#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
│Tu-Dum! Netflix 全球影迷盛會將使 Netflix 越來越像好萊塢片廠 │
• 上個月Comic-Con 聖地牙哥國際漫畫展結束, Cinema Con 電影展則是在剛剛才在拉斯維加斯閉幕。緊接在這兩個好萊塢片廠傳統用來發表新片消息的大型粉絲活動之後,Netflix 則突然發佈了他們要在9月25日首度舉辦類似的新片發佈會,活動名稱為 TUDUM 全球影迷盛會。在好萊塢片廠努力變成一個串流公司的2021年,Netflix 則努力變成一個傳統好萊塢片廠的模樣。雖然 Netflix 的活動並非實體的粉絲大會,而將以線上直播的方式舉辦,但同樣受到疫情威脅的 Comic-Con 今年也轉型為線上版的 Comic-Con@Home,而作為電影院體驗聖地的 Cinema Con 也同樣採用部分實體活動、部分線上活動的方式舉辦。
• What is TUDUM? 沒錯,這個詞正是 Netflix 著名片頭音效的狀聲詞。預計長達三個小時的活動將於Netflix的YouTube頻道以直播的方式轉播,除了超過70部最新節目的預告、片段和明星出席之外,觀眾還可以和現場出席的演職員互動。其中將會包含《Stranger Things 怪奇物語》、《Bridgerton 柏捷頓家族:名門韻事》、《The Witcher 獵魔士》、《The Crown 王冠》、《Emily in Paris 艾蜜莉在巴黎》、《La Casa De Papel 紙房子》、《Cobra Kai 眼鏡蛇道館》等熱門節目以及備受期待的新節目《Cowboy Bebop 星際牛仔》真人版。
• 在此同時,Netflix 也在韓國參與另一件讓他們更像傳統片廠的計畫:舉辦實體影展。Netflix 與韓國市場與當地最大的連鎖電影院品牌 CJ CGV 合作,從9月1日開始在該品牌的70個電影院營業據點進行持續13天的 NetFic 影展活動之中,放映7部 Netflix 原創電影。該活動是由韓國在地產業發起,邀請各串流業者來電影院放映自家作品,企圖藉此加速電影院票房復原。這不是 Netflix 第一次在韓國進行映演活動,奉俊昊導演的 Netflix 作品《Okja 玉子》也曾在韓國電影院映演。多年之後 Netflix 不僅穩坐韓國市場串流第一,也已經成為韓國影視內容的最大投資者之一。
• 最後一個 Netflix 新聞則可以說他們更像好萊塢,同時又更不像好萊塢。不久之前宣佈跨足遊戲產業並開始招兵買馬的 Netflix,今天宣布他們將開始在波蘭測試他們出品的前兩個遊戲:同為招牌節目怪奇物語延伸產品的《Stranger Things: 1984》和《Stranger Things 3》。遊戲已經在 Apple App Store 和 Google Play 上架,也會有桌機版和遊戲主機版。玩家將必須接受驗證確實為 Netflix 訂戶才能開始玩。
• Netflix 跨足遊戲業的大動作,像好萊塢的部分是如同有遊戲業務的 Sony 直接運用自家電影 IP 開發遊戲,或是如同 Disney 的星戰那樣(遊戲部門 LucasArts 已被 Disney 關掉)授權給遊戲業開發延伸遊戲。依據 Netflix 早先的說法,他們的野心不止於此,而將延伸到非 IP 改編的完全原創遊戲。 正是這一點讓他們跟好萊塢的行為模式區別開來。特殊的是 Netflix 的遊戲將不會像其他遊戲業者那樣零售,也不會像 Apple Arcade 那樣採用訂閱制的方式收費。 Netflix 遊戲將會是 Netflix 訂戶專屬,成為維持他們既有訂閱價格的工具以及未來潛在漲價的正當理由。
◇ 新聞來源:
Netflix Sets ‘Tudum’ Global Fan Event, With Stars From 70 Movies and Shows Including ‘Stranger Things’ and ‘The Harder They Fall’(https://flip.it/iKXLln)
Netflix begins testing mobile games in its Android app in Poland(https://flip.it/fUrd20)
Netflix Movies to Enjoy Theatrical Screenings Season in Korea’s CGV Cinemas(https://flip.it/CGFxFs)
◇ 新聞來源:One of China's Biggest Film Stars Becomes Target of Beijing's Crackdown(https://flip.it/EVfHKw)
◇ 新聞來源:Apple will now let App Store developers talk to their customers about buying direct(https://flip.it/OMZRIY)
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哈佛知識分享:《做生意的三個 S》 - 七集介紹、第一及第二集。
做生意有三個 S: Survive (生存), Sustain (持續), and Succeed (成功).
