#留言索取學習僵化paper #擁抱你的錯誤
✔︎ 文章 highlight: 錯誤是什麼?錯誤是學生努力、嘗試用自己的方式理解這個語言的軌跡。
「若怎樣怎樣,就可能會學習僵化 (fossilization)」是很多台灣老師、甚至是教授,常常用來講述學習者「永遠無法將一個錯誤根除」的可怕現象。
Fossilization 這個詞最早由 Larry Selinker 教授在 1972 年 Interlanguage 一篇論文當中提出。當初對這個現象的定義還很粗糙不明確,但很不幸的,這也是99% 台灣教授在念博班時、英文老師上教程時學到的定義。
Fossilization 基本上就是「學習者將在某些錯誤上永遠無法根除」的現象。相反地,Dr. Selinker 也將那些「最終會消失」的錯誤(像是錯講成 Do you know where is the restroom?) ,名為 stabilization,比一輩子註定的 fossilization 還要樂觀許多。
即便如此,很多英語系教授跟老師們,還是喜歡講比較悲觀的 fossilization. 我要特別呼籲英語系教授、台灣英文老師們,別亂用「學習僵化」 (fossilization) 這個詞彙。
時間快轉,在 2004 年時,Larry Selinker 的學生 Dr. ZhaoHong Han 出版了 Fossilization In Adult Second Language Acquisition (第二語言習得中的學習僵化現象) 一書,重新將學習僵化定義為:Cessation of learning in spite of adequate motivation
to learn, abundant exposure to input, and ample opportunities for communicative practice (Han, 2004).
意思就是,要在有 3 個條件都滿足,錯誤仍然一直存在時,我們才能初步判定可能有學習僵化的可能性:
(1) 學習者有有強烈動機
(2) 有很多的輸入 (input)
(3) 充足的練習機會。
在台灣的學習環境下,這3個條件常常沒有一次滿足。如果只是學習者一直犯一個錯 (像是一直說 I suggest you to…或是 discuss 後面亂加 about… 口說裡頭 Although 後面一直加 but ) 我們頂多能說是 stablization,身為老師的我們,要做的事情反而是更努力用其他的方式,幫助學生學得更好,而不是給他們下判決。
如果你對於 fossilization 有興趣,請在下面留言「我對學習僵化的 paper 有興趣」我會內信給你喔!
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,600的網紅Kevin 英文不難,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1y...
- 關於although發音 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於although發音 在 喜愛日本 Like Japan Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於although發音 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於although發音 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於although發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於although發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於although發音 在 「英文正確發音篇」第17集:also, although, altitude ... 的評價
- 關於although發音 在 【Phonics - oa的發音】... - 基誠教育中心Primo Education Centre 的評價
- 關於although發音 在 跟YouTuber 莫彩曦學美國道地的說話習慣 - Hahow 的評價
although發音 在 喜愛日本 Like Japan Facebook 的最讚貼文
在日本文化中,不同的顏色和數字有不同的象徵意義。例如日文中“9”的發音和“苦”字的發音是一樣的,所以日本人忌諱數目字“9”,會避免使用呢!(英文帖文) Like Japan
although發音 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
How My Country Prevented a Major Outbreak of COVID-19
第二段是 03 年 SARS 的教訓與本次警覺
第五段標榜台灣的醫療照護等優勢,話鋒一轉帶到台灣遭 WHO 和聯合國摒除在外卻仍願意向世界貢獻心力
末段呼應台灣特質,最後強大三個字 Taiwan can help.
Taiwan is an island of resilience. Centuries of hardship have compelled our society to cope, adapt, and survive trying circumstances.
一般名詞 of 抽象名詞 代表有此特質
resilience 挫折恢復力
undertook rigorous investigative efforts 展開嚴苛調查
track travel and contact history for every patient 調查每位病人的旅遊和接觸史
isolate and contain the contagion 隔離並控制接觸傳染
公私部門的努力,順時中 ❤
spearheaded by Health Minister Chen Shih-chung 由衛生福利部部長領軍
informed citizens have done their part 國人能充分掌握訊息
initiated body-temperature monitoring and disinfection 實施體溫控管和消毒
the Ministry of Economic Affairs coordinated additional production lines for surgical masks 經濟部統籌增加外科口罩生產線
a system for distributing rationed masks 口罩配給系統
Although Taiwan has been unfairly excluded from the WHO and the U.N., we remain willing and able to utilize our strengths across manufacturing, medicine and technology to work with the world.
unfairly excluded from 不公地遭摒除
the U.N. 聯合國(the United Nations)
strengths across manufacturing, medicine and technology 橫跨製造、醫療和科技產業的優勢
Global crises test the fabric of the inter-national community
crises 是 crisis 的複數,發音要變化
fabric 本意是布料,在此指構成
Taiwan is no stranger to hardship, and our resilience stems from our willingness to unite to surmount even the toughest obstacles. This, above all else, is what I hope Taiwan can share with the world: the human capacity to overcome challenges together is limitless. Taiwan can help.
總統登上國際指標媒體 #英文英文
副總統在Hahow 好學校開課
▶️ https://reurl.cc/X65zj3
although發音 在 Kevin 英文不難 Youtube 的精選貼文
你大學遇過恐怖的室友嗎?Teacher Kevin 在這次的英文 Podcast 分享網友在 Reddit 上訴說自己當年恐怖的遭遇。歡迎大家先不要看文稿,試著用聽的訓練自己的英文聽力。
Podcast 連結
APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E5%96%AE%E5%AD%97-%E7%89%87%E8%AA%9E-%E6%96%87%E6%B3%95/id1462457142
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn
上一部:恐怖大學室友 (1)|英文不難
I had two roommates that kept eating all of my food. Although classes haven't started, I had already moved into my dorm. One day, I made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I put my sandwich on the table, and ten minutes later, it was gone. My roommate ate it. About a week later, I decided to make myself another peanut butter sandwich. I opened my cupboard and saw that my roommates left an empty jar in my cupboard. I flipped out because who eats a whole jar of peanut butter, without introducing themselves? These girls would scarf down all my food, and complain if they thought anyone was touching their food. So I started buying really fattening food such as doughnuts, pies, cakes. I was trying to teach them self-restraint, but these girls would go through these boxes within two days. So I kept buying doughnuts and desserts. And then one day they started complaining about how they couldn't fit their jeans. Success. I also put laxatives in my peanut butter.
dorm 宿舍
cupboard 櫃子
flipped out 暴怒
scarf down 狼吞虎嚥
fattening 增肥
restraint 節制
laxatives 瀉藥
My roommate freshman year got completely hammered, came back to the room around 1 in the morning, and accused me of stealing the pudding in her fridge that she *had ate* an hour before she went out. She waited until I fell asleep and then stabbed me in the arm with one of those clicky pencils…I had to go to the hospital to get it cleaned/stitched. She got kicked out.
freshman year 大一
hammered 嚴重酒醉
accused 指控
*had ate* 其實是錯的,應該是 had eaten。你有抓到嗎?XD
stabbed 捅
I got absolutely hammered and pissed all over my roommates desk the night before the end of the year. I woke up to him hanging up his money to dry out. Years later he ended up as my boss and ended up giving me a significant promotion. I guess he doesn't hold grudges.
pissed 尿尿
ended up 變成
significant 大、有份量的
promotion 升遷
hold a grudge 記仇
It was move out day and my roommate was working on a paper last minute. I was packing my stuff. His parents walked in and were absolutely pissed that he wasn't packed yet. They immediately started scolding him while I was still in the room, but thankfully I had a final to go to and figured I'd dodge the storm. I said my goodbyes, assuming they'd be gone by the time I got back from my two hour final and went on my way. As it happens, my final only took twenty minutes so I got back much sooner than they'd have expected. I opened the door, saw my roommate bent over his bed with his bare ass showing just as his mom wound up for a spank. I quickly closed the door and went over to a friend's dorm until I felt safe enough to return. I never brought it up to him after that.
paper 這裡是指報告
scolding 責罵
dodge the storm 避風頭
assuming 假設、預設
bare 沒穿衣服的、光溜溜
wound up 準備做某個動作
spank 打巴掌
bring something up 提及某事
*歡迎收聽全台灣最有趣的英文 Podcast。英文單字,片語,文法由 Teacher Kevin 主持,本節目可以在 Apple Podcast, Spotify 及所有 Podcast 平台上找到,無論搭車、騎車、打掃、運動,都可以邊做事邊學英文。
#英文 Podcast #英文不難 #英文單字

