'The alliance system delayed the outbreak of the First World War.'Do you agree? Explain your answer.
Description of alliance system: 1873 Three Emperor's League, 1882 Triple Alliance, 1907 Triple Entente
To a large extent disagree 'The alliance system delayed the outbreak of the First World War.'
1. The alliance system delayed the outbreak of WWI
Triple Alliance and Triple Entente counterbalanced.
Many international crises were solved by peaceful means due to the alliance system.
E.g. The Second Moroccan Crisis, Bosnian Crisis
2. The alliance system quickened the outbreak of WWI
Europe was divided into to rival blocs.
Armaments race was resulted between two rival blocs.
E.g. Naval race between Britain and Germany
3. The alliance system quickened the outbreak of WWI
Any local quarrels between powers from different camp might become a general war easily.
E.g. Austro- Serbian War → WWI
4. The alliance system quickened the outbreak of WWI
Powers were more warlike.
Not willing to solve disputes through peaceful means.
E.g. After the Sarajevo Incident, neither A-H nor Serbia gave way.
To a certain extent, The alliance system delayed the outbreak of the First World War.
To a large extent, The alliance system quicked the outbreak of the First World War.
To a large extent disagree 'The alliance system delayed the outbreak of the First World War.'
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 睇完你篇論述題大綱,我發覺裡面頗多地方都唔係做得甘足。
1. 你第一個point話同盟制度使歐洲分裂成兩大陣營,結果引致軍備競賽。係呢到,其實你無解釋到點解分裂成兩大陣營就會引致軍備競賽,而呢個討論過程如果你無做到有效解釋嘅話,成個論點都會唔能夠成立。而且,加上我睇到你用英、德海軍競賽嘅例子,就更加明顯知道你好難印證論點。因為如果要分析同盟制度使歐洲分裂成兩大陣營,從而加劇軍備競賽的話,你係需要討論同盟的組成使盟國間互相分享軍事技術或交流軍事知識,至於你用英、德海軍競賽的例子,係同你分析無直接關係。其實,如果你要用例子嘅話,應該係要用法俄兩國作為例子,因為法國有售賣武器俾俄國,而且雙方亦制定左互相合作箝制德國的作戰計劃,分別係十七號計劃及十九號計劃。
2&3. 你第二個point指同盟制度會使衝突或戰爭更加容易出現,而你用嘅係奧塞戰爭的例子。然而,你忽視左一樣嘢,就係塞爾維亞同左邊個結盟?事實上,俄國同塞爾維亞並非同盟,咁俄國幫塞爾維亞並唔係出於同盟因素,所以三國協約企係塞爾維亞個邊係唔能夠簡單歸咎於同盟制度,否則你嘅討論就會有誤。至於你第3個point嘅論據其實同第二個point相約,如果你唔能夠解釋三國協約點解因為同盟制度而唔係其他因素而幫塞爾維亞的話,你嘅討論就會出現問題。
1. 同盟制度使猜忌出現,繼而導致衝突出現(例子係英法協約導致德國猜忌,繼而導致第一次摩洛哥危機出現)
2. 同盟制度促使民族衝突變為世界性戰爭(例子係波斯尼亞危機同塞拉耶佛危機)
3. 同盟制度使殖民地衝突的局勢變得更加緊張(例子係兩次摩洛哥危機)
4. 同盟制度加劇軍備競賽(例子係法俄軍事交流)
1. 同盟性質屬防守性
2. 同盟具有威嚇作用
3. 同盟體系有助解決衝突
4. 同盟制度有助勢力均衡的出現
5. 同盟制度有約束盟友的作用
6. 同盟制度缺乏效力
bosnian crisis 在 Bosnian crisis of 1908 | Balkan history - Encyclopedia Britannica 的相關結果
Bosnian crisis of 1908, state of severe international tension caused by the annexation by Austria-Hungary of the Balkan provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. ... <看更多>
bosnian crisis 在 The Bosnian Crisis of 1908-1909. 的相關結果
The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary in October, 1908, led to a controversy between the Dual Monarchy and Turkey. It also led to ... ... <看更多>
bosnian crisis 在 Bosnian Crisis - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Bosnian Crisis, also known as the Annexation Crisis or the First Balkan Crisis, erupted on 5 October 1908 when Austria-Hungary announced the annexation ... ... <看更多>