【Origin Stories - Ho Trung Dung, Chip Chip AW#21】
"My parents are one of my angel investors. They invested without expecting anything in return, despite coming from a relatively poor background. Growing up in Vietnam, they sacrificed a lot just make sure I got a good education and access to better opportunities in life. That’s why I've pushed myself to study and become a lifelong learner.
Although majoring in history during university, I eventually fell in love with computers. I read through every computer magazine, cover to cover. I started to learn how to install windows OS and do everything with the computer, including teaching myself how to program.
I eventually went out to start my own digital marketing agency. We were quite successful, making good money, but growth was slow. The business was very labor intensive and we were not helping that many people.
After 6 months of back and forth, I decided to give it all up to start something new. I had to abandon this image of a successful person. It was one of the toughest decisions I've had to make. But I realized that having a lot of money, a big car, big house, will only make us happy in the short-term.
I’ve always been obsessed with building tech solutions to positively impact many people. That’s why I had to do a startup again, this time focusing on English learning. It's been hard, and tiring, and filled with endless challenges, but I feel much more fulfilled than ever."
Chip Chip (AW#21) is an online platform for Vietnamese students to find and books lessons from a directory of over 40 certified English tutors, now facilitating over 2000 lessons per month. Applications for AW#23 will be officially on 5/12, stay tuned!
lifelong learner 在 Foods Sensei 法外廚 Facebook 的最佳解答
中医薬膳師検定 (日本)
科技令不可能的變成可能;令終身學習再無地域界限;讓我這類 Lifelong learner 不必放棄正職、不必離鄉別井,就能夠以最低 “機會成本” 為自己創造新 “成就”。
我又畢業喇;家人友人早就見怪不怪,只是一句:What’s next? 我就忽然 Steve Jobs 上身,回答說:"Stay hungry, stay foolish (求知若飢,虛心若愚)" 😄
疫境下更要比平常高效率,更要把握機會追夢 : 學中醫練日語,一石多鳥😁,不過這門學問的路還長呢!今期畢業的一共有 105 人,看名單我是唯一外國人吧 。日本人凡事認真,線上也感受到同學們對中醫學的熱心和肯定,我也不禁多了一份文化自信。
#中医薬膳師検定 #本草薬膳学院 #終身學習
lifelong learner 在 Eric Fan 范健文 Facebook 的最佳解答
Let’s keep out curiosity and become lifelong learner.
lifelong learner 在 The mindset of a lifelong learner - Chief Learning Officer ... 的相關結果
In the most basic terms, a lifelong learner is someone who keeps acquiring new skills and capabilities well past their formal education years. ... <看更多>
lifelong learner 在 Lifelong learning - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is important for an ... ... <看更多>
lifelong learner 在 lifelong learner用於句子| 劍橋詞典中的例句 的相關結果
lifelong learner 用於句子的示例,如何使用。20 例句: Every teacher must also be a lifelong learner. - He or she cannot teach… ... <看更多>