支付寶(Alipay)、掃描全能王(CamScanner)、QQ錢包(QQ Wallet)、茄子快傳(SHAREit)、騰訊QQ(Tencent QQ)、阿里巴巴旗下海外短視頻應用VMate、微信支付(WeChat Pay)和辦公型App WPS Office。
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
January 5, 2021
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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that additional steps must be taken to deal with the national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain). Specifically, the pace and pervasiveness of the spread in the United States of certain connected mobile and desktop applications and other software developed or controlled by persons in the People's Republic of China, to include Hong Kong and Macau (China), continue to threaten the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. At this time, action must be taken to address the threat posed by these Chinese connected software applications.
By accessing personal electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, Chinese connected software applications can access and capture vast swaths of information from users, including sensitive personally identifiable information and private information. This data collection threatens to provide the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with access to Americans' personal and proprietary information -- which would permit China to track the locations of Federal employees and contractors, and build dossiers of personal information.
The continuing activity of the PRC and the CCP to steal or otherwise obtain United States persons' data makes clear that there is an intent to use bulk data collection to advance China's economic and national security agenda. For example, the 2014 cyber intrusions of the Office of Personnel Management of security clearance records of more than 21 million people were orchestrated by Chinese agents. In 2015, a Chinese hacking group breached the United States health insurance company Anthem, affecting more than 78 million Americans. And the Department of Justice indicted members of the Chinese military for the 2017 Equifax cyber intrusion that compromised the personal information of almost half of all Americans.
In light of these risks, many executive departments and agencies (agencies) have prohibited the use of Chinese connected software applications and other dangerous software on Federal Government computers and mobile phones. These prohibitions, however, are not enough given the nature of the threat from Chinese connected software applications. In fact, the Government of India has banned the use of more than 200 Chinese connected software applications throughout the country; in a statement, India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology asserted that the applications were "stealing and surreptitiously transmitting users' data in an unauthorized manner to servers which have locations outside India."
The United States has assessed that a number of Chinese connected software applications automatically capture vast swaths of information from millions of users in the United States, including sensitive personally identifiable information and private information, which would allow the PRC and CCP access to Americans' personal and proprietary information.
The United States must take aggressive action against those who develop or control Chinese connected software applications to protect our national security.
Accordingly, I hereby order:
Section 1. (a) The following actions shall be prohibited beginning 45 days after the date of this order, to the extent permitted under applicable law: any transaction by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, with persons that develop or control the following Chinese connected software applications, or with their subsidiaries, as those transactions and persons are identified by the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) under subsection (e) of this section: Alipay, CamScanner, QQ Wallet, SHAREit, Tencent QQ, VMate, WeChat Pay, and WPS Office.
(b) The Secretary is directed to continue to evaluate Chinese connected software applications that may pose an unacceptable risk to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States, and to take appropriate action in accordance with Executive Order 13873.
(c) Not later than 45 days after the date of this order, the Secretary, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence, shall provide a report to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs with recommendations to prevent the sale or transfer of United States user data to, or access of such data by, foreign adversaries, including through the establishment of regulations and policies to identify, control, and license the export of such data.
(d) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted before the date of this order.
(e) Not earlier than 45 days after the date of this order, the Secretary shall identify the transactions and persons that develop or control the Chinese connected software applications subject to subsection (a) of this section.
Sec. 2. (a) Any transaction by a United States person or within the United States that evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate the prohibition set forth in this order is prohibited.
(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
Sec. 3. For the purposes of this order:
(a) the term "connected software application" means software, a software program, or group of software programs, designed to be used by an end user on an end-point computing device and designed to collect, process, or transmit data via the Internet as an integral part of its functionality.
(b) the term "entity" means a government or instrumentality of such government, partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization, including an international organization;
(c) the term "person" means an individual or entity;
(d) the term "personally identifiable information" (PII) is information that, when used alone or with other relevant data, can identify an individual. PII may contain direct identifiers (e.g., passport information) that can identify a person uniquely, or quasi-identifiers (e.g., race) that can be combined with other quasi-identifiers (e.g., date of birth) to successfully recognize an individual.
(e) the term "United States person" means any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States.
Sec. 4. (a) The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to me by IEEPA, as may be necessary to implement this order. All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.
