#尛外電 最Q小幫手 聰明狗狗會幫忙遞筆、餵食癱瘓主人
Artist: Pan Luna
以色列畫家布拉洽(Bracha Fischel)因後天的四肢麻痺( quadriplegia )無法握筆,卻總能創作出一幅幅美麗的畫作。
#狗勾真的很古錐 #歪編
Source: the dodo
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quadriplegia 在 潘小濤 Facebook 的精選貼文
[壓頸] [醫學角度看警暴]
首先,「壓頸」可以導致頸椎過伸 (hyperextension)。頸椎之間嘅連繫,本身就比其他脊椎鬆動;要使頸椎移位 (dislocation),需要嘅力度一啲都唔多。咁樣「壓頸」、將成個身體嘅重量施於頸部,極有可能將頸椎後部嘅骨頭壓至骨折;而頸椎前方嘅結構,亦可以因為承受唔住張力而斷裂。其他嘅病狀(例如椎間盤損壞)亦會發生。如果壓住第 1 同第 2 頸椎體,更有機會引致絞死者骨折 (Hangman’s fracture),存活率極低。
另外,如果力度夠大,頸椎係可以骨折。咁樣嘅後果更大:骨折部分會壓住脊髓,使頸部以下失去感覺同活動能力。更大嘅問題在於,如果損傷發生喺第 5 頸椎體或以上,就會影響控制橫隔膜活動嘅膈神經 (phrenic nerve),導致呼吸衰竭,繼而死亡。
喺頸部創傷之後,亦多見頸椎椎間盤突出 (cervical disc herniation) ,導致四肢疼痛、無感,而且失去反射能力,需要手術治療。
唔知各位「執法者」喺「壓頸」之前,有冇用過 0.01 秒去學以上知識呢?
[Pressurising the neck] [Analysing police brutality from a medical aspect]
The HKPF had always claimed that they used “suitable force” to put “rioters” under control. Of course, who is the actual “rioter” and whether the force used is of “suitable compatibility” is yet for us to see and judge.
Today the focus is about this particular position - what I call “pressurising the neck” position that the HKPF used frequently. Never categorise this as “suitable” force - it brings severe and even fatal complications and harms.
First, severe hyperextension of the neck can cause dislocation of cervical vertebral arches, as the cervical vertebral arches are less tightly interlocked than other vertebrae. Such dislocation is easily attainable with less force than required. With the whole body sitting on the protestor, cervical fracture can also occur, severing posterior bony structures. Anterior structure (such as the anterior longitudinal ligament) an also get torn and injured due to tension. Other clinical entities like cervical disc damage can also occur. Specifically, compression of C1 and C2 vertebral bodies may lead to Hangman’s fracture, which has a very low survival rate.
Also, if the force is large enough, the cervical vertebral bodies can fracture. This brings along a grave problem: compression of the cervical spinal cord by the vertebral debris can lead to anaesthesia and paresis from the neck down. If the damage is above the C5 body, the phrenic nerve that controls the diaphragm is affected, leading to respiratory failure which is fatal.
Moreover, cervical disc herniation is often observed after trauma to the neck, leading to quadriplegia, quadrianaesthesia and loss of reflexes. Treatment of this condition is often surgical.
I often wonder if these “law enforcers” ever learn about these potential harms of “pressurising the neck” before sitting on the neck of a protestor.
#警暴 #壓頸 #坐頸
quadriplegia 在 Quadriplegia & Tetraplegia: Definition, Causes, Symptoms ... 的相關結果
Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is a form of paralysis that affects all four limbs, plus the torso (“quad” originates from the Latin word for four) ... ... <看更多>
quadriplegia 在 Paraplegia vs. quadriplegia: Definitions, causes, and more 的相關結果
Quadriplegia, which some people refer to as tetraplegia, is paralysis that results in the loss of movement and sensation in all four limbs. It ... ... <看更多>
quadriplegia 在 Tetraplegia - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia, is paralysis caused by illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all four limbs and ... ... <看更多>