【德國Sanct Bernhard綠咖啡豆膠囊】
規格 : 120入 (2個月)
有效期限 : 2023
❓什麼是綠原酸(Chlorogenic acid)
❓綠原酸(Chlorogenic acid)作用性
🌟《醫學國際期刊(Journal of International Medical Research)》在一項人體實驗中發現,攝取綠原酸含量高的咖啡受試者,12週之後體重平均下降達5.4公斤‼️至於所喝的咖啡綠原酸含量較少的一組,平均體重只減1.7公斤。體脂肪方面,咖啡中綠原酸含量多的一組,平均減少3.6%,而綠原酸攝取較低的組別,則平均減少0.7%。
1️⃣綠咖啡提取物 400 毫克=含綠原酸 200毫克。
2️⃣鉻 50 微克。
❌不含麩質❌酵母❌牛奶衍生物❌鹽❌乳糖❌人造色素,❌香精和防腐劑 。
✅適用人群 : 成人,易胖者。
🌟 抑制脂肪吸收,預防代謝症候群
康乃爾大學在一項研究中發現,咖啡中所富含的綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)可能有保護視網膜細胞的作用。視網膜位於眼球的內層,由一層感光細胞和其他神經細胞組成,負責接受及組織視覺影像,供大腦辨認。視網膜同時也是身體裡新陳代謝最活躍的組織之一。視網膜的耗氧速度甚至比大腦還快,而氧化壓力所引起的現象,如黃斑部病變、糖尿病視網膜病變和青光眼,都有可能導致失明。
攝取「綠原酸」(chlorogenic acid)可有效提升血管力。血管力,指的是為了將必須的血液量輸送至必須的部位時,血管調節收縮擴張的力量。飲食作息不正常、年齡增長等各種原因導致血管變硬,使得控制血管收縮擴張的神經機能低下,血液流動受到阻礙,進而造成必要的氧氣、營養素、熱能等難以輸送至細胞,體內的二氧化碳等老廢物質也無法回收代謝,手腳冰冷、肌膚乾燥、心血管疾病等跟著找上門來。
♦️《臨床和實驗性高血壓期刊(Clinical and Experimental Hypertension)》在一項針對有輕微高血壓的患者的實驗中發現,一組給予綠原酸咖啡萃取物,對照組則服用安慰劑。攝取咖啡綠原酸的組別,收縮壓與舒張壓都明顯降低,飲用安慰劑的另一組在血壓方面卻沒有明顯的下降。
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#台灣模式 不僅有防疫,還有 #抗癌 喔~
透過台美跨單位合作與努力,及美國「索拉茲基金會」的支持,台美雙方順利完成 #台美肺癌研究雙邊視訊會議,而 #索拉茲跨國實驗室 也正式啟動囉!
外交部與美國在台協會台北辦事處日前也應邀出席,共同見證台美攜手發展 #癌症精準醫療 的決心與具體成果!
台美雙方2019年簽署 #台美肺癌研究合作備忘錄,透過設立跨國實驗室、互訪交流及定期雙邊會議,持續深化台美癌症研究合作。
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Representatives from MOFA and AIT attended the recent launch ceremony for the Stephen J. Solarz International Laboratory at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. The lab was established under an agreement between #Taiwan and the #US to collaborate on thoracic cancer research. It will conduct research to characterize the distinct features of thoracic cancers in patients in Asia and the US, to accelerate the development of diagnostics, treatments and preventative measures against thoracic cancers, which account for two million deaths per year worldwide. Clinical trials are also slated to begin, both at Taipei Veterans General Hospital and the US National Institute of Health Clinical Center.