(b) The heads of agencies shall provide, in their discretion and to the extent permitted by law, such resources, information, and assistance to the Department of Commerce as required to implement this order, including the assignment of staff to the Department of Commerce to perform the duties described in this order.
Sec. 5. Severability. If any provision of this order, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and the application of its other provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
January 5, 2021.
government assistance programs 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
【救援 #黎巴嫩 🇱🇧 台灣不缺席!】
黎巴嫩首都 #貝魯特 港區
#魔法部 第一時間指示外館向黎國政府慰問致意
我們決定捐助 #15萬美元 表達慰問
希望黎國政府及災民能夠早日重建家園 💪🏻
今年黎巴嫩接連面臨 #武漢肺炎 和爆炸案
#台灣 的愛心捐款除了協助黎國政府的重建工作
也將挹注 #美慈組織 在當地執行的賑災計畫 🙌🏻
另外也和其他 #國際非政府組織 (INGO) 緊密合作
包括提撥 #25萬美元 委託我國 #國合會
與 #波蘭國際援助中心 🇵🇱 共同執行
提供難民與弱勢族群 #醫療照護
#急難救助 及 #防疫物資 等人道援助!
除了呼應今年 #聯合國 大會主題:
「重申對 #多邊主義 的集體承諾—
就是要讓更多的人看見 #台灣最美的風景 ❤️
感受 #世界上一股良善的力量‼️
#台灣能幫忙 #台灣正在幫忙
#UNGlobalGoals #TaiwanCanHelp
#聯合國永續發展目標17 #全球夥伴關係 🌐
🌲 資訊補給站
--「美慈組織」(Mercy Corps) 成立於1979年,在全世界將近80個國家設立據點,提供扶貧及人道救援,包括急難紓困、基礎建設及經濟永續發展,也是聯合國的主要合作夥伴。
--「波蘭國際援助中心」 (PCPM) 為波蘭規模最大的人道援助組織,在黎巴嫩設有辦公室,與當地相關機構維持良好聯繫。國合會後續將與該組織合作,協助安排國內醫院及專家與黎巴嫩分享台灣抗疫經驗,協助黎巴嫩改善防疫標準作業程序。
#Taiwan will donate US$150,000 to #Lebanon in the wake of the large-scale ammonium nitrate explosion in the port of the capital city #Beirut on August 4 to help with the effort to rebuild and to fund the disaster relief programs of the Mercy Corps.
As well as the fallout from the explosion, the people and the government of Lebanon have faced challenges from the #COVID19 pandemic, and so we've also allocated a separate fund of US$250,000 to allow TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會 to work with the Polish Center for International Aid on provision of assistance to the most vulnerable persons exposed to protection-related threats as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis in Lebanon.
The PCPM-Polish Center for International Aid is the largest humanitarian relief organization in Poland and has an office in Lebanon and good relations with local authorities. The Mercy Corps is an international team of humanitarians with a presence in 40 countries around the world and nearly 6,000 team members, working side by side with people living through poverty, disaster, violent conflict and the acute impacts of climate change.
Taiwan is committed to partnering with international #NGOs in line with the spirit of multilateralism underlined in this year's United Nations General Assembly and in keeping with #SDG17 #PartnershipsForTheGoals.
#TaiwanIsHelping #RebuildBeirut
government assistance programs 在 Nurul Izzah Anwar Facebook 的精選貼文
Malaysia baru sahaja melepasi fasa pergolakan politik terlalu sengit - yang menyaksikan perbalahan serta serangan tidak rasional menyalahkan antara satu sama lain.
Hentikanlah. Benar, kemarahan dan kejutan yang kita hadapi bersama sudah tentu tidak akan reda dengan serta-merta. Namun, kita harus bertindak wajar dengan mengutamakan golongan yang terpenting.
Saya bersyukur kerana diberi mandat oleh rakyat Permatang Pauh selaku Ahli Parlimen, mewakili suara mereka pada hari bersejarah, 9 Mei 2018.
Jelas, mandat rakyat harus kita hormati dan pertahankan. Ini prinsip yang merangkul agenda demi rakyat - samada kita bergerak sebagai kerajaan mahupun pembangkang.
