#你對發音沒自信嗎 #怕一開口鬧笑話嗎 #賓狗來幫你 �
你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “coping mechanism”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔
【coping mechanism 心理機制】
Novel language can serve as a coping mechanism.�(創造新字詞,是一種心理機制)
💡cope 是「有效處理」,加上 ing,變成形容詞 coping
💡mechanism 是「機制」的意思
💡例如,我們遇到不肯防疫的人,會很生氣。為了平復情緒,我們就戲稱這些人是「防疫豬隊友」。這樣創造新詞、調適心情,就是一種 coping mechanism。
🎈用「coping mechanism」自由造句
期待看到你的留言 😍
#賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️
#copingmechanism #心理機制 #調適心情 #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯
Link in Bio 😊 �這篇貼文的相應 podcast 集數為賓狗時事英語 EP 32 喔!歡迎到 Spotify、 Firstory、Apple Podcast 搜尋「賓狗時事英語」✨主頁也有連結喔!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅吳海文 Kevin Wu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▶︎ Vlog 5 | 網路歌唱老師說的話靠譜嗎? https://youtu.be/b_ASg_HV8tE ▶︎ Vlog 7 | 唱歌到底是不是真的要跟講話一樣? https://youtu.be/I5TT3sRXIss ▶︎ 我跟檸檬卷的歌唱課 https://youtu.be/TW3QD...
mechanism中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最讚貼文
早排同位識睇中文既日本記者食飯做訪問,佢做做下訪問期間,竟然拎左我個幾月前寫 #國際攬炒,差唔多成兩、三千字既長文出嚟,仲要自己用原字筆間曬部份佢覺得緊要既重點,見到嗰下真係覺得不得了。
點都好,國際攬炒同埋反制「臨立會 2.0」,唔好講話國際社會,就算本地都未必好明白當中較複雜既來龍去脈,感謝呢位記者之餘,我都未來都會同眾志團隊繼續努力,同各國政界官員傳媒交流時,準確分析香港抗爭形勢。
【破局:立會過半 = 香港光已復?】
【議會過半想像:以「#國際攬炒」反制「臨立會2.0」】 https://www.facebook.com/200976479994868/posts/2887651214660701/
A possible scenario will be like: Beijing will dissolve the existing LegCo and disqualify all 70 lawmakers once pro-democracy camps win the majority. One of the reference points is the recent statement by China’s office on Hong Kong Affairs, HKMAO.
The office unprecedentedly accused pro-democracy lawmakers of violating LegCo oaths when they use procedural tactics to block the controversial national anthem and national security legislation. In the eyes of Beijing, LegCo can only serve as a rubber stamp; otherwise, councillors fail to "show their allegiance to the central governments” and "serve dutifully” as the oath states. In other words, HKMAO is paving the way for a large-scaled disqualification before and after the election.
After the dissolution, Beijing will probably set up a pseudo-legislature and directly appoint all the members. That is not a crazy imagination since Beijing has done once in 1997. At that time, after pro-democracy forces won a majority during 1995-1997, Beijing set up a Provisional LegCo, directly appointed members and held meetings in Shenzhen. Therefore, history may repeat.
However, Hongkongers will still strive for a parliamentary majority since Beijing has already put its most controversial agenda, the national security legislation, on the table. The parliamentary majority is the only way for us to block this evil law.
If, at the end, Beijing really dissolves the LegCo and disqualifies all elected lawmakers, it means Beijing is shutting down all peaceful mechanism to resolve political problems and grievance. More importantly, this move will put the so-called promised autonomy under the One Country Two Systems formula to the test.
When even the legislature is a rubber stamp, it Is doubtful whether Hong Kong can still maintain its special status as an independent tariff zone. The latter will carry significant implications for international investors. On the street level, it is foreseeable that more protests will erupt, especially when Beijing starts to disqualify all pro-democracy candidates before the election.
mechanism中文 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的精選貼文
■ 執行機械血栓切除術(mechanism thrombectomy)的條件:
➜ COVID-19陰性患者:
➜ COVID-19陽性患者:
➜ COVID-19檢測:
建議將選擇性和非緊急腦血管病例推遲到大流行高峰減少之後。對有套血管造影設備的醫院,建議將一套設備指定為“ COVID-19病房”,並儲備加強型的個人防護裝備和無障礙介入設備的治療,以盡量減少手術人員。
依個人技術進行編組。所有醫療人員均要會使用N95口罩,熟悉穿脫個人防護裝備的原則,包括護目鏡。(「財團法人國家衛生研究院」莊淑鈞博士 摘要整理)
📋 Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery recommendations for the care of emergent neurointerventional patients in the setting of COVID-19(2020/04/15)+中文摘要轉譯
➥Author:Justin F Fraser, Adam S Arthur, Michael Chen, et al.
➥Link: (BMJ)
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
mechanism中文 在 吳海文 Kevin Wu Youtube 的精選貼文
▶︎ Vlog 5 | 網路歌唱老師說的話靠譜嗎?
▶︎ Vlog 7 | 唱歌到底是不是真的要跟講話一樣?
