be likely to造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

be likely to造句 2023-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找be likely to造句,be likely to中文,it is likely that用法,be ... ... <看更多>
「英文成語 造句 篇」第64集:a likely story編造的故事; lovely weather for ducks 下雨天; dog and pony show華而不實. ... <看更多>
用be likely to造句,be likely to的例句1. Their position is likely to be eroded .他們的地位很可能將逐漸喪失。 2. The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity .
#2. be likely to 中文
例句與用法 ; Their position is likely to be eroded . 他們的地位很可能將逐漸喪失。 ; The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity . 這種措詞可能會引出歧義。
不會造句的學生可以先上網路上找看看用到be likely to的句型,找到後抄寫下來。這算是打掉重練的中級動作。以下是我在可信賴的網站上找到的句型: Studies ...
#4. likely (【形容詞】有可能的)意思、用法及發音
"likely" 例句 ... It's likely to rain in the afternoon. 下午可能會下雨。 ... It is very likely that our team will win the game. 我們的隊很可能會贏得這次的比賽。
例如:- He is likely to win the race.(他很可能会赢得比赛。)- The project is likely to be completed on time.(这个项目很可能会按时完成。) ... 因此,在使用时需要 ...
例句 · But the boss said we were likely to work overtime today. 但是老闆說我們今天很可能要加班。 · Noticing that there was likely to be trouble, they sneaked away ...
likely 翻譯:很可能的,可能要發生的, 有可能地。了解更多。
Such an approach would be likely to have negative side-effects. 然而这样的政策也可能有负面作用。
#9. be likely to造句2023-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點 ...
be likely to造句 2023-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找be likely to造句,be likely to中文,it is likely that用法,be ...
#10. more likely to-翻译为中文-例句英语
In some cases, boosting has been shown to yield better accuracy than bagging, but it also tends to be more likely to over-fit the training data.
#11. be likely to造句_头条
头条提供be likely to造句的详细介绍, 在这里您可以详细查阅到be likely to造句的内容, 每天实时更新,最新最全的be likely to造句的资讯一网打尽。
#12. be likely to - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"be likely to" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#13. 無題
Be likely to do sth造句 Web(e) Emerging issues that do not enjoy consensus and are not likely to do so in the near future, but that warrant more discussion ...
#14. 词汇be likely to用法例句_读音音标_翻译- 小坤学词典网
【小坤学词典网】提供了be likely to的中文意思,be likely to的用法讲解,be likely to的用法例句、读音音标和翻译,be likely to的同义词,be likely to的反义词, ...
#15. be likely to是什么意思_翻译_音标_发音| be likely to中文
be likely to中文,大家都在找解答。be likely to的中文意思:短词…,查阅be likely to的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。
#16. 文法講座四十三:"chances are" 和形容詞likely 的用法
例句:當你拜訪他們時,他們很可能請你吃鼎泰豐。 (The) chances are (that) they will invite you to Din Tai Fung when you call on them. It's likely ...
#17. be likely to是什么意思 - 英语单词大全
be likely to相关例句和用法. The blockade is likely to last for some time..封锁可能要持续一段时间。 be likely to英英释义.
#18. be more likely to翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典
be more likely to中文的意思、翻譯及用法:更可能。英漢詞典提供【be more likely to】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#19. likely - 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词- 新华字典
英语单词大全为您提供2022 最新英文单词likely的解释,likely相关词组,likely是什么意思,likely的用法,likely的意思,likely的例句,likely的中文意思,likely用法 ...
#20. 「非常」別再用very,這些手法更高段!
例句2: The apartment is absolutely perfect for us. (這間公寓對我們來說非常完美。) ---
#21. "Probable"的意思和用法
Q: probable 和possible 的差別在哪裡? A: Possible means it can happen, (be it unlikely or likely - however it is more often used for things which are unlikely)
#22. likely to do 造句likely to do 造句怎么写
Hes likely to go abroad.他很有可能出国。Id bet that youd be very likely to do so.我敢打赌你一定很愿意去做。He is likely to quit。他很可.
#23. be+likely+to造句相关用户
#24. 「英文成語造句篇」第64集:a likely story編造的故事 - YouTube
「英文成語 造句 篇」第64集:a likely story編造的故事; lovely weather for ducks 下雨天; dog and pony show華而不實.
#25. recipe的例句 - 学习英语网
This recipe will be enough for four servings. 本食谱为四人食用分量。 He knows the recipe for this dish. 他知道这道菜的 ...
#26. 英文Like 各種用法與中文意思!看例句一次搞懂
英文Like 用法你都搞懂了嗎?為什麼Would like 也有Like,卻跟「喜歡」扯不上邊呢?為什麼Like 已經是動詞了,前面還要再加一個Be 呢?