Keputusan saya pada akhir Disember 2018, untuk tidak lagi bersama di pentas arena politik arus perdana adalah berdasarkan prinsip mengutamakan pemaknaan agenda reformasi - yang harus menjalar pelaksanaannya di kalangan masyarakat - khususnya penduduk Permatang Pauh.
Tahun ini menjadi saksi kepada sebahagian besar daripada usaha penuh makna di Permatang Pauh - yang melibatkan kerjasama bakat terbaik tanah air kita untuk memberi impak sosio-ekonomi yang positif kepada rakyat.
Saya amat bimbang sekiranya pertimbangan politik jahat menguasai mana-mana kerajaan, maka program-program demi rakyat yang telah kami usahakan bersama bakal menjadi mangsa. Sedangkan program demi rakyat harus kalis politik jahat.
Antara projek rintis yang utama adalah Program SEDAR iaitu program psiko-sosio-rohani yang melibatkan penggunaan metadon di masjid dan diluluskan oleh JAKIM bagi penagih heroin yang mahu kembali ke pangkal jalan.
Selain itu, kami bakal melaksanakan kajian rumah ke rumah untuk meninjau tahap kemiskinan - dengan mengukur indeks kemiskinan multidimensi di Permatang Pauh - bersama pakar kemiskinan dan ahli ekonomi tersohor Malaysia, Profesor Fatimah Kari.
Kita juga perlu meneruskan agenda reformasi yang diusahakan oleh Jabatan Penjara Malaysia - yang menyasarkan 75% daripada jumlah banduan yang layak dan mampu menyertai Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti - di luar penjara. Inilah program pemulihan yang sebenar!
Kita memerlukan reformasi di dalam bidang pertanian - dan hasrat saya adalah untuk memperkenalkan sistem pertanian bebas racun perosak; dengan pasaran lumayan luar negara yang tersedia. Barulah petani kita bakal meraih keuntungan yang setimpal dengan perit jerih mereka. Pertanian moden sebegini sudah tentunya memerlukan pelaburan yang tinggi - bukan kepada kroni tetapi petani sejati.
Barulah bekalan makanan negara terjamin - dan usaha murni ini wajib dilunaskan oleh agensi kerajaan dan jabatan sedia ada - tidak kira parti atau bendera mana yang mengepalai kementerian ini. Bendera petani yang terpenting.
Bayangkan, Malaysia mampu mencapai masa depan tanpa kanser serviks - khususnya yang lebih perit dialami oleh wanita berpendapatan rendah - menerusi kolaborasi kami dengan Yayasan Rose, Universiti Malaya.
Tambahan program yang mahu dilaksanakan bukan program sebarang program, namun program yang terbukti berhasil - kerana menjadikan pakar sebenar, bukannya pakar politik sebagai bahan rujukan.
Tidak kira siapa yang memerintah, bersatulah kita semua, dalam memastikan mereka yang mempunyai kuasa, termasuklah Ketua-Ketua Setiausaha di dalam setiap Kementerian, mengutamakan kebajikan rakyat, bukannya kepentingan politik.
Kita harus mengumpulkan idea-idea terbaik Malaysia - dan melaksanakan program yang memberi impak kepada golongan terpinggir, dan terjerumus di dalam kancah kemiskinan.
Ingatlah, penagih memerlukan rawatan. Maka, klinik Cure and Care di seluruh Malaysia harus diberi dana sokongan supaya dapat beroperasi seperti biasa.
Selain itu, bantuan sara hidup dan bantuan lain harus tepat pada sasaran menerusi ukuran kemiskinan yang lebih menyeluruh dan tepat.
Bantuan haruslah memperkasa dan mempertahan maruah golongan yang dibantu. Inilah reformasi kemiskinan yang sebenar.
Reformasi penjara juga perlu disokong. Berikan suara kepada mereka yang tidak mampu bersuara di atas nama keadilan sosial.
Semaikan kasih sayang, toleransi dan adab serta akhlak yang mulia. Walau ada yang menyemai kebencian, ingatlah peribadi Rasulullah SAW kesayangan umat Islam - kitalah yang mencerminkan agama Islam yang syumul.
Desak kerajaan hari ini untuk mencerminkan rakyatnya; desak mereka untuk mempertahan nilai nilai murni dan mengutamakan rakyat terpinggir dan golongan bawahan.