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
七/八/九月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
1. 先講生存 survive - 即係收入多過支出。連錢都賺唔到,日日蝕做乞衣,唔好講嘢。 絕大部分生意,五年內都係生存唔到!
2. 再講持續性 sustain - 持續地賺到錢,持續地收入多過支出,Sustaining 養活咗99%中小企, 但佢哋永遠都係中小企 ,因為可能幾十年業績都浮浮沉沉!
3. 要成功就講 Succeed, I mean become really really Super Successful - How to win? 就要講策略 Strategy.
Do you have a strategy? 你做生意有無策略?
根據哈佛最出名嘅策略教授 Michael Porter "The first test of a strategy is whether your value proposition is different from your rivals. If you are trying to serve the same customers and meet the same needs and sell at the same relative price, then you don't have a strategy. "
如果你嘅價值主張係同你嘅競爭對手一樣, 即係話你服務緊同一班客, 解決緊同一問題, 收緊差唔多價錢的話, 哈佛教授米高波特就講你係「人做你做」,你「無策略」 。 長遠,你唔會賺大錢! You can only sustain, but cannot be super successful! 咁應該點?
Understanding Michael Porter! 何謂競爭? 何謂策略? 如何勝出? What is competition? What is strategy? How to win?
Michael Porter 相信係仲在生最出名嘅大學策略教授, 佢1979年首次提出嘅 Porter's Five Competitive Forces (行業競爭五大動力), 1980提出嘅 Four Generic Strategies (四個一般策略), 1985年再提出嘅 Value-Chain Analysis (價值鏈分析), 讀過任何 business school 嘅同學都應該學過。 佢今年已經七十四歲, 唔知仲可以教多幾耐書,有幸我2017年去哈佛大學親身上過佢課程,畢生受用。
今次我就一連七集,同你分享呢本書 Understnding Michael Porter。
(1) Competition, what's the right mindset? 你應該點諗「競爭」?
(2) What are the Industry Competitive 5 Forces? 什麼是行業的五大動力? 對你利潤有什麼影響?
(3) Competitive advantage through your value chain 你的企業價值鏈如何令你有競爭優勢?
(4) What is strategy? How do you create value? 什麼是策略 ? 你如何創造價值?
(5) The trade-offs. 要「取」得更多,就要「捨」得更多。 做生意如何「取捨」?
(6) Fit. 成間公司要言行一致! 全部力要向同一個方向走。
(7) Continuity. 持續性,無得急! 路遙知馬力!
有興趣聽多啲,就來我七/八月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下一集同你先講 (1) What is competition? what's the right mindset? 乜嘢係「競爭」? 你應該點諗「競爭」?
哈佛知識分享:《何謂競爭? 你應點諗競爭?》What is competition? What's the right mindset?
一連七集: 今集同你先講《何謂競爭? 你應點諗競爭?》What is competition? What's the right mindset?
做生意你可以 Me Too, Me Better 或者 .... Me What? 乜嘢? 等陣再講。
Me too, 就係「人做你做」, 你要贏,只能夠鬥平! 同一碟乾炒牛河, 如果一樣味道,你就係要賣平啲,人哋先幫襯你。
Me better,就係你做得叻啲,你做得好啲、快啲、靚啲、新啲, 咁你就可以收貴啲! 你碟乾炒牛河,真材實料的,好味啲,就可以賣貴啲。
可惜前兩者,都係一個零和遊戲。 你贏,就人哋輸。 人哋贏,就你輸。個餅係得咁大,你日日講 market share (市場佔有率),但無新行業價值製造過, 個餅冇大到。
根據哈佛策略教授 Michael Porter, 做生意除咗 Me Too, Me Better, 你要盡量做到 NOT Me Best ... but ME ONLY. Be unique! 你做生意必需具獨特性。
佢話做生意 there is simply NO BEST! 冇話「最好」,因為唔同人客有唔同需要,你嘅產品啱,他們自然有需求。你要「創造需要」!