#27. 英语词汇习得策略 - Google 圖書結果
或He is likely to do it.)。 7.impatient是patient的义词,为“不耐烦的”, ... 词义了否,关否用词造句。例如,有人常把“为人服务”误译为serve for the people, ...
#28. 一次搞懂"end up"!-戒掉爛英文
Chances are likely that the match may end up in a draw.(比賽很可能以平手收場。) 光是看別人的造句,到頭來還是不會用到口語上,你可以試著 ...
#29. 看電影學英文- 大家一起來練習造句吧! ;) In Hot Water ***** ...
... 大麻煩English explanation: in a difficult situation in which you are likely to be punished. ... 大家的造句與小編新的參考造句會在下午6:00過後整理分享哦!!
#30. 穩定英文
The hospital said she was in a stable condition (= not likely to get worse) following the operation. 穩定造句– 穩定英文– Adikjnd.
#31. It is said 的使用方法
例句:It is believed that exercising is good for our health. → exercising is believed to be good for our health. 一般認為運動有益健康。 Page 3. 2. 多普達國際.
#32. In the hole 負債累累
Economists are scratching their heads. The global recession has left many countries in the hole. Which ones are likely to regain prosperity?
#33. 用likely造句子
在内核代码中经常会看到unlikely和likely的踪影。他们实际上是定义在 linux/compiler.h 中的两个宏。 #define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!
#34. 學一次用一輩子的英文溝通技巧(附1MP3)
200個學一次就能用一輩子的關鍵句型先學會最基礎的關鍵句型,再開始照樣造句。書中列舉大量例句,能讓你透過例句 ... You are likely to… 25. You will never imagine…
#35. more 用法, 例句, 詳解- 官方英文測驗題庫中心
... towns and villages where the commonest crime was likely to be the theft of someone's wash] In London more serious crimes were committed.
#36. 越~就越…用法|用口訣記憶The+比較級, the+比較級
「全新制20次多益滿分的怪物講師TOEIC多益單字+文法」,這本著重在單字,將文法融入在例句裡,提供不同的學習方式! 2. 比較級是副詞時:. 句型:The+比較 ...
#37. 遣词造句
be likely to do 不等于“有可能”,它表示“在...条件下,有可能. ... 语境习词-- 双向翻译-- 遣词造句,按照这个顺序实操训练,才能真正提高输出能力!
#38. getoff的用法和造句
He is likely to get off with a small fine. 他可能会逃脱严惩,仅仅罚一点钱了事。 2. We help small companies to get off the ground.
#39. Are you interested in vs Do you have an interest in
Are you interested in 的例句. 搜尋結果約有51,500,000 筆. 'Are you interested in' is the correct phrase. 'Be' and 'are' ...
#40. on top of that 是什麼意思? - AmazingTalker
Don't worry about that stuff! I'm on top of that! ... 例句:. On top of that, the shopping frenzy is likely to be short-lived. 最重要的是,购物狂潮很可能是短期的 ...
#41. 找麻煩英文怎麼說?一次教你各種說法!
A crying baby can be a real handful. (譯) 大哭的小嬰兒好難照顧。 cause trouble for 替…惹麻煩. 【造句練習】. Lu's scandal is likely to causing ...
#42. 生病英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
生病英文造句練習. Everyone is likely to get sick. 每個人都有可能會生病。 When the child is sick, the parents will be anxious.
#43. 英文論文寫作》高頻學術搭配詞cause - 廖柏森:英語與翻譯教學
而在撰寫論文時也常用來表達兩個變項間的因果關係,如「A引起B的發生」就可用「A causes B」或「B is caused by A」的句型。 (1)「A causes B」的例句如下 ...
#44. The more, the better及其他!
請看下面幾個例句就能明白。 容易運用: The more…the more… 這裡的more代表任何想表達的形容詞或副詞比較級。 The more you ...
#45. 【多益必考文法】分詞構句怎麼用?分詞又是什麼?一篇就搞 ...
在被省略主詞後方的動詞,要改成分詞,也就是Ving 或V-ed。 去掉連接詞(and, so, if 等等). 來看幾個例句吧!
#46. Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| put in 例句
他已申請加入這家俱樂部。 The law should be put in practice as soon as possible. 應該儘快實施這項法規。 Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been put ...
#47. 掌握英语最高级和比较级的用法,形容词比较级英文造句
... 哪些❓英语最高级形容词是什么❓比较级和最高级有什么区别❓如何用比较级造句❓如何 ... the more generous they are likely to be towards you.
#48. Support的用法解析以及相近的同義詞介紹
缺乏證據、得不到支持例句:If he is poor, he is more likely to lack support when he needs it the most. 如果他很窮,他就更有可能在最需要支持的時候得不到支持。
#49. 「組成」旅遊泡泡— form a travel bubble · 「單邊」 ...