Wadah politik saya ialah KEADILAN (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) - yang telah memungkinkan saya merealisasikan idealisme reformasi berpaksikan prinsip keadilan, InshaaAllah. Di mana-mana sahaja kawasan parlimen yang kita wakili, kekalkanlah kredibiliti melalui kerja, program, inisiatif dan dalam mempertahan dasar perjuangan.
Saya akan terus menyokong kepimpinan dan teman-teman KEADILAN - khususnya untuk memberikan usaha terbaik di dalam memelihara idealisme dan kredibiliti kita. Kita mesti menyahkan unsur-unsur khianat di dalam jemaah. Kini, adalah masa untuk kita membina semula parti, menegakkan prinsip-prinsip yang kita perjuangkan, dan membantu rakyat menikmati dasar terbaik yang kalis politik jahat dan kalis masa depan.
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh
Much political turmoil shook us all this past week. It is now quickly descending into an unscrupulous blame game. This has to stop. Granted, the shock and outrage has not fully subsided. But it is exactly in this hour of need that we must reflect on what’s most important.
I was fortunate enough to have received the mandate from the people of Permatang Pauh as a legislator, on that fateful day on 9th May 2018.
Clearly, the people’s mandate must always reign supreme.
And ultimately, this should be our guiding principle regardless of whether we are in government or in opposition.
Late December 2018, I made the decision to exit the mainstream political scene and focus on my reform-based initiatives on the ground in Permatang Pauh.
We were making headway with our methadone in mosques - psycho-socio-spiritual JAKIM-approved programs for heroin addicts. We were about to embark on our multidimensional poverty index ground survey with Malaysia’s foremost poverty expert & economist Prof Fatimah Kari, and continue our collaborations with the Prison Department’s reform agenda - targeting 75 percent of eligible, non violent criminals to be absorbed in corrective community programs - ensuring rehab efforts bear fruit. We fervently wanted to introduce pesticide-free precision farming - an endeavour that requires huge financial investment in existing green houses - with a ready target in international markets - to safeguard Malaysian food security and protect our farmers. We also of course want to see an eventual end to cervical cancer, especially amongst women in the lower income household, by collaborating with ROSE Foundation of University Malaya!
My fear is that in the ongoing political turmoil, these on the ground, these socially impactful projects, might be derailed.
These are evidence based initiatives and must be fully politics-proof.
Regardless of who is in office, we as collective Malaysian stakeholders must join in a call to action that ensures governments, including the likes of powerful Secretary-Generals that wield much authority across ministries, maintain the policies and programs which have the most benefit and impact for communities on the ground.
Of the many interactions I have had, the ones that have made the most lasting impact are those involving the best of Malaysian minds, coupled with their fortitude to realise workable and concrete solutions to assist the most vulnerable in our communities. Protection of those without access to basic public services, infrastructure, and opportunities is paramount.
Addicts require treatment. The Cure and Care Clinics throughout Malaysia must continue their operations. Those who are deprived must receive targeted assistance through better measurement of poverty; eventually engaged and empowered. Prison reforms must also continue to be supported.
If there is a key lesson to be learned in all of this, it is not to forget those who are so easily forgotten.
Please join me in remembering and helping those that need it most: to push for policies that are evidence-based and politics-proof to help those unable to help themselves achieve mobility while simultaneously empowering talents everywhere.
All Malaysians need better access to quality healthcare, education, economic empowerment that enable them to improve their own lives and those of their families & communities.
Don’t sow hatred and enmity; let us instead expand and grow our tolerance of one another especially in times of division. If the government of the day is reflective of its people, then let us ensure that it is our values they truly reflect.
I shall continue supporting my KEADILAN leadership and colleagues - specifically to do our best in preserving our ideals and credibility by purging treacherous elements from our midst. Now more than ever must we rebuild the party from within, to uphold the principles we claim to embody.
KEADILAN is the vehicle that allowed us to realise our reform ideals based on the principles of fairness, justice and equal opportunity - forming the basis of my work in the constituencies I have had the honour to represent.
We must continue to preserve our credibility through our work, our programmes, initiatives and policies.
Member of Parliament Permatang Pauh