各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的餐酒搭配影片已經來到第12集囉!
這集,我非常榮幸邀請到一位我十分欣賞的花藝師 Dani Chou,來為我們示範這道菜。Dani 說:「每次煮蒼蠅頭時,都會讓她想起台灣,一個充滿愛及美好童年回憶的地方。」
非常感謝 Dani 的熱情參,能跟 Dani 一起合作這個單元,真的是太棒了! 喜歡花藝的朋友們,一定要到 Dani 的 IG 及網站上看她的作品喔!
Dani Chou:
IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/
想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce
網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/
Ladies and gentlemen, here comes 酒意思Sip with Joyce’s 12th food and wine pairing video!!! 🙌🙌🙌
Have you ever heard of Flies’ Heads? It’s a unique and authentic Taiwanese dish but oftentimes people mistakenly think it’s from Sichuan.
In this video, I’m very excited to have my friend, Dani, a talented floral designer and the founder of Petals by Dani, show us how to make vegetarian version of Flies’ Heads. It’s a quick and easy fix for a weeknight meal and goes really well with rice.
Watch the full video on my YouTube channel: 酒意思Sip with Joyce and find out my wine recommendation to pair with Flies’ Heads.
Special thanks to Dani Chou, Laurent-Perrier Champagne, Teuwen Communications, and Bruce Kuo. Without your support, the video won’t be able to complete. 🙏❤️🙏
Don't forget to check out Dani Chou's beautiful work on IG and website.
IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/
Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

full pairing意思 在 [食記] 台北中山—Impromptu by Paul Lee|米其林一星超級黑馬 的推薦與評價
餐廳名稱:Impromptu by Paul Lee 消費時間:2020/5 地址:台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號B1(晶華酒店) 電話:02-2521-2518 … ... <看更多>