Track: RVPTR x GODMODE x YUNAY - Assassinate
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original: https://youtu.be/jSBarA99frU
Free Download: https://fanlink.to/e2AT
Usage Policy: http://www.magicmusicLLC.com
Layto - Houdin
Layto - Hate Me
#workouts #fitness #chloeting #chloetingchallenge #abs #homeworkouts
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Some people may see my video titles as click-bait. YouTubers optimise their video's meta data for discovery due to how the algorithm is like. This isn't anything new. Most people who've been watching YouTube for years would understand this. If you're unhappy and get triggered by this, well, this channel isn't for you then. I’ve provided free workout schedules and programs since day 1 and have always optimised my meta data as such so that's not going to change.
Having said that, it doesn't mean the workout do not work. You will still see results by following a suitable program schedule, watching your diet, being in a deficit or surplus (based on your goals), doing exercises in good form, etc. These are all equally important factors. You're not going to get abs, grow a booty, grow biceps magically from 1 or 2 videos, in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks cause everyone is different. I've explain multiple times throughout videos throughout my channel over years that it takes time and lots of factors, so don't take a video title out of context. Targetting fat loss is not scientifically proven. Everyone is different and it takes time.
When doing any home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you're not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my channel are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.

3 am youtubers 在 Chloe Ting Youtube 的最佳解答
Brand new 10 mins abs workout that you can do with or without equipment.
✚ What weights should I use? Do I need dumbbells? How many reps?
Check out the FAQ section at the bottom of the schedule page:
✚ Free Program Schedule
Episode 1 - https://youtu.be/nnpwDoD6fyA
Episode 2 - https://youtu.be/Stxhth7HT_E
Episode 3 - https://youtu.be/mZM9Fimp2g8
Episode 4 - https://youtu.be/Ksui3Ui1o60
Episode 5 - June 30th
✚ Free Recipes
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Sub to my 2nd channel
✚ My links
✚ Music by
Dylan Locke
Nodis - What If
#workouts #fitness #chloeting #chloetingchallenge #abs #homeworkouts
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Some people may see my video titles as click-bait. YouTubers optimise their video's meta data for discovery due to how the algorithm is like. This isn't anything new. Most people who've been watching YouTube for years would understand this. If you're unhappy and get triggered by this, well, this channel isn't for you then. I’ve provided free workout schedules and programs since day 1 and have always optimised my meta data as such so that's not going to change.
Having said that, it doesn't mean the workout do not work. You will still see results by following a suitable program schedule, watching your diet, being in a deficit or surplus (based on your goals), doing exercises in good form, etc. These are all equally important factors. You're not going to get abs, grow a booty, grow biceps magically from 1 or 2 videos, in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks cause everyone is different. I've explain multiple times throughout videos throughout my channel over years that it takes time and lots of factors, so don't take a video title out of context. Targetting fat loss is not scientifically proven. Everyone is different and it takes time.
When doing any home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you're not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my channel are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.