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近年來肺癌及上呼吸道癌症病率不斷上升,為美國和台灣癌症死亡率最高的癌症。2019年美台簽署了肺癌及上呼吸道癌症研究的合作協定,由 #美國國家衛生研究院、#台北榮民總醫院 和 #國立陽明交通大學共同參與此項研究計畫,並在台灣建立了#史蒂芬索拉茲國際研究實驗室。
The number of people diagnosed with thoracic cancer has been increasing in recent years and its mortality rate is the highest in the United States and in Taiwan. In 2019, the United States and Taiwan signed an agreement to collaborate on thoracic cancer research and establish the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory in Taiwan. This international standard laboratory will conduct research to characterize distinct features that cause thoracic cancers in Asian versus Caucasian patients and accelerate the development of novel methods to diagnose, treat, and prevent thoracic malignancies that collectively account for two million deaths a year worldwide. Clinical trials will begin simultaneously at the U.S. National Institute of Health Clinical Center, the largest hospital in the world dedicated solely to medical research, and Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH), one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Asia, in the near future. On Friday, AIT Economic Officer Neevy Laningham participated virtually in a ceremony to launch the Stephen J. Solarz International Research Laboratory, located in TVGH. This U.S.-Taiwan collaboration will not only benefit patients but will also provide training to future researchers in thoracic oncology and translational cancer.
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(一)植牙的程序? 00:06
(二)進行新一代植牙的牙科診所需要什麼配套? 01:27
(三)病人最常問的植牙迷思 02:10
1.種牙完成後是否會很痛? 02:14
2.植體會影響機場安檢嗎?需要拆下來嗎? 02:26
3.種牙後可否進食? 02:38
4.植牙後的護理? 03:05
5.植牙能維持多久? 03:29
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3. Chan, H., Misch, K., & Wang, H. (2010, August). Dental imaging in implant treatment planning. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20683285
4. 子萱, 楊. (2017). 「植」回票價靠自己-談植牙術後照護及居家清潔. 高醫醫訊, 37(2). Retrieved August 15, 2019, from http://www.kmuh.org.tw/www/kmcj/data/10607/15.htm

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(一)異位性皮膚炎是什麼? 00:07
(二)異位性皮膚炎成因? 00:39
(三)患上異位性皮膚炎需要戒口嗎? 01:13
(四)「濕疹鐵三角」可以治療異位性皮膚炎嗎? 2:20
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3. Drislane, C., & Irvine, A. D. (2020). The role of filaggrin in atopic dermatitis and allergic disease. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 124(1), 36-43. doi:10.1016/j.anai.2019.10.008
4. Suárez, A. L., Feramisco, J. D., Koo, J., & Steinhoff, M. (2012). Psychoneuroimmunology of psychological stress and atopic dermatitis: pathophysiologic and therapeutic updates. Acta dermato-venereologica, 92(1), 7–15. https://doi.org/10.2340/00015555-1188
5. Dhar, S., & Srinivas, S. M. (2016). Food Allergy in Atopic Dermatitis. Indian journal of dermatology, 61(6), 645–648. https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5154.193673
6. Yu, W. (2001). The Role of Food Allergy in Atopic Dermatitis in Children. Hong Kong Dermatology & Venereology Bulletin, 9(3), 110-116.
7. Lee, S. Y., Lee, E., Park, Y. M., & Hong, S. J. (2018). Microbiome in the Gut-Skin Axis in Atopic Dermatitis. Allergy, asthma & immunology research, 10(4), 354–362. https://doi.org/10.4168/aair.2018.10.4.354
8. Lee SY, Lee E, Park YM, Hong SJ. Microbiome in the Gut-Skin Axis in Atopic Dermatitis. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2018 Jul;10(4):354-362. doi: 10.4168/aair.2018.10.4.354. PMID: 29949831; PMCID: PMC6021588.
9. Kim, H., Ban, J., Park, M. R., Kim, D. S., Kim, H. Y., Han, Y., Ahn, K., & Kim, J. (2012). Effect of bathing on atopic dermatitis during the summer season. Asia Pacific allergy, 2(4), 269–274. https://doi.org/10.5415/apallergy.2012.2.4.269
10. Ozkoca, Kutlubay, & Karakus. (2019). Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: What’s New? Clinical Dermatology: Research and Therapy.

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(一)周邊神經病變(peripheral neuropathy)的病因、症狀?
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