... 旅遊泡泡 A travel bubble between Taiwan and Palau will likely take shape. ... 有所謂單邊的旅遊泡泡」 用「travel bubble」自由造句 你想去帛琉玩嗎?
#50. 'impotent' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
Opposition captains fear that if he gets going they are likely to be impotent in the face of the onslaught. Times, Sunday Times (2013).
#51. Prone 中文
... 的prone 中文是什么意思音标: [ prəun ] 发音: 用"prone"造句"prone" ... 实用场景例句全部俯卧的prone to prone adjective (LIKELY) likely to ...
#52. Google 翻譯
Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。
#53. plausible的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
ADJ-GRADED(解釋或說法)似乎真實的,貌似合理的. An explanation or statement that is plausible seems likely to be true or valid. A more plausible explanation ...
#54. 跟probably一樣表「可能性」的英文用法:likely - 空中美語部落格
「likely」意思跟「like」完全不同,likely做副詞或形容詞使用表「可能性」,意思與probably (probable)相近.
#55. amuse bouche發音
另類, liken, 塑, Berlin Wall, 零基礎, indigo, 發音器官, very likely, 顧全.19 sept. ... 音標:[əmju:zd] 發音:[1]用”amused”造句[2]”amused”怎麼 ...
#56. Mischievous
... 上辭典詳細解釋mischievous的中文翻譯,mischievous的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 ... appearance) looking likely to do something bad: a mischievous prank.
#57. be less likely to do A 不太可能做A这件事。 英语写作地道表达
模仿造句. 句型结构. 其他be less likely to do A. 问题. 1. 这个句型结构是什么意思? 2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文 句子1: 与幽默且随和的老师相比,学生 ...
#58. Measuring tape_1
... 的中文翻譯,measuring-tape的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。 ... Consider your market, it's likely most measurements won't exceed 100 ft so when making the ...
#59. 不可能的英文 - botekno.online
不可能英文造句練習It was an impossible task. ... 当我们想用英语表达“最不可能”时,最容易想到的直译搭配是least likely 或者most unlikely,如:.
#60. Mischievous
... or (of someone's appearance) looking likely to do something bad: a ... 綫上辭典詳細解釋mischievous的中文翻譯,mischievous的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#61. Measuring tape_1 - de
... 的中文翻譯,measuring-tape的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。 ... Wise-Answer Apr. Consider your market, it's likely most measurements won't exceed 100 ft ...
#62. Enamored
Either is, I think, acceptable; but you are more likely to encounter of in ... 查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋enamor的中文翻譯,enamor的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#63. Mole meaning chinese. 9. When a mole is on your thigh, you ...
... red moles are more likely to have auspicious meanings than black moles. ... 查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋moles的中文翻譯,moles的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#64. Spirited away ann. 28. Chihiro is a ten-year-old girl who has
Jul 3, 2021 · Spirited Away is about an individual — most likely in their 40s ... 解釋spirited away的中文翻譯,spirited away的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。
#65. Bracket
... 權威綫上辭典詳細解釋bracket的中文翻譯,bracket的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 ... the punctuation marks that most writers are likely most familiar with.
#66. 幸會
... association; be able to; be likely to; to balance an account; accounting 幸会definition at, ... 幸會的意思,幸會造句,幸會注音- 國語辭典.
#67. Pothos
... 查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋pothos的中文翻譯,pothos的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。 ... but that's likely because in the early 1900s, pothos are cla1sified as ...
#68. Vs robes
... 造句 "robe"怎么读 "robe" in a sentence "robe"的同义词 中文翻译 手机版1. ... If you feel you'll likely need to use Force powers, robes are for you.
#69. 飒飒- Korea
用飒飒造句大全(5-300个句子)飒飒造句:1、月亮落了,半夜以后的苇塘,有些飒飒的风 ... Antimage will likely take his talents to EVOS Legends …
#70. Bacchus mc woodstock. A recent homicide victim in the Minto ...
用bacchus mc造句和"bacchus mc"的例句: 1. ... from " Ontario " to " Canada, " likely to avoid conflict with the Angels who claim the exclusive right to …
#71. French hookup culture. Ask a frenchman french hook up cultu
... in the torque - down dating hookup 用hook up造句, definition urban hookup. ... Women are more likely to regret a hookup, and their emotional response ...
#72. Dragon Ball 25 Crazy Hidden Details About The Saiyan Wives
Likely after Goku's sacrifice, Vegeta decided to settle down to center himself, marrying Bulma and living a life not too dissimilar to Goku's at ...
#73. TP Link Archer C50 Review Budget Price Budget Performance
Keep reading for our full product review. When most people go out to buy a wireless router, they tend to be looking for something to replace the ...
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be likely to造句 在 be likely to造句2023-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的推薦與評價
be likely to造句 2023-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找be likely to造句,be likely to中文,it is likely that用法,be ... ... <看更多>