Apart from the new "Mix and Match" earring collection, selected items of @elaine_yiu elaine yiu’s jewelry brand #Dearbell2Ling are now on sale .
Any purchase over hkd$500, you can enjoy ⭐free worldwide shipping .
(⭐limited to 29/6-2/7 inclusive, 4 days only) .
What's more, due to the overwhelming response, ⭐free name engraving for necklaces and bracelets are back now .
-limited to 8 alphabets/digits/punctuation .
-3 chinese characters .
-engraved on a 925 silver 8mm plate .
-engraving takes 3 working days .
For inquiries, please go to @dearbellofficial .
-whatsapp +852 55963450 .
-Online shop : www.dearbell.com
姚子羚自家首飾品牌 #dearbell2ling ,近日除了有新系列“mix and match ”之外,部分精選首飾更有折扣優惠 .
另外,現凡購物超過港幣$500 .
⭐海外運費全免,只限4天 29/6-2/7 .
由於反應熱列,購買任何頸鏈或手鏈的⭐免費刻名服務,再次限時推出 .
-8mm 925純銀圓牌 .
-可刻8個位的英文字母/標點符號/數字 .
-3個位中文字 .
-製作需時3個工作天 .
-詳情可到 DearBell Accessories
-whatsapp +852 55963450 .
-官方網店 www.dearbell.com
-實體店:銅鑼灣渣甸街54號富盛商業大廈14樓D室 .
-星期一至星期六,營業時間13:00-20:00 (建議來店之前,預早30分鐘whatsapp 通知😊)星期日及公眾假期⭐敬請預約
go on sale中文 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的最佳貼文
NS平台上的熱門CAPCOM遊戲減價啦!包括《Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate》(支援繁簡中文)和《Capcom Belt Action Collection》等,隨時隨地跟朋友連線遊玩吧!喜歡單機的玩家也可以選擇《Mega Man 11》和《鬼武者》等遊戲哦!快到eShop掃貨吧!
Popular Capcom games now on sale on eShop! Want to multiplay with friends? “Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate” and “Capcom Belt Action Collection” are your choices. Single player? “Mega Man 11” and “Onimusha HD” await you! Go shop on eShop now!
go on sale中文 在 窮瑤少女代購 Facebook 的最佳貼文
(但還是會買 嘲笑自己 ㄏ)
經過將近8500個小時的等待,#BTS 방탄소년단 防彈少年團 即將帶著全新巡迴「BTS WORLD TOUR LOVE YOURSELF」再度來到台灣啦!尖叫聲~🙌 🙌
⚠ 請注意凡購票皆須成為拓元售票系統會員並完成認證。新舊會員都需於購票前25小時進行驗證,驗證通過後方可購票。(若希望於10月20日11AM正式開賣第一時間購票,則需於10月19日10AM前完成認證。以此類推。)註冊驗證去➡️www.tixcraft.com
🔹演出時間:6PM (實際演出時間以現場公告為準)
- 搖滾站區:NT$7800 / NT$5800/ NT$2800
- 座位區:NT$6800/ NT$4800/ NT$3800/ NT$2800/ NT$1800/ NT$800
🎫 售票時間:2018/10/20(六) 11AM 拓元開賣(*購票時將會有相關問題驗證)
🔹活動與售票相關訊息 : www.livenation.com.tw
🎁 凡購買NT$7800票價並於2018/11/20前(含)完成訂單者,就有機會抽中參加Sound Check Party的機會(每場1000位幸運兒)
※凡購買NT$ 7800 / NT$6800/ NT$5800票價者可獲得演唱會特製紀念票卡,其餘票價者可獲得演唱會特製紀念票券,於2018/10/20當天訂單成立者可享有於票上列印姓名之權利
📍 票卡與票券上姓名僅供紀念用,不做為核對身份使用,資料經填寫或留白送出後即不可更改。
📍 票卡與票券上姓名僅限繁體中文與英文,中文請小於7個字,英文小寫請小於25個字母,英文大小寫混合或中英混合系統將自動判定長度。
📍 1個空格等於英文小寫1個字母,請避免使用特殊符號與字元。
📍 搖滾站區請依序號排隊入場,若有消費者未結帳或退票,空出之序號有可能會被比較晚買的消費者購買,同筆訂單可能會有序號不連號情形發生,敬請了解。
📍 2018/11/05起購買的票券恕無法提供宅配服務,限現場取票。
📍 自2018/12/06 起購買之票券恕無法提供ATM轉帳付款,僅限【信用卡付款】。
After approx. 8500 hours waiting, #BTS is bringing their new world tour LOVE YOURSELF back to Taiwan! Scream~ 🙌 🙌
Taiwan ARMY, this is BTS’ first Asia show after European and North American tour. Let’s have fun with BTS like no tomorrow and conquer Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium together! 👊
⚠ Register tixCraft Member and complete verification Now to purchase the tickets!!! Previous members also need to verify your account, verification would need 25 hours to complete. (Verify before Oct 19, 10AM in order to purchase tickets while tickets open on Oct 20, 11AM) Go register for TixCraft➡️ www.tixcraft.com
🔹 Show Date:2018/12/8 (SAT). 2018/12/9 (SUN)
🔹 Show Time: 6PM (The actual performance time is based on the site announcement)
🔹 Ticket Price:
GA : NT$7800/ NT$5800/ NT$2800
SEATED: NT$6800/ NT$4800/ NT$3800/ NT$2800/ NT$1800/ NT$800
🎫 Public On-Sale: 2018/10/20(SAT) 11AM at tixCraft (*There will be verification questions while booking tickets)
🔹 For more event info please visit: www.livenation.com.tw
🎁 For NT$7,800 ticket purchasers who finishes order before and including 2018/11/20 will be able to participate the lucky draw and stand a chance of winning the sound check party benefit. (1000 attendees per show)
※NT$7800/ NT$6800/ NT$5800 ticket purchasers will receive commemorative RFID cards as ticket/ Other price ticket purchasers will receive commemorative paper tickets. If you order tickets on Oct 20, you can put your name on the VIP RFID ticket/ commemorative paper ticket for memory.
📍 Printed name on VIP RFID ticket/ commemorative paper tickets are only for memory, they CAN NOT used as verification and CAN NOT be changed after submitting.
📍 You can only enter names in Traditional Chinese or English. Chinese name should be shorter than 7 characters, and English name also should be shorter than 25 lower cases letters. The length of names in mixed characters will automatically be determined by System.
📍 Please note one space is counted as one lower case letter and please DO NOT use any special characters in the name.
📍 Please queue with sequence number for entry. Please understand there are possibilities that sequence numbers of refund tickets or un-paid tickets might be booked by later booking fans or it might not be consecutive number in the same order.
📍 Tickets booked from November 5th,2018 can only be picked at the venue. No delivery is possible.。
📍 Tickets booked from December 6th, 2018 can only be paid by [Credit Card].
📍 For safety reason, pregnant women, children under 7 years’ old and 110cm are not allowed to enter GA zone.
📍 There will be Security Check upon entry. For more entry regulations please check Live Nation Taiwan website and Facebook page before the show.
📍 Promoter reserved the right to change these terms & conditions at any time.
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