[#甜點新聞 / News] Ritz Paris 甜點主廚 François Perret 開設專屬甜點店
Ritz Paris Le Comptoir / The Ritz Paris’ renowned pastry chef François Perret opens new pastry destination Ritz Paris Le Comptoir
歷經幾乎一整年的封鎖,巴黎的餐飲界正準備恢復活力,而過去一年在疫情中逆勢求生的甜點界,同樣有些令人興奮的新消息。6 月 7 日,巴黎麗池酒店(Ritz Paris)甜點主廚 François Perret 將在酒店後方的靜巷內,揭幕他籌備許久的甜點店 Ritz Paris Le Comptoir,這也是繼莫里斯酒店(Le Meurice)後,另一家巴黎宮殿級酒店(palace)開設獨立甜點店。其他宮殿級酒店如巴黎東方文華(Mandarin Oriental Paris)、克里庸酒店(Hôtel de Crillon)等也有供外賣的甜點舖,但皆設在酒店內,並未獨立開設店家。
François Perret 主廚是巴黎最知名、也最有才華的甜點主廚之一,同時也是 2019 年世界最佳甜點主廚(由 Les Grandes Tables du Monde 頒發)。他自 2016 麗池酒店整修完畢重新開幕以來,就帶領麗池酒店的甜點廚房。他的知名甜點如 #瑪德蓮法式慕斯蛋糕(Entremets madeleine)、#大理石慕斯蛋糕(Entremets cake marbré)、#梨籠(Poire en cage)、#蜂蜜(Le miel)等,都是膾炙人心的作品。自2019 年聖誕節在凡登廣場(Place de Vendôme)設立 pop-up 甜點店大受歡迎後,2020 年年中開始,他便以「Le Comptoir」之名在夏季及節慶時期持續開設 pop-up 甜點店,但這次不再是臨時櫃台,而是貨真價實的實體店面。而且據說麗池酒店已經在尋找第二個店面的合適位置,將來計畫將此品牌拓展至國際。
📌 #外帶為主_因應消費習慣重新設計商品
外帶、外賣在過去一整年中,成為全球餐飲業的新常規,雖然在巴黎,甜點店本來就以外賣為主,但畢竟麗池是高級酒店,開設專門提供外賣的店面,仍然引起許多人好奇是否與疫情相關。但 François Perret 主廚否認,他說自己自從 2019 年參與 Netflix 的影集「The Chef in Truck」拍攝、在美國洛杉磯以餐車形式巡迴一圈後,便開始了解街頭小吃文化、並為以手進食的魅力所吸引,他認為「用手拿著食物直接進食,能夠與食物產生更直接的連結」。
他為 Le Comptoir 設計的產品,自然也和在酒店內的不同。為了更適合外帶,甜點的呈現方式做了不少創新的改變,例如將原本法國人早餐不可少的 #巧克力麵包(pain au chocolat)從圓潤的形狀改為細長條形、而且減少酥皮掉屑,不僅適合邊走邊吃、即使坐在電腦前面一邊吃早餐一邊喝咖啡,也不用擔心清理。而這靈感來自於過去一年中,因為酒店停業,他花了大把時間構思新店面,早上拿著巧克力麵包和咖啡,就直接坐在電腦前面開工的親身體驗。店內的千層派以及鹹食三明治等,也都是同樣的形式。
他並推出對法國人來說非常新奇的「#甜點飲料」(boissons pâtisseries / cake shakes),將自己的代表作如瑪德蓮、大理石蛋糕、焦糖小船(Barquette caramel)等製作成飲料形式,結合慕斯、奶餡、醬汁與脆片等,可以用喝的方式品嚐甜點。他也將原本大型的瑪德蓮法式慕斯蛋糕尺寸縮小、從慕斯蛋糕改為一般的瑪德蓮蛋糕體,並加上不同顏色的巧克力淋面,方便攜帶、運送,還能在常溫下保持五天。
📌 #明星甜點主廚持續引領潮流
Ritz Paris Le Comptoir 和 Le Meurice 酒店以 Cédric Grolet 主廚為名的甜點店一樣,都是以甜點主廚本人及其作品為主要賣點。Ritz Paris Le Comptoir 不僅貫徹 François Perret 主廚的想法,其主視覺更以漫畫筆觸繪製了主廚本人的形象,再加上麗池酒店的創辦人 César Ritz 與和他搭檔,奠定現代廚房編制、發明第一個「à la carte menu」(由客人自己選擇前菜、主菜、甜點的菜單)的名廚 Auguste Escoffier 作為主要宣傳之一,顯然對 François Perret 主廚極為看重。
📌 #精緻餐飲平民化的風潮
過去數年中,巴黎的精緻餐飲逐漸讓位給更年輕、平民化的餐飲形式;加上疫情的打擊,觀光客銷聲匿跡,迫使許多高級飯店重新思考定位及經營策略,前陣子 Hôtel Plaza Athénée 與 Ducasse Paris 集團結束逾 20 年的合作關係,也可看作其中一個案例。本次麗池酒店開設甜點店,也是延續類似的思考。不僅能夠接觸到更多一般消費者,甚至產品本身也貼合本地顧客(而非觀光客)的生活習慣(如上面提到的巧克力麵包)。在接下來的數年內,無論在哪個國家,更加在地、平民化的餐飲模式,顯然都將成為顯學。
Ritz Paris Le Comptoir
38 Rue Cambon, 75001 Paris
營業時間:週一至週六,8:00 至 19:00
2021年 6 月 7 日開幕
