這次巴菲特致股東的信比較特殊的是"淨值不再是業績指標,股價才是",和一般認知中重視價值,不重視股價的股神有差異,原因在於 GAAP (一般公認會計原則(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,簡稱GAAP)新規定,在財報中應計算持股的帳面價值,每股淨值已失去意義,波克夏將更關注持股之市場價格。
generally accepted accounting principles 在 Andy Yeung BAFS Facebook 的最讚貼文
【AY Paper 2A Financial Accounting All-in-one 2017】
AY remarks:
1. Paper 2A不需順次序做,先在section A選一條最得心應手的題目,好的開局是今日重中之中!
2. 今期為何物:月、季、年大不同。
3. 《抄數》:C.A.P. Approach!
4. 抄數時應用Double entries 複式記帳思維
5. Ratio 溫熟未啊唔會俾個表你對架!邊D 「NP before I & T」、邊D「NP after tax」?用「平均數」定「期末數?」親生仔養仔外人?
6. 做T Account 轉問Journal entries (日記分錄) 唔駛驚!將T Account做working,推番個Flow出黎!
7. Capital Employed (運用資本) :Partnership係乜?「Capital(資本) + current(往本帳)」only!
8. 小心Trial Balance就算表的類別:「unadjusted未調整」 vs「post-closing結帳後」TB
9. 成舊錢走!
10. 「FULL-year depreciation全年折舊」要小心假設!買個年點計,賣個年唔駛計?
11. 相反,「Pro rata」按月計!
12. 小心usage-based depreciation使用量折舊!小心比較不同Depn方法對Net Profit的影響
13. 「fully depreciated? 完全折舊?」(ref 2012 DSE)
14. Bank reconciliation statement (銀行往來調節表) 三大題型!小心題目要求!先睇Required part「commencing with邊度先!」
15. BRS夾年頭!CB vs BS opening balance可能已經唔同!小心!
16. Three-column cash book「三欄現金簿」?
17. 小心開cheque日子: 「unpresented 未兌現」vs「Stale 過期支票」vs「Post-dated 遠期支票 」
18.COE Logic: 1. FOBO公司型態 2. Flow of Income and expense(收入及費用的流向)-Accounting Cycle:「Nominal account 虛帳户」「Profit and loss 損益帳」「Retained profit 留存利潤」
19. TB 見到「Retained profit 留存利潤」要睇期頭定期尾 =.=
20.Partnership Appropriation 分撥帳小心 x COE考!小心SORB!小心lower of C&NRV!
21. 重覆:T Account 內只有Account 名!唔該唔好自創新Account =.=
22. 例如realization expense (變產費用)會唔會出現響Realization account (變產帳)度啊=.=
23. 小心文字題:Change in Partnership:入、走、ratio變
24. Goodwill 商譽adjustment:唔一定要close Goodwill 架!小心今年考open goodwill!
25. withdrawal of partners合夥人退出:「Current Capital」,「Capital埋單」
26. (重覆pt 6) Revaluation 重估及 Goodwill adjustment 商譽調整的journal entries日記分錄
27. Realization變產帳:睇身份:「老闆」vs「外人」vs「債主」
28. AFDD(呆帳準備) :specific allowance(特定準備) vs general allowance一段準備 (aging schedule帳齡分析表)
29. Bad debt壞帳vs AFDD文字題
30. .Bad debt recovered壞帳收回(都幾耐無考過)
31. BOOE(原始分錄簿) :1A($Cash Book 現金簿)1B(X$+貨) 四本貨J1C(general jounal普通日記簿)
32. Cash accounting現金制會計vs Accrual Accounting應計制會計
33. 開Income Account收入帳:Arrears應收vs Advanced預收
34. 開Expense Account費用帳:Accrued應付vs prepaid預付
35: 六大Errors Not Affecting Trial Balance Agreement 不影響試算表平衡的錯誤
36: Issue of Shares and Debentures發行股份及債券 journal entries日記分錄
37 journal entries日記分錄係咪要narration分錄說明先?
38.Reserves vs. provisions 儲備與準備
39. Financial Analysis(Ratio)財務報表分析(比率) :快D睇下ratio表
40. Incomplete Records不完整會計記錄:怒開workings,抄數技,Bank statement信唔過
41.Generally Accepted Accounting Principles公認會計原則:記哂未?
42. 最後,小心至上!Gook Luck Bro & Sis!
43. 我要目訓喇
44. 上陣,我們引以為傲!
45. BAFS,你的主科!
by Andy (26/4/2017 凌晨5:12am)
generally accepted accounting principles 在 台灣賦格 Taiwan Fugue Facebook 的最讚貼文
註:關於銀行總資產排名,需要注意的是,由於美國採行的是「一般公認會計原則(GAAP,Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)」,依此方式計算,美國最大銀行「摩根大通銀行」資產在2.577兆美金,排名全球第6最大的銀行。不過,根據SNL 的分析,若是根據中國採行的國際財務報告準則,IFRS( International Financial Reporting Standards), 那麼摩根大通銀行將會多出1.249兆美金, 總資產提升到3.827兆美金, 成為全世界最大的銀行。
generally accepted accounting principles 在 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 的相關結果
10 GAAP Principles · Principle of Regularity: GAAP-compliant accountants strictly adhere to established rules and regulations. · Principle of ... ... <看更多>
generally accepted accounting principles 在 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States) 的相關結果
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP or U.S. GAAP, pronounced like "gap") is the accounting standard adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange ... ... <看更多>
generally accepted accounting principles 在 generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) - Investopedia 的相關結果
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) refer to a common set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures issued by the Financial Accounting ... ... <看更多>