茫 ———— 記
Deacon Lui 攝影展
“Apart from language and values, what truly connects HongKongers is suffering”, says Brian Leung Kai-ping who stormed Legco on July 1st, 2019.
Anamnesis – the chasm between forgetting and remembering; the perplexity and helplessness when suffering is recalled. Bombarded with an abundance of information every day, there had been simply too much to remember in 2019. While obscure memories struggle to stay, our minds remain blank the next day when we wake up, as if everything were just a – “dream”.
As a sense of hopelessness grows with time, recollecting all the scenes that we saw and the feelings that we had over the past year may do us more harm than good – it’s our instinct to evade misery. Now we are often benumbed by the false sense of peace in the society. Our sensations and throbs are gradually becoming blurry bits and pieces of history in our heads like parallel universes.
This exhibition showcases some out-of-focus images taken last year, presenting histories that may “be disappeared”, while conveying the bewilderment when reminiscence hits hard. How, after all, do we live with our nastiest wounds?
茫———記,是忘與記之間的鴻溝,是記住痛苦時的茫然無助。在過去每天都被資訊轟炸的一年,要記住的實在太多,記憶在朦朧中掙扎,就如「發完夢」一般 ; 一覺醒來,蒼茫依然。
日期:2020年 6月21日 至 7月5日
地點:Parallel Space •上層•
時間 : 中午十二點至晚上七點
展覽期間同時出售 攝影集 [ 奮戰與粉飾 ]初版
只接受現金付款, 敬請留意
Photography Exhibition
Date : 21 June (SUN) — 5 July (SUN) 2020
Venue : Parallel Space •upper floor•
Address : Shop 202, Tai Nan Street,
Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, HK
Opening hour : 12 noon to 7pm
Closed on Monday 29 June
The photography book, Beyond the facade released by
Deacon Lui Is on sale during the exhibition,
accept cash only, thanks for support
#parallelspacehk #deavonlui
#hongkongprotests #ANAMNESIS #茫記 @ Parallel_Space
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中環地鐵站 Central MTR Station
Presented by @victionworkshop @victionviction
Once Upon A Hong Kong | Book Launch & Exhibition
場地 Venue // @parallelspacehk
202 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po
29/6 (Mon) 休息 close
parallelspacehk 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
中環地鐵站 Central MTR Station
Presented by @victionworkshop @victionviction
Once Upon A Hong Kong | Book Launch & Exhibition
場地 Venue // @parallelspacehk
202 Tai Nan St, Sham Shui Po
29/6 (Mon) 休息 close
parallelspacehk 在 Topaau土炮 Youtube 的最佳解答
站在深水埗街頭,車聲、人聲、雜聲交織,只要橫越南昌街,轉入大南街,即聽到親民藝廊咖啡室 openground 外傳來笑聲,店外則坐著悠閑的人們,正在慢歎他們的理想下午;走著走著,到了淡雅的 A Little Something 前,一身素衣的女子在門外木櫈上倚書而坐,享受她一個人的時光;鋪頭貓一隻又一隻在陽光下抱頭睡,提醒人類這才是人生;抬頭遙望對街的唱片店 White Noise Records,彷彿聽到店內播著實驗樂曲,在這個地鋪唱片店少之又少的年代,由衷佩服店主辦店的勇氣;步伐似乎愈見輕快,有時嗅到皮革香,有時則飄來咖啡香、花香;陶藝小店物器堂內的習陶者正忙著拉坯,跟店外懶洋洋的遊人相映成趣;巧遇店小二小店推門而出的顧客,全都掛著滿足笑臉;當拐入黃竹街時,醒目粗字體的 storerooms 招牌立刻吸引人過馬路看個究竟,店內選物全都五光十色、閃閃發亮,推門而入的客人,臉上呈現入糖果屋的驚喜;新開的咖啡店 PRESS THE BUTTON coffee stand只是十步之遙,門外擠滿打卡的少男少女;左轉入基隆街,可見較多舊鋪仍矻立其中,老布匹店襯著復古風文藝咖啡室 COFFEE matters,新舊交融,毫無違和感。
#深水埗 #大南街 #黃竹街 #基隆街 #夢想 #pressthebuttoncoffee #openground #COFFEEmatters #storerooms #店小二小店 #alittlesomethinghandcraft #WhiteNoiseRec #物器堂 #parallelspacehk #名筆館 #阿里皮藝 #TheLederer
土炮好片,馬上訂閱YouTube: http://bit.ly/2H7BpYW

parallelspacehk 在 openground展覽空間Parallel Space的第一場展覽 ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價

地點: Parallel Space 深水埗大南街202號website : https://theculturist. hk ; Follow us on Instagram ... ... <看更多>
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Parallel space. @parallelspacehk. 1 follower. ·. 0 following. Follow. All Pins. ,. 2 Pins. ,. 3y · Parallel Space HK. ... <看更多>
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Parallel Space is an independent art gallery space, provide a multi-discipline exhibition venue in... G/F 202, Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po,, Hong Kong,... ... <看更多>