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2020 年國王派與 François Perret 主廚的 pop-up 甜點店:https://tinyurl.com/2v67jxfy
與世界級大師同行,François Perret 主廚的甜點食譜書 Instants Sucrés 《巴黎麗思飯店的甜點時刻》(大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖)):https://tinyurl.com/79uhvkj4
Fraçois Perret 主廚 Instagram 帳戶:https://www.instagram.com/francoisperret/
Ritz Paris Le Comptoir Instagram 帳戶:https://tinyurl.com/3zwhwab7
#yingspastryguide #yingc #paris #françoisperret #ritzparis #外帶甜點
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,210的網紅DJ Macky Suson,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I stumbled upon this fancy restaurant, Dos Mestizos which you can locate at the Main road, Station 1. Across Seawind Resort. I was fascinated with ho...
de place菜單 在 味•道人生 Facebook 的精選貼文
[TAIPEI - La cuisine bourgeoise / 布爾喬亞 ☺️]
已開了六年的地方, 只有幾個戶外位置,傳統法國菜。這裡不太像是餐廳,比較像是主廚招待熟客或朋友的空間。主廚一個人一道一道的煮,上菜會比較慢,適合邊喝酒邊等不趕時間的客人。
Opened for six years already, this outdoor eatery offers classic French fare. Chef prepares and cook every dish by himself which leads to long waiting time before serving, so this place is more suitable for ones who can can drink and chill out in between dishes and not in rush. Food wise, other than the confie de tourterelle that is too dry, other dishes are not bad and quite authentic. Chef also added some Taiwanese flavour to the menu like the Brouillade d’oeuf aux h’uîtres. This visit is during lunch so I just wanna have something simple and not drinking, but I look forward to revisit and try the Rossini and boeuf wellingtons.
味道人生級別 / TastesInLife (TIL) Index:
😍: 非常好 - 必須再去 / Excellent - Must revisit regularly
😋: 滿意 - 應該要再去 / Satisfactory - Should revisit regularly
☺️: 不錯 - 可以再去 / Not bad - Can revisit once a while
😌: 一般 - 不去也沒損失 / Average - No lost for not going
🤐: 不行 - 不值得去 / Bad - Not worth the visit
😭: 災難 - 噩夢一場 / Disaster - A nightmare
#tastesinlife #味道人生
de place菜單 在 巴黎玩家謝忠道 Facebook 的最讚貼文
巴黎人的早餐測試2 – Café Pouchkine Madeleine
一早出門擠地鐵為了吃早餐, 實在是件不人道的事. 所以我要學巴黎人先抱怨一番…
本來從我家聖馬丁運河canal St-Martin去瑪德蓮廣場Place de la Madeleine可以騎單車去的, 誰知道, 年前公用單車公司換了之後, 所有的單車Vélib’車站大翻新, 說好去年尾全部完工, 結果一拖再拖, 到現在仍有大部分腳踏車站都還在施工.
雖說也有其他的單車選項, 如Gobee.bike之類的, 可是巴黎人的公德心實在太差, 才實行幾個月, 已經沒有多少單車可用. 禮拜天我從家裡要去巴士底市場買菜, 沿途碰上至少10幾輛Gobee.bike, 卻沒有一輛是可以騎的.
之前已經寫過剛開幕不久的普希金咖啡館Café Pouchkine了, 但是那次是開幕會, 這次則是要來試早餐, 完全是兩碼事.