although發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答
Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶
♥ Channel's About ♥
Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition
☀ Today's Topic ☀
Why is so Hard to Meet Someone?
At the beginning of meeting someone, you may stalk him/her a bit for reference, then you may be able get to know your crush more before you give in; on the other hand, what makes you to hold after all the hard work? Is meeting someone that difficult? Let's find out though this video about different signs!
㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.
☛ Time Stamps ☛
Aries 00:11
Taurus 00:56
Gemini 01:46
Cancer 02:31
Leo 03:16
Virgo 03:53
Libra 04:35
Scorpio 05:21
Sagittarius 06:07
Capricorn 06:57
Aquarius 07:49
Pisces 08:40
► More Videos ►
✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY
✔ Join the Family ✔
Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes
✶ About me ✶
I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.

although發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答
Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶
♥ Channel's About ♥
Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition
☀ Today's Topic ☀
Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In?
Based on each sign's speciality to print out why people do not seem to let love in to their life. Being scared? Moving too fast? or Thinking too much? Let's find out though this video!
㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.
☛ Time Stamps ☛
Aries 00:12
Taurus 00:44
Gemini 01:22
Cancer 02:00
Leo 02:40
Virgo 03:23
Libra 04:03
Scorpio 04:44
Sagittarius 05:26
Capricorn 06:07
Aquarius 06:52
Pisces 07:38
► More Videos ►
✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You are Different from Everyone Else? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY
✔ Join the Family ✔
Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes
✶ About me ✶
I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.

although發音 在 跟YouTuber 莫彩曦學美國道地的說話習慣 - Hahow 的推薦與評價
從英文和中文的口說發音習慣切入課程,提供你小技巧幫助你調整口說方式直到接近英文 ... Although some of them I knew before, I still learn a lot, even get more ... ... <看更多>
although發音 在 「英文正確發音篇」第17集:also, although, altitude ... 的推薦與評價
... <看更多>