#留言索取學習僵化paper #擁抱你的錯誤
✔︎ 文章 highlight: 錯誤是什麼?錯誤是學生努力、嘗試用自己的方式理解這個語言的軌跡。
「若怎樣怎樣,就可能會學習僵化 (fossilization)」是很多台灣老師、甚至是教授,常常用來講述學習者「永遠無法將一個錯誤根除」的可怕現象。
Fossilization 這個詞最早由 Larry Selinker 教授在 1972 年 Interlanguage 一篇論文當中提出。當初對這個現象的定義還很粗糙不明確,但很不幸的,這也是99% 台灣教授在念博班時、英文老師上教程時學到的定義。
Fossilization 基本上就是「學習者將在某些錯誤上永遠無法根除」的現象。相反地,Dr. Selinker 也將那些「最終會消失」的錯誤(像是錯講成 Do you know where is the restroom?) ,名為 stabilization,比一輩子註定的 fossilization 還要樂觀許多。
即便如此,很多英語系教授跟老師們,還是喜歡講比較悲觀的 fossilization. 我要特別呼籲英語系教授、台灣英文老師們,別亂用「學習僵化」 (fossilization) 這個詞彙。
時間快轉,在 2004 年時,Larry Selinker 的學生 Dr. ZhaoHong Han 出版了 Fossilization In Adult Second Language Acquisition (第二語言習得中的學習僵化現象) 一書,重新將學習僵化定義為:Cessation of learning in spite of adequate motivation
to learn, abundant exposure to input, and ample opportunities for communicative practice (Han, 2004).
意思就是,要在有 3 個條件都滿足,錯誤仍然一直存在時,我們才能初步判定可能有學習僵化的可能性:
(1) 學習者有有強烈動機
(2) 有很多的輸入 (input)
(3) 充足的練習機會。
在台灣的學習環境下,這3個條件常常沒有一次滿足。如果只是學習者一直犯一個錯 (像是一直說 I suggest you to…或是 discuss 後面亂加 about… 口說裡頭 Although 後面一直加 but ) 我們頂多能說是 stablization,身為老師的我們,要做的事情反而是更努力用其他的方式,幫助學生學得更好,而不是給他們下判決。
如果你對於 fossilization 有興趣,請在下面留言「我對學習僵化的 paper 有興趣」我會內信給你喔!
- 關於restroom意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於restroom意思 在 侯友宜 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於restroom意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於restroom意思 在 restroom中文的評價和優惠,YOUTUBE、PTT和商品老實說的 ... 的評價
- 關於restroom意思 在 restroom中文的評價和優惠,YOUTUBE、PTT和商品老實說的 ... 的評價
- 關於restroom意思 在 英日文小記 的評價
- 關於restroom意思 在 WC? Toilet? Bathroom? 廁所的英文是什麼?該用哪個詞? 的評價
restroom意思 在 侯友宜 Facebook 的精選貼文
#新北市 許多老舊校舍需要進行改造,尤其是校內廁所因長期使用,不美觀之外更有衛生疑慮,常常讓孩子們排斥去上廁所。因此 新北學Bar 市府教育局團隊決定未來投入6億元推動「4KR如廁好清新計畫」,也就是4年完成改造1,000(K)間廁所(Restroom)的目標。而這4KR發音類似現在年輕人很常講的「skr」,有佩服、了不起的意思,果然日前我到 #新北三重 #五華國小 看了改造後的廁所,不僅外觀變美了,整體空間感也更明亮開闊,同學們的反應都非常好。這麼厲害,應該就可以用「skr」來形容吧!
#新北好貼心 #拚防疫也拚市政 #以人為本 #新北呷百二 #安居樂業 #侯友宜
restroom意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
【突然身痕】 總有想𢯎又不好意思𢯎的時候
1/ 下半身敏感位置痕癢?
2/ 腋下鬼祟位經常覺痕?
3/ 你哪裡痕?屁股痕呀!
4/ 腳板底痕癢要怎辦?
Embarrassing itchy spots
Have you ever suddenly had an itch in public, and it was in an embarrassing spot!. What would you do then? Immediately rush into the nearest restroom, hide in a corner to scratch, or just scratch it without caring?
1/ Itchy and allergic position of the lower body?
Even if you love cleanliness, sometimes there will be sudden itching in allergic position. Some ladies may even be allergic to the rubber edge of the sanitary napkin, and have allergic reaction on the inside of the thigh. What can you do if this happens in public? ? Some may suggest that you can put your hands in the pocket at this time, put your hand into the trouser pocket and quietly scratch it, it is natural and no one aware of it!
2/ Itching hidden spots such as underarm?
Some hidden spots are more itchy, like the joint of the hands and feet, and underarms. These sweaty spots can be especially itchy. At this time, you should pretend that nothing is happening, and show a professional and confident look by folding your arms over the chest, and the sneak your fingers into the armpits, and no one will know what you have done.
3/ Itchy buttocks?
Internet shows that many people have a problem with itchy buttocks. Even Japanese medicine company has launched an anti-itch cream. That is because a study shows that one of every four Japanese people have a problem with itchy buttocks! The main point is hygiene, especially after going to the bathroom, you can clean buttocks with wet toilet paper. Someone with itchy buttocks may go to corner or somewhere with a pillar and pretend to wait for friends, then rub your itchy spots. It can instantly solve the itching and no one knows! As for hygiene problems, we don't suggest you rub your butt everywhere, only when it's necessary!
4/ Itchy sole of the foot?
The more difficult to scratch, the more itchy it is. One of such spots is the sole of the foot. It is hard to not scratch when it is itchy. But it is really difficult to take off your shoes and scratch it in public. At this time, you may rush into the nearest shoe store to try out shoes. Take a chance to take advantage and keep scratching, or pretend to tie your shoelaces and put your fingers into the shoes sneakily to ease the itchiness.
#男 #女 #濕疹 #我狀態ok
restroom意思 在 英日文小記 的推薦與評價
restroom toilet WC(water closet) 廁所meaning: a room with toilets that is in a ... restroom的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a room with toilets that is in a public ... ... <看更多>