在食品和藥物管理局歷經數周的內部紛爭後,FDA正式於週三授權接受輝瑞生物技術公司(Pfizer BioNTech)冠狀病毒疫苗,給予在至少六個月之後第三次注射疫苗,但限於65歲以上人群進行,以強化其疫苗作用。
#拜登宣佈美國將再額外捐贈 5 億劑輝瑞疫苗,並承諾額外提供 7.5 億美元用於疫苗分送,其中大約一半來自一家參與全球疫苗接種的非營利組織。但發貨時間還是令外界沮喪:美國承諾捐贈的11億劑中,預計今年只發貨3 億劑。科學家警告:病毒在全球傳播的時間越長,它就會因變種變得越危險,即使是對富裕國家接種疫苗的人來說,也是如此。
#阿拉斯加的醫院努力應對不斷惡化的疫情。根據《紐約時報》搜集的最新數據趨勢,截至週二,該州平均每天每 10 萬人中有 117 例新病例,比全國任何其他州都多。這個數字在過去兩週飆升了 42%,自 7 月初以來增加了 20 多倍。
#美國疾病控制與預防中心的科學顧問開會,決定哪些美國人應該接種第三劑輝瑞-BioNTech 冠狀病毒疫苗以及何時接種。該委員會的討論是在週五美國食品和藥物管理局進行了戲劇性的交流之後進行,當時顧問們壓倒性地拒絕向所有16歲以上的美國人提供輝瑞加強注射第三劑疫苗的提議,隨後一致投票贊成為一些高危險人群和65歲以上的人注射第三劑。
#當拜登總統與各國元首齊聚一堂參加Covid-19 峰會時,副總統賀錦麗宣佈,美國將向一個新的全球衛生安全基金捐贈至少 2.5 億美元,政府希望該基金共籌集 100 億美元以應對流行病。
#世界衛生組織警告說,在阿富汗治療 Covid 的醫院中,近四分之一已經關閉。世衛組織稱阿富汗正處於“迫在眉睫的人道主義災難”的邊緣。
#拜登總統正在召集一個由 30 名科學顧問組成的小組,在農業、生物化學和電腦工程、生態學、奈米技術和神經科學等各個領域,面對因應未來的流行病及氣候變化。
#澳洲旅遊部長表示,澳洲可能會在耶誕節前開放邊境。澳洲原計劃在2022 年中期之前保持嚴格的國際旅行限制,現在計劃提前幾個月開放。
*【疫情對經濟影響告一段落 美國聯準會發出削減貨幣政策的信號】
Serhiy Shefir是烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基的親密好友,其汽車于週三在基輔郊外遭遇埋伏。Serhiy Shefir本人沒有受傷,當局稱這是一次暗殺行動。正在紐約參加聯合國大會的澤倫斯基稱,將在演講結束後立即回國。他還表示,雖然他認為這次襲擊是針對他個人發出的警告攻擊,但他不會被嚇倒
*【John Kerry拯救地球的銷售宣傳】
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Taxing the rich to fund welfare is Nobel winner’s growth mantra
How do you spur ( ) demand in an economy? By raising direct taxes and distributing the money among the poor, says this year’s winner of the Nobel prize for economics.
Reducing taxes to boost ( ) investments is a myth ( ) spread by businesses, says Abhijit Banerjee, who won the prize along with Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Michael Kremer of Harvard University for their approach to alleviating ( ) global poverty. “You are giving incentives ( ) to the rich who are already sitting on tons of cash.”
Countries from China to India to Indonesia are slashing ( ) taxes for businesses to spur growth amid a gloomy ( ) outlook ( ) for global economic expansion. The International Monetary Fund last month made a fifth-straight cut to its 2019 global growth forecast, pegging ( ) it at 3 percent.
“You don’t boost growth by cutting taxes, you do that by giving money to people,” Banerjee said in an interview on Oct. 21, suggesting that cash in the hands of the poor will drive consumption ( ). “Investment will respond to demand.”
China earlier this year rolled out ( ) tax cuts worth US$280 billion on personal income and corporate ( ) profits, while India surprised with a US$20 billion stimulus ( ), taking its corporate tax rate to among the lowest in Asia. Indonesia also plans to lower tax on companies to 20 percent from 25 percent.
MIT Professor Banerjee spoke in New Delhi where he was promoting ( ) his book Good Economics for Hard Times.
Last year, US President Donald Trump unveiled ( ) a US$1.5 trillion tax package, and has promised “very substantial ( )” tax cuts in 2020 for “middle-income” Americans.
