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kindle books中文 在 男孩媽媽的育兒手記 Facebook 的最佳解答
正仔腦袋裡裝有不知幾多條 jokes, riddles 和 IQ 題,基本上天天問我十條八條,問到我都覺得煩,尤其 knock knock jokes,誰發明的?笑點在哪?
有一晩我在 email 裡發現自己的 Amazon account 被盜用買了兩本書,當晚我立即緊張地 log in,檢查清楚究竟給盜用買了些甚麼買了多少錢。奇怪,只用了幾元美金買了兩本 kindle e-books,那只有我才看得到呢?哪個笨賊做的儍事?再看看 book titles(圖片),哦,謎底解開了。
大概用我的 Kindle 搜尋更多 jokes、riddles、brain teasers 而不小心按錯了鍵。
這些 jokes 其實都不易理解的,很多是玩近似音,除了要字詞豐富,也要明白西方小孩的文化。例子:What’s is a ghost’s favourite type of fruit? Boo-berry. 孩子要明白 boo + blueberry 的雙重意思,又例如,What do ghosts eat for dinner? Spook-etti. 玩 spook + spaghetti 的意思。What did the baby monster say to his baby sister? I want my mummy. 這裡,mummy 有兩層意思。我覺得英語 jokes 不容易,但正仔完全沒有問題,兼經常邊看邊笑到卡卡聲,而且輕易便背了幾十條(可能不止),每天從他的 joke bank 抽出十條八條問我,答案又難猜,有時我也忍不住大叫,唔好再問我喇。
英文 jokes 他固之然認識海量!中文無聊 IQ 題也分別從朋友、同學、以及爸爸處學了一大堆。爸爸教了他幾個,他去考誦仔,讓誦仔感到很 frustrated,「點解你教哥哥神秘 IQ 題攪到佢叻哂!」他深深不忿,但昨晚爸爸沒有時間教他一招半式。
今早7、8時,他第一個醒來就出客廳找爸爸(我和炎正在預備待會需要的燒烤食物),著爸爸趁哥哥還睡著時教他幾道 IQ 題,可以去挑戰哥哥。著爬山鞋可以去爬山,著運動鞋可以去做運動,著甚麼識飛呢?又蚊最怕甚麼呢?誦仔記牢了這兩題,待正仔一醒來,立即得意洋洋地去考哥哥,要叻一次啊!
可憐又可愛的誦仔,5 歲小人仔好多鬼主意,不過呢,記住,不要過來考我!
#jokes #riddles #brainteasers
kindle books中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Books / 書訊] 巴黎斐杭狄高等廚藝學校再度推出兩本重量級美食聖經 / “Chocolat” and “Le dictionnaire des chefs”, Ferrandi Paris, l’école française de gastronomie & de management hôtelier launches two more important publications of French gastronomy (for English, please click “see more”)
繼《經典廚藝聖經》(Le Grand Cours de Cuisine)與《糕點聖經》(Pâtisserie)兩本鉅細靡遺、囊括現代烹飪與甜點技術的出版品後,Ferrandi 再度在這兩天推出兩本重量級書籍,一本《Chocolat》#巧克力全書、另一本《Le dictionnaire des chefs》(「#主廚辭典」,暫譯)則是法國美食文化寶典。
《Chocolat》在今天大手筆地 #同時推出英法文版,304 頁的內容 #分成技術與食譜兩大部分,前者從巧克力基礎知識開始,以 #超過200張步驟圖詳解包含調溫與製作奶餡、#麵糰、#夾心巧克力與裝飾的40個重要技巧;#食譜部分總計超過70個,包含巧克力棒、法式布丁塔、千層派、閃電泡芙、餅乾、布朗尼等,和《廚藝聖經》與《糕點聖經》採用類似設計,分成從簡單到進階、不可或缺等三種不同等級,讀者可以依照自己的需求選用。這本書目前 #Kindle電子書版本也已推出,有興趣的讀者甚至不需要等國際運送,現在就可以收藏。
《Le dictionnaire des chefs》則是我個人非常感興趣的一本書,由法國知名歷史學家、美食作家 Eric Glatre 與 Ferrandi 合作編纂,採辭典詞條的編列方式,由 A 到 Z 解釋法國美食文化的關鍵詞彙,包含物產品種、廚藝知識、廚房設備、工具等,收錄 #共約8000 個詞彙,包含 #1680個廚藝相關、#1240個甜點相關、1009個香料與調味料相關、1260個肉品相關、720個魚與海鮮相關、1480個水果與蔬菜相關、以及1000個酒與餐點搭配相關的詞彙。#厚達1512頁 的主廚辭典中並非只有文字說明,其中有超過2000張圖片與文字搭配,讓讀者對該詞彙能有更清晰直接的認識。這本書不僅值得廚藝界工作的職人們放在手邊隨時查找解惑,也適合對法國美食感興趣、希望能更深入瞭解法國飲食文化的讀者。本書目前還未在 Amazon 上架,但已經可以在 Fnac 與出版商 BPI 網站上購得。
Amazon.fr 線上訂購網址(可以運送至全球):https://tinyurl.com/y46jjrce
《Le dictionnaire des chefs》:
Fnac 線上訂購網址(運送限法國境內):https://tinyurl.com/y3o72zey
Editions BPI 線上訂購網址(運送限法國境內):https://tinyurl.com/y4ytsle4
🔖 延伸閱讀:
After the huge success of “The Ferrandi Grand Cours de Cuisine” (Le Grand Cours de Cuisine) and the “French Pâtisserie” (Pâtisserie), Ferrandi Paris, School of Culinary Arts and Hotel Management, the renowned French culinary school has just launched two other important publications in October. “Chocolat” (English version: Chocolate) is a bible of chocolate making and “Le dictionnaire des chefs” (The FERNANDI Paris chef’s dictionary) an encyclopedia of French gastronomy.
“Chocolat” is published in both French and English versions today. The book contains 304 pages and is divided into two sections: skills and recipes. Starting from the fundamentals of chocolate, it illustrates 40 essential techniques with more than 200 step-by-step photos of making chocolate creams, doughs, bonbons, and decorations. More than 70 recipes such as chocolate bars, flan, millefeuille, eclair, cookies, brownie, etc. are included. They are classified into 3 levels from simple to sophisticated and indispensable so that the readers can choose according to their own needs. The Kindle version is also available so that those who’re interested (and impatient) don’t even need to wait for shipping.
“Le dictionnaire des chefs” is the one that I’m really interested in. In collaboration with Ferrandi, Eric Glatre, the famous French historian and author of French gastronomy, is in charge of the writing and editing of this encyclopedia encompassing more than 8000 entries in 1,512 pages. It covers 1,680 terms of cuisine, 1,240 of pâtisserie, 1,009 terms of spices and condiments, 1,260 of meat, 720 of fish and seafood, 1,480 of fruits and vegetables, and 1,000 terms of food and wine pairings. Serving as an incredibly rich resource to explore the wonderful world of French gastronomy, this book is a great companion for chefs, culinary school students as well as those who’re interested and passionate about the concerned subject and its related professions.
Find the below links for the extracts and orders:
Extracts (French version): https://tinyurl.com/y62ehbf4
Amazon.fr product page: https://tinyurl.com/y46jjrce
Le dictionnaire des chefs:
Extracts (French version): https://tinyurl.com/yxwve798
Fnac.fr (exclusive to deliveries in France metropolitan areas): https://tinyurl.com/y3o72zey
Éditions BPI (exclusive to deliveries in France metropolitan areas):
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