包括我在內, 之前香港都無「商舖基金」,買賣舖只有鬥平鬥靚。 但如果間鋪又要靚,又賣得平,硬係無錢賺。唯有靠大市升。但萬一唔升? 一個社運/肺炎,馬上個個炒家/投資者停晒。 依家個市好啲, 馬上「短炒」出返曬嚟。 但我覺得做生意係唔可以靠個市升去賺錢。 要個市跌,甚至乎大跌,都搵到食,咁先至係一盤生意。 容許我好自豪地講,社運/肺炎後,我哋買入咗31間香港街舖,沽出咗11間,合共約港幣7.9億嘅街舖,沽得嘅,間間賺錢,論宗數及論回報,都係同期全港 by far,I mean really really by far 最多! 我哋點做? 就係因為我哋行咗 Michael Porter 所講嘅,Be Unique ... be ME ONLY.
根據呢本書,Understanding Michael Porter, 佢講 what's the right mind-set for competition? 你應該點諗競爭?
盡量得,你應該諗 Not be the the best, but be unique。 唔係要做到最好,而係做到最獨特。
Not be number 1, but earn higher returns. 唔係要做到第一,而係要多啲回報,賺多啲錢!
Not focus on market share, but focus on profits. 唔係要市佔率,係要利潤。
Not serve the "best" customer with "best" product, but meet the diverse needs of target customers. 唔係要「最好」嘅產品,畀「最好」嘅客。而係 用唔同嘅產品,滿足唔同顧客嘅需求。
Not compete by imitation, but compete by innovation. 唔係人做你做,而係要創新!
Not ZERO SUM game, but POSITIVE SUM. 唔係「零和遊戲」、互相廝殺, 而係大家從不同層面創造價值, 可以有好多個贏家。
記住競爭,唔代表你一定要贏人。 打到兩敗俱傷,又有乜意思呢? 如果即使你打唔打低人,自己能夠賺多啲錢,咁又 why not? 點解要去打低人呢?
"Strategy explains how an organization, faced with competition, will achieve superior performance. The definition is deceptively simple." by Michael Porter.
Operation effectiveness is different from having a good strategy. 有高嘅營運效率,唔代表有好嘅策略。
Michael Porter 話 Operation effectivness 就好似隻老鼠喺個圈入面係咁跑咁, 無論你點跑得快,你都只係繼續喺個圈入面。 你可以勤力啲、做得快啲、做得好啲,但始終你繼續都係喺個圈入面。
但有好嘅策略,a good strategy , 就能幫你跳出呢個圈,帶去你想去嘅地方。
"If rivals all pursue the "one best way" to compete, they will find themselves on collision course." by Michael Porter
「如果所有競爭對手,都朝著一個「做到最好」的方向競爭, 大家只會撞到頭破血流。」
"Strategic competition means choosing a path different from that of others." by Michael Porter
好似間茶餐廳咁, 你可以炒餸快啲,上菜快啲,服務好啲,埋單走多兩轉, 但係始終都係一間茶餐廳,只係做緊 Me Too 或者 Me Better. 人哋唔去你嗰間,就去另一間,係一個「零和遊戲」。 無論你點做得快啲、好啲,競爭對手一樣都會嘗試追上。 無策略,你會跑得好辛苦。 喺個圈入面繼續跑來跑去。
另一種諗法,或者你可以把間茶餐廳, 變成專做外賣, 加埋其他餐廳上你平台, 加下加下,變下變下,變成間 Deliveroo。同前者一樣,大家都係做食,但你專做外賣,咁你會唔會係 more unique? 更獨特! Earn higher returns, compete by innovation AND 做大啲個餅 positive sum game 呢? 會唔會有原本唔想食茶餐廳嘅人,都叫咗外賣返屋企食呢? Deliveroo 依家倫敦上市嘅市值係超過500億港幣, 試問有幾多間茶餐廳或飲食集團能做到呢?