首先這裡的早餐有俄國式的食物, 像魚子醬或是煎蛋配鮭魚卵. 但是我非常假客氣, 只敢在菜單上欣賞, 沒敢點魚子醬. 不過還是點了煎蛋鮭魚卵的, 這個好吃. 不過我懷疑侍者因為老闆娘一起用餐的關係, 鮭魚卵多得吃不完…
我喜歡這裡的裝潢, 鑲金框銀, bling bling的很, 說是17-18世紀俄國聖彼得堡黃金時代的風格, 很帝國氣派, 空間不大, 可是做工精細, 有很多細節可看. 我登上一座漂亮優美的鑄鐵雕花旋轉樓梯樓上, 半圓形窗戶可看到外面的德瑪蓮廣場. 雖然天空依然陰鬱, 但是這是浪漫的巴黎啊~
- 鮭魚卵煎蛋: 鮭魚卵是野生的, 鹹味和煎蛋(我要求不要煮太熟)搭配得正好, 我三兩口就嗑光了, 又很假掰地不敢要第二盆. 也是東西實在太多吃不完.
- 黑麥煎餅blini au Sarrasin: blini向來是搭配魚子醬的, 不過這裡是做成大片的, 碗口大, 像煎餅, 搭配各種果醬和蜂蜜. 這個也好吃, 溫熱現做的, 濃香撲鼻.
- Granola+優格: 既然granola是現在流行, 昨天在Dépot Légal嘗過了, 今天叫來比較. 結果來了一大盆非常好吃的優格(感覺有很多邪惡熱量藏在裡面), 和一小碗granola, 兩者實在不成比例. 不過那個優格單配個果醬或是蜂蜜就很不錯了. Granola咬感比Dépot Légal的好一些, 但還是有過硬難咬的水果乾顆粒.
- Koulitch perdu au guéridon: 圓錐造型上面覆蓋糖霜的水果乾蛋糕. 說穿了很像kouglof, 揭掉上面亮亮的很甜的糖霜殼, 麵包倒是挺好吃的, 有橘花水的香味.
- 黑醋栗Bostock myrtille: Bostock是一種俄國蛋糕, 有點像法國的financier, 外表帶點酥脆, 有很多杏仁粉. 這一款裡面是黑醋栗夾心的. 也好吃.
- 可頌: 相對地普通, 但是也不讓人失望就是了.
在這裡用早餐是個不錯的體驗, 很有巴黎氣氛. 東西品質有一定的水準, 而且量都不小. 早上客人都是附近的商務人士, 也有一些觀光客. 唯一的問題是服務, 沒有期待的該有的細心與周到. 即使跟老闆娘一起吃都還是如此呢.
如果你可以看開最後這一點, Café Pouchkine是值得來的.
de place菜單 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最佳貼文
I stumbled upon this fancy restaurant, Dos Mestizos which you can locate at the Main road, Station 1. Across Seawind Resort.
I was fascinated with how they seem to always get people to dine in and have drinks. On May 12, 2021, I visited the place and dined in and it was not a pleasant experience as I expected.
I am DJ Macky Suson, and I have been here in Boracay for two weeks. After living in Singapore for 10 years and suffered from mental health disorders, I chose Boracay as my place to recover. I have decided to review the places I go to, to help this beloved island improve on things it offers- food, a place to stay, drinks, activities, price and most importantly, the service.
I was greeted by the owner, if I am not mistaken with warm welcome which I expected as I always see him at the place talking to people. Dos Mestizo’s signature ‘Mestizo’ is traditional Spanish dishes elevated by complementing Filipino flavors and other carefully selected ingredients imported from Europe. The menu was not that comprehensive and all I could see was Paella. And so I thought, that’s probably what they are pushing and that’s their best selling food. I ordered a glass fresh pineapple juice, PAELLA VALENCIANA, small. The price was roughly 30 Singapore Dollars and I was expecting for it to be really good.
There was a complimentary bread that’s served and I actually loved it, specially the sauce. After finishing it, I thought, the paella could be better. It was not the case.
In Barcelona, they have a fast food for paella and most locals there said it’s bad. The truth is, my paella experience at that fast food in Barcelona was a lot way better than in Dos Meztisos.
PAELLA VALENCIANA looked great. I wish it tasted great but it was not the case. It was really dry to begin with. The rice seemed to be hit by El Niño as it was as dry as the season. The overall taste was okay. I mean for 30 Singapore Dollars, it’s unacceptable. The serving was good for 1 adult and one kid. The nightmare happened when I ate a portion of meat which tasted rotten. It seemed like it was placed in the fridge for months and they did not notice. It destroyed the entire experience. But at that time, I wanted to throw up but I could not because the owner was literally in front of me and so with other 3 guests.
This place is probably great for drinking but for food, I would not recommend for people to come here. I am happy I did not have food poisoning.
Next: I went to Ambassador in Paradise and tried their Night in Ambassador Cocktail. Was it great? Follow for the review.