▶︎ 我跟檸檬卷的歌唱課
▶︎ 我跟好檸檬的Podcast
▶︎ 最新單曲【好好難過】
▶︎ 英文單曲【Hurt Me All The Way】
0:00 Intro
0:17 Laryngeal Vibratory Mechanisms
1:01 什麼是真假音切換
3:00 歡呼聲不是真音
3:40 林俊傑的M1、M2
4:54 公共認知
6:02 學生的困擾
6:43 什麼是練習
7:54 如何理解混聲
📖 論文1: 《Laryngeal Vibratory Mechanisms - The Notion of Vocal Register Revisited》
👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/y8satnfq
📖 論文2: 《Is Voix Mixte, the Vocal Technique Used to Smoothe the Transition across the two Main Laryngeal Mechanisms, an Independent Mechanism?》
👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/y9qvyboz
#吳海文 #真假音 #歌唱教學

mechanism中文 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最讚貼文
我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM
關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3
臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXiangyu
專訪: https://blow.streetvoice.com/41873
編曲: Ransom-Notes https://soundcloud.com/ransom-notes
母帶後期製作工程: Glenn Schick
Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992
假如互聯網是在 1930 年代的德國發明的,而非 20 世紀下半葉的美國,而德國情報機構能暗中監督和控制一切連上該網路的任何設備(正如斯諾登透露美國國安局所做的那樣),同盟國會讓一般老百姓連上同個互聯網嗎?還是他們會跟朝鮮一樣建設自己的網路?
朝鮮是個小國家。雖然它從 1953 年一直呼籲正式停戰,但它從 1950 年到現在一直與大部分西方國家處於戰爭狀態。只要戰爭狀態不變,這些政策不是「反自由」的,而是任何理性的政府(無論是資本主義國家還是社會主義國家)會施行的防禦性措施。
Who are our friends? Who are our enemies?
我們能否 追究這個問題而不自欺欺人
Can we look into this question without lying to ourselves?
Whose allies? Whose profits?
Whose struggle and sacrifice are stirred by righteous indignation?
饒舌的激進份子 被說是憤世
The radical rapper is said to be cynical.
我只想引人深思 和去偽存實
I just want to get people to think, cast aside falsities, and retain the truths,
because througout our lives, too many hypocrites
灌輸錯誤認識 使人愚昧無知
have instilled false understandings, causing us to ignorantly
地無視 顯而易見 的壓迫和暴行
disregard the clearly visible oppression and atrocities,
使人固執己見 而失去批判思考力
causing us to stubbornly cling to our own opinions and lose our ability to think critically.
一旦遇到陌生的意見 認知就失調
When we encounter unfamiliar opinions, we experience cognitive dissonance.
Doubling down on our mistaken views
成為了心理防禦機制 也使我們無意識地
has become a psychological defense mechanism which causes us to unknowingly
become pawns of the system that oppresses us
although we think of ourselves as just and morally courageous people,
it is actually us who are lost in deliberately misinterpreted history.
而敵視 並歧視 被壓迫的各國人民
We vilify and discriminate against the oppressed peoples of all countries;
自以為仁義 卻把壓迫者 奉若神明
we think we are righteous, yet we deify the oppressors.
We don't differentiate between aggression and defense, we simply ask for unprincipled peace,
gaining the approval of slave masters but not their respect.
The country with the highest incarceration rate is considered to be a symbol of freedom;
we call it our friend as it leads in overthrowing democratically elected governments.
We make praises and criticisms based on conclusions made from bad information,
stubbornly refusing to investigate the truths hidden by liars.
別人飢餓 我們說是領導人無人性
When others starve, we say their leaders are devoid of humanity
卻不記得制裁的目的 是經過餓死人民
while failing to remember that the goal of sanctions is to sabotage stability
破壞穩定 以迫使 革命群眾 放棄革命
through starvation in order to extort the revolutionary masses into giving up revolution.
如果這不是恐怖主義 那麼你的定義可能有問題
If this isn't terrorism, then your definition might be flawed.
我問你 唯一動用核武器的到底是誰?
I ask you, who is the only one to have used nuclear weapons?
Why is it considered a crime when (DPR) Korea develops nukes?
Whose slave mentality's been been dominated to the point where right and wrong are inverted,
使我們把自衛視為威脅 把威脅視為慈悲?
having us believe defense is threatening and threats are benevolent?
Who unknowingly repeats lies written by Goebbels
while at the same time calling others brainwashed,
while unreasonably being hostile towards those who use their iron-firm willpower
to heroically drive out aggressors through rebellion?
#朝鮮 #DPRK #Korea

mechanism中文 在 mechanism - 機轉 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 的相關結果
mechanism. 審譯日期: 102.8.29. 以mechanism 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, mechanism, 機構;機制. ... <看更多>
mechanism中文 在 mechanism中文, mechanism是什麼意思:機械… - 查查在線詞典 的相關結果
mechanism とは意味:mechanism n. 機械; 裝置; 仕組み; 機構.【動詞+】◇adjust the mechanism of a clock 時計の機械を調節する◇employ a defense mechanism (生物が) ... ... <看更多>
mechanism中文 在 mechanism中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
mechanism 的例句. mechanism. Learning mechanisms are also involved in regulating the nursing responses of neonates. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. ... <看更多>