唔想咁大改變? 試想想賣漢堡包。 麥當勞係全球最大快餐店,唔駛講。 佢嘅漢堡包係賣得最快,最多! 但你識唔識呢個女人? Lynsi Snyder. In-N-Out Burger 第三代接班人。
Michael Porter 話相比起麥當勞,佢唔係要最快最大最多,In-N-Out Burger 係要最新鮮嘅食材,never frozen, never microwaved,最有傳統風味,最具 family tradition 家族色彩, 餐牌/秘方基本上70年都不變過。McDonald / Burger King 餐牌有超過80樣嘢揀,佢只得少過15。
佢要嘅係家庭傳統 family tradition! 佢係要做少啲,做好啲,每人分多啲。雖然每間分店都賺到錢, 以舖比舖,平均每間In-N-Out Burger 舖嘅營業額係每年450萬美金,高過麥當勞的舖平均每年260萬美金,高出七成。每間 In-N-Out 舖嘅 Profit margin 估計高達20%,比同行競爭對手亦高出一倍, 佢就係要特登開少啲,開慢啲。用咗70年時間, 只係開咗三百幾間,全部自己直接經營兼自置物業, 為咗容易管理,絕大部分分店都係喺美國西岸。 佢每開一間分店往往啲人都要大排長龍, 有人揸幾個鐘頭車,甚至乎搭飛機/酒店過夜專登去食。
因為每間舖賺到錢,個個員工人工都特別高。例如,根據網上薪酬統計網站 Glassdoor.com,In-N-Out Burger 嘅 Store Manager 店長平均人工加花紅,係年薪美金16萬3千元。 麥當勞? 係美國只係4萬4千美金。In-N-Out Burger 高出近3倍。 最基層員工,人工都比市場高出5成。人工高,自然員工做耐啲,平均Store Manager 店長都做17年,員工上下一家人感覺強啲,對人客笑容自然多啲,服務好啲。
比起麥當勞,佢哋唔係鬥快鬥多。In-N-Out Burger 每個客往往都要等成起碼十分鐘先有漢堡包食。提起 Mobile ordering 手機落單, 咁啲人客唔使等咁耐? 聽下佢 CEO Lynsi Snyder 點講?
Be definition of Michael Porter, In-N-Out Burger is pursuing a different path from that of others. 行緊條自己嘅路。Be unique! Not to be number 1, but to earn higher returns. Not to focus on market share, but on profit. 唔同嘅客有唔同需求,既然自己回報可以高啲,點解需要打低競爭對手呢? Positive Sum Game, 個餅係做大咗! 雖然佢聲稱永遠都唔搞 franchise,永遠唔搞上市,全部自己親自經營,根據2021年福布斯富豪榜,In-N-Out 第三代老闆 Lynsi Snyder 身家現有36億美金,係榜內最年輕女士。 麥當勞嘅創辦人呢? 都唔知去咗邊度!
你呢? 你又打算點樣同人競爭? 記住,Michael Porter 話:
"In the vast majority of businesses, there is simply no such thing as "the best.""
絕大部分嘅生意, 冇嘢叫做絕對嘅「最好」!
"Winning without beating others!" 「唔使打低競爭對手都勝出!」咁先至係「贏」嘅最高境界。
有興趣聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我七/八月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (2) What are the Industry Competitive 5 Forces? 什麼是行業的五大動力? 對你利潤有什麼影響?
有時間就睇埋幾年前 CBS 對In-N-Out Burger 嘅報導,家族經歷過幾次嘅悲劇,依家留到第三代,佢哋嘅堅持可能亦對你做生意有所啟發。
哈佛知識分享: What are the Industry Competitive 5 Forces? 什麼是行業的五大動力? 對你利潤有什麼影響?
The real point of competition is not to beat rivals. It's to earn profits.
競爭,最重要唔係要打低競爭 對手,而係要賺錢! - My favorite quote from Michael Porter.
今次一連七集同你講 Michael Porter. 上集同你講咗《何謂競爭? 你應點諗競爭?》What is competition? What's the right mindset? 今集同你講 (2) What are the Industry Competitive 5 Forces? 什麼是行業的五大動力? 對你利潤有什麼影響?
巴菲特 Warren Buffett 曾經講過: “When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for poor fundamental economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.”