#Boracay #BoracayIsland #BoracayPhilippines
de place菜單 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答
#巴塞隆拿 #巴塞隆納 #Barcelona #西班牙菜 #Spanishcuisine
#spanishcuisinerecipes #海鮮燉飯Paella #巴塞隆納美食 #jamoniberico #cochinilloasado #番紅花
Hello大家好, 今日為大家介紹是西班牙菜, 這裏一餐就已經試了十多道西班牙菜式, 大家看完影片, 下次到西班牙餐廳, 就會知道如何點菜, 香港開了很多西班牙餐廳越來越多, 當中有貴價的fine dining, 但是平民價錢的西班牙餐廳亦不少, 最重要是你要對西班牙菜色有一定認識,
在你落order的時候, 就會信心十足, 下次約人去Chill, 可以去西班牙餐廳試試, 當然最chill, 是親身來到西班牙吃當地的餐廳吧, 因為一定會較便宜, 如果你暫時未能夠嚟到旅行, 這條影片就是睇咗當去咗, 眼睛去旅行,歡迎你陪我一起來到這裏, 西班牙巴塞隆拿, 一間地道親民的餐廳, Raco De La Vila, 和我一起品嚐十多道傳統地道的西班牙菜式,Are u ready?
Hello everyone. I am introducing Spanish cuisine today. We have tried more than ten Spanish dishes at a meal here. After watching this video, for your next visit to a Spanish restaurant. Sure u will know how to order. Hong Kong has opened a lot of Spanish restaurants. There are expensive fine dining, but there are many Spanish restaurants with lower price. More importantly is that you have a certain understanding of Spanish dishes.U will be more confident when u order.
Next time you go to Chill, you can try a Spanish restaurant.
Of course, the most chill thing is to come to Spain n eat in local restaurants. Because it will be cheaper. But if you are not able to travel for a while This video is to serve u for eyes travel
Welcome to join me here, Barcelona of Spain. Raco De La Vila A very authentic Spanish restaurant,Are u ready? Taste a dozen of traditional Spanish dishes with me.
First of all, Spain is located in the south of Europe, surrounded by the sea on three sides. Seafood has a wide variety of dishes and is one of the key dietary features in the Mediterranean. When you enter the restaurant, the waiter will ask you what you want to drink
It must be Sangria without hesitation, which is the famous fruit wine in Spain.U can make it easily at home. I can show u next time.
Here a big Jar is only 16 Euro. We ordered two big Jar, very delicious.Then we order Tapas. A tapa is an appetizer or snack in Spanish cuisine. Salad is a must.The salad we ordered, with tomatoes, green peppers, eggs, asparagus, lettuce, onions, salmon. For seasonings are olive oil and vinegar, very appetizing.
Olive and tomato toast on the table are free, n tomato toast is a feature of Spanish cuisine.另外一個出名的Tapas, 是西班牙烤章魚, Another famous Tapas is the Spanish grilled octopus.加尼西亞是西班牙一個海產豐富的地方, 來自加利西亞的章魚特別出名軟q中帶點彈牙感 Gallega is a sea-rich place in Spain.
Cook in just a little herbs would be very delicious. Order a bucket of mussels in Europe is the most common and worth eating.
西班牙香煎魷魚, 一定要配西班牙獨有的Aioli醬汁, Spanish fried squid must eat with the unique Aioli sauce in Spain.
Aioli是由生蒜和美乃滋、少少鹽, 調製而成 Aioli is made from garlic and mayonnaise, with little salt.This combination creates a wonderfully complex and refreshing taste......
西班牙伊比利火腿 Spanish Jamon Iberian is so rooted into Spanish culture
The first main course, of course, is the most familiar Spanish Paella.
U can actually using other ingredients than the seafood such as mushroom.這道菜的主角, 就是全球最貴的香料, 番紅花! The main ingredient for cooking Paella is actually most expensive herb in world named Saffron....
西班牙油封鴨腿, 鴨腿必須先用香料和鹽醃過入味 Spanish oil duck leg, duck leg must first be spiced and salted hgh
西班牙油封鴨腿, 鴨腿必須先用香料和鹽醃過入味 Spanish oil duck leg, duck leg must first be spiced and salted
西班牙牛扒切片後, 再以鹽調味, 灑上一塊燒熱的鐵板上 After the Spanish sirloin is sliced, season with salt and sprinkle with a hot iron plate.
任由客人將牛扒放上鐵板幾多秒, 來決定喜歡幾多成熟 Let the guests put the steak on the iron plate for a few seconds to decide how u like your beef
成晚唯一敗筆, 要數這隻烤乳豬, 我們吃慣香港的燒豬 The only failure in the night is to count this roast suckling pig. I am so used to the HK style.
Let me taste the other suckling pig in Barcelona.
烤乳豬一般用未夠兩星期大的小豬, 小豬屠宰後 Roast suckling pigs generally use piglets that are not big enough for two weeks. After slaughtering piglets