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【小兒關煞:落井關】(English writing below)
最不可思議的是,同個意外在同個地點同個時間段,竟然發生在她身上兩次。第二次,她比較幸運。 穿著牛仔褲,因此只有一半的傷。可她卻從那時起,就不再走那條捷徑回家。
奉勸各位鄉親父老,在生孩子前,多祈福、懺悔、修善,才能生出一個來報恩的孩子,而不是來討債的。如果在育兒過程中,遇到很多問題,如孩子頻頻生病、不肯讀書、禮貌不佳、叛逆不羁、親子關係惡化,我建議為孩子批八字及整頓他房間的風水。童年只有一次, 不要錯夠改命的黃金時段,改一句古人的話:賜子千金,不如教子一藝;教子一藝,不如為子改運
"Ms Lee, a Master said my child would have the mishap of falling into wells. What should I do?
A lady reader recently PM me this question.
When analysing children's Bazi, especially for those below 3 years old, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner must be well-versed in the Barriers and Disasters of Young Children. If the child's Bazi has such codes, the parents have to be extra vigilant from his birth time till he enters into his first luck pillar. Sometimes, it is extra tough work to raise certain children, because their Bazi have the codes of Barriers and Disasters of Young Children. However, if the parents are clueless about this, naturally they would not have the solutions to resolve it and thus, face a lot of stress and negative emotions in parenting.
When you understand your child's Bazi, his requirements and behaviour will start to make more sense to you. Instead of thinking that you gave birth to a live disaster who is more troublesome than other kids, it becomes easier for you to show more understanding, forbearance, love and care. At the same time, you will stop feeling unlucky and quit the self-blame + spouse-blame of being bad parents. This will greatly reduce conflicts between you and your spouse.
In the Barriers and Disasters of Young Children, there are altogether 36 of them. Most people would know of the White Tiger Barrier, the Night Crying Barrier and Gate of Ghosts Barrier etc. For me, I have an especially deep impression of Falling Into Wells Barrier.
During my early days in learning Bazi, I borrowed Bazi details of my good friends to hone my skills and learn more in-depth.
Coincidentally, one particular good friend has this Falling Into Wells Barrier in her Bazi. As a kid, her parents had never gotten her Bazi read, and hence, did not know that she would face this mishap. She was her mum's first-born and her mother considered many things taboo. During her childhood, my good friend was never allowed near seas, swimming pools and of course, never got to learn swimming. Neither was she allowed to learn cycling, go hiking or participate in school camps. Her mother worried that freak accidents would happen to her, taking away her life.
When she was about 11 or 12 years old, one night, while returning home with her parents, she walked on the very familiar route home. Somehow, she missed a step, and instead of crossing over a deep drain, her legs ended up plunging straight down into the drain. Luckily, she reacted swiftly and pressed her palms on the grass field, avoiding a full fall into the drain. It was not a wide drain, but it was relatively deep. Apart from abrasions on her palms and wrists, she also skinned her thighs against the drain walls, and there were over 10 long and short bloody string-like injuries on her thighs. She was crying in pain as her father pulled her up from the drain.
What was most unbelievable is that the same accident happened to her twice at the same place and same timing. During her second fall, she was luckier as she worn jeans and only suffered half the injuries as before. But since then, she never took that short cut home.
The Falling Into Wells Barrier generally refers to water mishaps. If a child's Bazi has this Barrier, the Master would advise the parents to be extra careful and not let the child near wells, rivers, and water bodies etc. It was unexpected that my good friend ended up tumbling into a drain that had muddy water twice, at different ends.
After studying her Bazi, I had the realisation that we should never analyse a Bazi just by rote learning. The same Barrier & Disaster code, when occured in a different Bazi, can manifest differently for different people. All these require accumulation of practical experience and the practitioner would be better in helping the client to avert disasters and pursue good fortune.
About 5 years ago, a client of Shifu just had a newborn and urgently needed a name for the baby. However he did not make an appointment with Shifu earlier and Shifu's schedule was full. So I was sent by Shifu to explain the chosen names to the client. I reiterated what Shifu told me to his client, especially behavioural issues of the child, which the client must take note of.
Just as I finished my explanation, the client asked me with a sad look on his face, "Isn't there anything good in my child's Bazi?"
I smiled, "Of course there are. But an auspicious name is meant to make up for the inadequacies in the child's Bazi. So I need to tell you what the inadequacies are and how Shifu's selection of name will help you. And as you pay extra attention to these areas in your parenting, your child will grow up to manage his emotions better and have a stronger character. If you wish to understand what his good areas are, you can seek Shifu to analyse your child's Bazi."
There are naturally good and bad in a person's Destiny. In my humble opinion, while good things will happen as a matter of fact, we need to pay more attention to the ways to averting or resolving the bad.
Now as I recall the incident, I wonder if the client misunderstood me for telling me those "bad things" as promoting Shifu's Bazi service. 😄
In my reply to the lady reader, I encourged her to clarify with her Master. Stritcly speaking, to predict accurately when this Falling Into Wells Barrier will occur,
its location,
the conditions,
with whom,
how many times the child will fall into the well,
from what age onwards the child will be safe,
apart from being vigilant, what else the parents can do...etc
All these require an analysis of the child's Bazi.
If I answer casually, I am not being professional. After all, while my good friend is really fortunate not to bear any scars on her thighs from the deep fall, not every child gets away lightly. In the most serious cases, whether they know how to swim or not, some children pay for it with their lives,
My advice for all my beloved readers, if you wish to give birth to a child who is here to repay you instead of a karmic creditor, pray for more blessings, do your repentance practice and cultivate more virtuous deeds. While during your parenting journey, should you hit a lot of obstacles, like children who frequently fall sick, refuse to study, have bad manners, are rebellious and your relationship with your children is hitting rock bottom, my suggestion is get their Bazi analysed and organise their bedroom Feng Shui.
A fruitful childhood only has one chance of happening. Miss it and it will be gone. Adapting an ancient adage: Instead of giving your son a thousand taels of gold, it is better to teach him a skill. Instead of teaching him a skill, it is better to help him improve his luck in life.
May all parents be able to raise the future of our nation, with no worry and sadness. Gambate!!!
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