當好聲譽嘅經理, 遇上差回報聲譽嘅行業,通常係行業嘅聲譽會繼續留低。
因此我經常話「先揀行業,後諗點做!」 做生意就好似賽馬比賽咁,要勝出,行業就係隻馬,老闆就係個騎師。 隻馬識飛嘅,騎師煲兩口煙都能勝出, 如果佢再加把勁, 鞭多兩下,咁就不得了, 可能賺到盤滿缽滿! 但如果隻馬係跛嘅,唔通騎師跑埋一份咩?! 咁就騎師唯有先要醫番好隻馬,再去比賽, 咁勝出機會率才更大。
但如何分析隻馬 (即係個行業) fit 唔 fit? 根據哈佛大學最出名嘅策略教授 Michael Porter,佢1979年首次提出嘅 Porter's Five Competitive Forces (行業競爭五大動力), 從五個層面分析個行業得唔得, 亦都係可以就住呢五個層面加強隻馬嘅競爭力。
(1) Bargaining Power of Buyers 買家的議價能力。
(2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers 供應商的議價能力。
(3) Barriers to Entry 入行門檻。
(4) Threat of Substitutes 代替品的威脅。
(5) Internal Rivalry 內部競爭的激烈程度。
(6) Availability of Complements 互補商品的存在。
要賺錢就係希望價錢 (Price) 高過成本 (Cost), 相差越大,你就賺錢越多。 但你要賺錢,你要知道你唔單止係同你競爭對手爭緊, 你同一時間係同緊你嘅買家、供應商、代替品、及潛在入行競爭者爭! 逐個逐個同你講,因為:
(1) 越大買家的議價能力 Bargaining Power of Buyers,就會把你價錢越撳低, 因為買家佢哋會講價,所以唔可以太依賴某個買家。
一般嚟講,如果最大嘅客戶佔你超過10%營業額,或者最大五個客戶佔你25%或以上營業額, 你就有customer concentration risk, 過份客戶集中的風險。 因為你好怕佢哋走, 佢哋議價能力就自然提升。 好多廠,某個歐美大客訂單都分分鐘佔咗超過一半生意額, 因此經常畀人牽住鼻子走,好多嘢做,但賺唔到錢。
"Powerful buyers will force prices down or demand more value in the product, thus capturing more of the value for themselves." by Michael Porter
「議價能力強嘅買家,會把價格推低或者對產品要求提升, 從而買家自己得到更大價值。」
包括我自己在內, 前排某大美資基金,管理美金資產幾百億,話同俾我幾十億同我合作投資商舖,但條件多多, 又呢樣又嗰樣 ... 唔只一間,仲有好多其他,我全部 say No。 就係因為我唔想過份依靠某大客,當我無本事。 我想細細間,慢慢增長,玩耐啲。遠遠好過霎時間爆發得太快,遲早市況一逆轉就爆鑊。
我成日話,我每季只係希望集資港幣6000萬,加我自己 top up 25%, 冇咁大個頭,唔好戴咁大頂帽 。我自己個 fund 每季集資,每年淨資產增長四五億港幣,每個月拉勻買入港幣5000萬街舖,沽2000萬,I'm happy! 買下買下,好快就買足1000間街舖。要依賴就依賴我自己,信得過多好多。
為咗增長,你又有冇過份依賴某個或幾個大客呢? 如果佢哋鏈你或者執咗,你又會點呢?
仲有, 唔單止客人大,佢哋嘅議價能力先至強。如果你嘅產品係市場係冇乜差異化, no differentiation, 人做你做, me too strategy, 個個都係度格價的話,佢哋買家議價能力都係好強。因為人哋平一蚊,佢哋就走咗,buyers are very "price sensitive", 你為咗留客,唯有減價。因此,you have to be different, 同其他競爭對手有所唔同, 咁即是你加價,買家都留低幫襯你。 但問心,你盤生意同人哋又有幾唔同呢?
