Video - Know your Child’s Personality minutes .
It’s important to raise your Child based on their Personality .
As every Child has different personalities we need to have a good understanding in order to bring out their true potential .
Introducing STIFIn Profile Personality which could identify your Child’s Personality within minutes with just from their fingertips .
I have already mastered all my kids personalities but STIFIn confirms them with total accuracy .
Daddy : Thinking Extrovert
Tasha : Thinking Extrovert
Noah : Thinking Extrovert
Mommy : Sensing Extrovert
Bella : Feeling Introvert
Adam : Feeling Extrovert
Eusoff & Emelia : Too young to assess ( must be above 3 years old)
It tells you in detailed on how to deal with your Child , best professions that suit them and maximise their true potentials .
That explains many things on my kids on
Bella - High EQ , Strong Mental , Strong Stamina and well liked . Great Leader . Seeking Love
Tasha & Noah - Analytic , loves to compete , winning is everything . Seeking Power
Adam - High SQ ( Social ) , Empathy , Focus on
Loved Ones , Persuasive , Listener & Great Communicator . Seeking Love
Dr Halina - Strictly Confidential . Haha
Do try it out .
Costs RM150 each kid but totally worth it .
Boleh merayu kalau anak ramai ...
FB : Hjh Norizan Abdul Rasid
Just Sharing ...
Love As Always
PS - I truly need a different approach with Tasha & Noah . Because they are just like me ...
Tak suka dipaksa ...
how to be a good communicator 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
1) Attentive(気配りができる)
We should leave a big tip. Our waiter was friendly and attentive.
All of the participants at the seminar were attentive and took notes.
To be a good communicator, you must be an attentive listener.
2) The name of the game(最も重要なこと)
直訳で「ゲームの名前」となるこの表現は、本来はゲームの目的を指しますが、日常会話では物事の「最も重要なこと」や「肝心な点」を意味します。サッカーやバスケなどスポーツは点を取ること、ビジネスは利益を出したり、人脈を作ることなどがthe name of the game と言えるでしょう。
You have to engage with your audience on social media. That’s the name of the game.
It’s not what you know but who you know. That’s the name of the game in business.
You have to make as many shots as you can in ten seconds. That’s the name of the game.
3) Check in on someone(確認する)
この表現は誰かの様子をうかがったり、安否を確認したりすることを意味します。例えば、地震が起こった地域で暮らす友人の安否を確認するために連絡をしたり、風邪を引いて休んでいる同僚の具合をチェックするためにメッセージを送ったりするような状況で使われ、「I’m just checking in on you. Are you OK?」という具合に使われます。
✔︎ちなみに、似たような表現でcheck up on someoneもよく使われます。
I should check in on my grandma and see how she’s doing.
I’m going to check in on Hiro and see if he’s getting better.
How’s everything going? It’s been a while since we talked. Just checking up on you.
4) Call someone over(人を呼び寄せる)
call someone over は誰かを自分のいる場所に呼ぶことを意味します。お客さんがレストランで店員を呼んだり、職場で上司が部下を自分のデスクの近くに呼び寄せたりするような状況で使われます。
Let’s call the server over and get the check.
What do you think Steve is up to right now? Let’s call him over.
Do you guys know what you want? I’ll call the waitress over.
5) Left alone(独りでいる)
left alone は独りになったり、放っておかれることを意味します。例えば、そっとしておいて欲しい時や干渉されたくない時に「I just want to be left alone.」
✔︎ちなみに、 leave someone alone も「人を独りにしておく」を意味し、イラッとした口調で「Leave me alone!」と言うと「ほっといて!」という意味になります。
Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
That poor dog was left alone in the car for hours.
Can you leave me alone? I’m working on my speech right now.
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第328回「アメリカと日本の接客スタイル」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
how to be a good communicator 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
#留言拿單字包 #今日選讀華爾街
📱Smartphones Transformed Everything. Now, There’s More Disruption to Come.
💡The advent of the smartphone marked the merging of man and machine. These devices might not be embedded into our forearms just yet, but they have so seismically changed how we operate and interact as humans over the past decade that we’re all effectively cyborgs now. We’re each wholly devoted to these tiny unknowable machines, rarely out of hand or at the very least rarely out of reach.
🍀IBM’s Simon Personal Communicator, which was released in 1994, was the first touch-screen machine to merge phone, email and PDA. It took 2007’s first-gen iPhone, however, to spark the smartphone’s rise from novelty to ubiquity. In early 2010, hand-held devices took a major leap, with global sales doubling from roughly 50 million devices in the first quarter of that year to about 100 million in the fourth quarter. Smartphone-sales-per-quarter eventually surged to a peak of more than 400 million units during the final few months of 2016.
1994年即問世的IBM Simon 個人通信器是第一台將電話、電子郵件和PDA功能整合再一起的觸控式手機。然而,2007年第一代 iPhone才真正激起智慧型手機的風潮,智慧型手機從奇貨可居變成無處不在。2010年初手持式裝置的銷售急速飛漲,全球銷量從當年第一季的五千萬部手機暴增到第四季的一億,整整漲了一倍。在2016年最後幾個月裡,每季度銷量飆升到歷史峰值,銷售量超越四億部智慧型手機。
🎯As our digital addiction grew, so did our dependence on apps, said Shawn DuBravac, futurist and the bestselling author of “Digital Destiny: How the New Age of Data Will Transform the Way We Work, Live, and Communicate.” The ease that each little temptress of an icon offered, whether to call an Uber, order Seamless or find a mate, created the “disruption” that defined the 2010s. “All the good that smartphones have brought—and all the bad they’ve brought—over the last 10 years is because smartphones made transactions easier,” said Mr. DuBravac.
#留言✍🏻 告訴我