最近認識加拿大🇨🇦護膚品牌 Indeed Labs,產品通過特殊創新技術🧪,研製出容易見效嘅優質配方成分,針對解決各種皮膚問題:
為夜用修護精華,三合一配方 Retinol RefaceTM 能打造出柔軟、光滑及年輕肌膚。修護精華具有維他命A,能改善膚質、抗衰老,使皮膚更柔軟及光滑,而且適用於易長粉刺皮膚。
適合膚色暗沉,經常捱夜人士。面霜由 維他命 C 及透明質酸微球配製而成,有助保護皮膚免受環境損害,減少過早老化,細紋和皺紋的出現,同時提高保濕水平,使膚色均勻,並減少細紋和皺紋。使用後皮膚更加明亮,年輕和容光煥發。
💕Indeed Labs 多項皇牌產品現已於全港各大萬寧獨家發售
#indeedlabs #indeedlabshongkong #indeedlabshk #skincare #護膚品 #抗衰老 #抗皺 #最真實的自己 #獲獎品牌 #realscience #realclaims #realpeople #realresults #vitamincserum #skinprotector #nanoblur #retinolreface #vitaminc24 #mannings #萬寧獨賣 Kathryn Fong Indeed Labs
realscience 在 Chris Chan Facebook 的精選貼文
鍾意試新嘢嘅我,對護膚扮靚從來都唔自私🥰呢個加拿大人氣護膚品牌 Indeed Labs,而家正式登陸香港,多款逆齡美肌產品,打造護膚新體驗🤩✨
呢個品牌三大王牌產品,主打有「瞬效無瑕霜」可以迅速消除瑕疵,護膚上妝一物多用😍跟住有「維 A 醇修護精華」及「維 C24 亮白逆齡面霜」💁🏻♀️都有助現今女性對抗都市污染問題,保持年輕肌膚❣️重點係價錢親民貼地,就算係學生都可以入手😃👍🏻
❤️而「維 A 醇修護精華」係一款3合1嘅強效抗老產品!注入包裹視黃醇+補骨脂酚+抗老肽三重活性精粹,改善皮膚質地,可用於容易長粉刺嘅皮膚上,令皮膚更柔軟,更光滑!配上視黃醇微球可將敏感性降至最低,全方位滋養,抗擊肌膚老化!
🧡「維C24 亮白逆齡面霜」係結合咗精華素同保濕成分嘅精華霜!無水配方嘅精華霜由 22%嘅抗壞血酸,即係最純淨嘅維他命C形式同2%嘅透明質酸微球配製而成!👏🏻保護皮膚免受環境損害,同時提升皮膚保濕水平,高效均勻膚色,減少細紋、皺紋等問題!維他命C24 具有獨特配方,可保持穩定,唔氧化, 優化皮膚吸收,從而最大程度地發揮維他命 C 嘅功效🧡改善皮膚外觀,提亮膚色,恢復肌膚年輕,今膚色睇起嚟容光煥發,能夠打造 即時啞光嘅平滑緊致肌膚👶🏻
Indeed Labs
#indeedlabs #indeedlabshongkong #indeedlabshk #skincare #護膚品 #抗衰老 #抗皺 #最真實的自己 #獲獎品牌 #realscience #realclaims #realpeople #realresults #vitamincserum #skinprotector #nanoblur #retinolreface #vitaminc24 #mannings #萬寧獨賣
realscience 在 SF Artography Facebook 的最佳貼文
Are you someone who is plagued with sensitive skin and/or eczema or does your loved ones suffer the same? Do you know that eczema is one of the most common and chronic skin disorders and can occur in individual of all ages, especially children. 1 in 10 children suffers from eczema in developing countries and the prevalence rate of eczema continue to grow yearly. Eczema started with inflammatory skin condition characterized by ichtyosis (dry skin), erythema (redness) and hypopigmentation in old lesions.
If your answer is “Yes, I have sensitive skin and/or have eczema”, we are on the same boat and I would like to share with you a recent product I found to be useful for someone who has sensitive skin or/and eczema. I am grateful to get to know this product, Remdii @remdiisensitiveofficial that can help me and my husband to treat our sensitive skin condition.
Remdii has been effective in treating
✅sensitive skin
✅extremely dry skin
Use Remdii to
✅Reduce itchiness
✅Repair damaged skin conditions
✅Reduce flaking
✅Seal (and heal) the skin against moisture lost
Read more about Remdii at my blog https://bit.ly/2DoIEXM
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