It’s the widening inequality ( ) in developed countries such as the US that has angered people and is pushing the world into a trade war, Banerjee said. “It is unbelievable that in the name of growth you have allowed inequality to explode to this point.”
India Slowdown
Growth in India, Asia’s third-largest economy, has slumped ( ) to a six-year low as consumption is weak, prompting the central bank to cut interest rates to the lowest in almost a decade.
The government complemented ( ) the monetary policy easing with a series of measures to reverse ( ) the demand slowdown. Those steps — including scrapping ( ) a tax on foreign funds to allowing tax concessions ( ) on vehicle purchases — have raised concerns of a fiscal ( ) slippage ( ).
“Given the demand slump it’s not a bad thing for the government to be expansionary,” Banerjee said. “If we want to stimulate demand and corporate tax cut doesn’t do that, which is my prediction, then what do we do.”
Abhijit Banerjee與麻省理工學院的Esther Duflo及哈佛大學的Michael Kremer,以其對緩解全球貧窮問題的研究,共同獲得了今年的諾貝爾經濟學獎。Banerjee表示,用減稅來鼓勵投資,是企業所散播的迷思,減稅「是在獎勵富人,而這些有錢人已是坐擁金山銀山」。
美國總統Donald Trump去年公佈了一項一點五兆美元的稅務方案,並承諾在二○二○年對「中等收入」的美國人實施「很實質性的」減稅。
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india interest rate 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Taxing the rich to fund welfare is Nobel winner’s growth mantra
How do you spur ( ) demand in an economy? By raising direct taxes and distributing the money among the poor, says this year’s winner of the Nobel prize for economics.
Reducing taxes to boost ( ) investments is a myth ( ) spread by businesses, says Abhijit Banerjee, who won the prize along with Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Michael Kremer of Harvard University for their approach to alleviating ( ) global poverty. “You are giving incentives ( ) to the rich who are already sitting on tons of cash.”
Countries from China to India to Indonesia are slashing ( ) taxes for businesses to spur growth amid a gloomy ( ) outlook ( ) for global economic expansion. The International Monetary Fund last month made a fifth-straight cut to its 2019 global growth forecast, pegging ( ) it at 3 percent.
“You don’t boost growth by cutting taxes, you do that by giving money to people,” Banerjee said in an interview on Oct. 21, suggesting that cash in the hands of the poor will drive consumption ( ). “Investment will respond to demand.”
China earlier this year rolled out ( ) tax cuts worth US$280 billion on personal income and corporate ( ) profits, while India surprised with a US$20 billion stimulus ( ), taking its corporate tax rate to among the lowest in Asia. Indonesia also plans to lower tax on companies to 20 percent from 25 percent.
MIT Professor Banerjee spoke in New Delhi where he was promoting ( ) his book Good Economics for Hard Times.
Last year, US President Donald Trump unveiled ( ) a US$1.5 trillion tax package, and has promised “very substantial ( )” tax cuts in 2020 for “middle-income” Americans.
It’s the widening inequality ( ) in developed countries such as the US that has angered people and is pushing the world into a trade war, Banerjee said. “It is unbelievable that in the name of growth you have allowed inequality to explode to this point.”
India Slowdown
Growth in India, Asia’s third-largest economy, has slumped ( ) to a six-year low as consumption is weak, prompting the central bank to cut interest rates to the lowest in almost a decade.
The government complemented ( ) the monetary policy easing with a series of measures to reverse ( ) the demand slowdown. Those steps — including scrapping ( ) a tax on foreign funds to allowing tax concessions ( ) on vehicle purchases — have raised concerns of a fiscal ( ) slippage ( ).
“Given the demand slump it’s not a bad thing for the government to be expansionary,” Banerjee said. “If we want to stimulate demand and corporate tax cut doesn’t do that, which is my prediction, then what do we do.”
Abhijit Banerjee與麻省理工學院的Esther Duflo及哈佛大學的Michael Kremer,以其對緩解全球貧窮問題的研究,共同獲得了今年的諾貝爾經濟學獎。Banerjee表示,用減稅來鼓勵投資,是企業所散播的迷思,減稅「是在獎勵富人,而這些有錢人已是坐擁金山銀山」。
美國總統Donald Trump去年公佈了一項一點五兆美元的稅務方案,並承諾在二○二○年對「中等收入」的美國人實施「很實質性的」減稅。
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india interest rate 在 India's central bank keeps interest rates unchanged at record ... 的推薦與評價
India's central bank has kept interest rates at a record low to support the economy. The Reserve Bank of India was expected to signal a path ... ... <看更多>