(2) 越大供應商的議價能力 Bargaining Power of Suppliers,就會把你成本提升,因為供應商佢哋會加價。員工、舖嘅業主都係間茶餐廳嘅供應商。 銀行就係財務公司嘅供應商, 我最大嘅供應商就係嗰班沽舖嘅業主, 因為每個月我洗緊五千萬入貨。
"Powerful suppliers will charge higher prices or insist on more favorable terms, lowering industry profitability." by Michael Porter
「議價力強嘅供應商,會收貴啲價錢,或者要求更有利嘅條款 ,導致降低成個行業嘅利潤率。」
香港好多生意都係代理某品牌/產品或 franchise (特許經營)開始,佢哋都係供應商。但如果咁多年不斷都只係靠做代理/franchise,好就好,萬一外國某品牌易手或同第二代唔啱,咁就大鑊。
Michael Porter 話,如果 switching cost (轉換成本)係高嘅, 例如果佢哋要重新當地請人 、重新開舖、重新鋪設個網絡,供應商都可能焗住留低,佢哋嘅 bargaining power (議價能力)會下降。 但如果, 一下子終止代理或 franchise 協議,就所有嘢歸佢,咁你就大鑊! 供應商嘅議價能力極強, 就好似香港嘅7-11咁。
7-11而家在香港開到一千間分店,當中大約400間係特許經營。話就話係特許經營比創業者創業,實質上所有嘢都係歸牛奶公司 (7-11母公司), 加盟者其實只係攞住嚿錢打份工, 話走就走,人客都唔知發生乜事。 問心,你同我都唔知邊間7-11是嗰400間特許經營。咁樣供應商的議價能力 bargaining power of supplier 就極強。 因此, 我認識好多711的加盟者, 勤力守規矩一定搵到食,但發達,住山頂洋樓養番狗?! 我 so far 仲未聽過。
做生意目標,根據 Michael Porter, 就係要把你嘅供應商議價能力降低。 從多啲唔同渠道入貨,流程盡量標準化,好似大家樂/McDonald's 咁,咁對員工既依賴程度亦都會降低。 做代理嘅,就 make sure 即使唔做,啲人物、網絡係歸你。 我識好多朋友,都係一面做代理,另一邊就建立自己品牌, 打長短棍做生意。 代理係短棍(賺錢),自己品牌係長棍(投資),睇長線。
你又打算點降低你對供應商嘅依賴程度, 增強你自己嘅議價能力呢?
(3) 越低入行門檻 Barrier of Entry 就會把你價錢下降及成本提升, 因為多人入嚟爭,自然大家都減價促銷及加價搶人搶貨。
"Entry barriers protect an industry from newcomers who would add new capacity." by Michael Porter
入行門檻會減低新加入者增加產量。 產量多,自然價格下跌。 向供應放入貨都會多咗,亦都會搶高來貨價。 因此做生意嘅你,就要盡將個入行門檻提升。主要有三方法:
(1) 做到好大,有規模經濟(economies of scale), 咁你每件貨生產嘅平均成本就會下降,即是規模報酬遞增(increasing returns to scale), 咁競爭對手就好難入嚟同你爭。
(2) 做到好專, 只要你有某專業知識,人客就會好依賴獨有技能。 例如我自己唔單止淨係投資地產,我係專買街舖。 我唔單止係領展/黑石等大地產基金,大我唔夠他們大,但我係專買香港五六千萬以下街舖嘅商舖基金。 當你做得專,人客自然好難搵替代品。
(3) 當多一個人客使用,對原本個人客價值就提升,this is what we call "Network Effect" (網絡效應)。例如whatsapp/wechat/facebook/youtube,全世界只得你一個人用就冇用,越人用對你嘅價值就提升。
如果你有齊以上三樣嘢,恭喜你,新競爭對手好難入嚟同你爭! 你有排賺錢。 但如果你三樣都冇,你只係 Me too Me Better 嘅策略的話, 我估你只會繼續浮浮沉沉, survive (生存) and sustain (持續)唔難, 但好難 become super successful (好成功).
第四動力 : (4) 越大代替品的威脅 Threat of Substitites 就會把你價格下降, 因為人客可以選擇其他商品,唔駛用你。
"Substitutes - products or services that meet the same basic need as the industry's product in a different way - put a cap on industry profitability. " by Michael Porter
「產品或者服務嘅代替品, 會把整個行業嘅利潤封頂。」
例如 DVD rental 租碟, 令到好多人唔駛買碟. 有 Netflix 嘅 streaming 就唔駛再去租碟。 有高鐵就搭少啲飛機, 有whatsapp就打少啲電話, 有數碼相機就少人用菲林相機。It's all true!
因此你經常都要諗下你嘅行頭會唔會突然間有代替品 substitutes 去衝擊你成個行業。 咁你點應對呢?
包括我自己在內,有網購,就自然落少間舖買嘢。 因此長遠舖價必定受網購影響。 但我只買街舖, 香港有大約有十萬間街舖, 我只想好似7-11咁,當中揸住一千間,我係業主。即1%。 我相信網購點發達,都唔會快過你行過條街口喝入去7-11買包嘢飲。 因此我揀舖都要好小心。 我只買街埔,係因為街舖冇新供應。 網站可以有好多個,商場可以再起一千個,但街鋪無。 啟德、東涌、將軍澳、明日大嶼都好,都係無街舖賣。 物以罕為貴。而我盡量都只買可以做飲食及服務業嘅街舖, 難被網購取代。如果純粹做零售、乾貨,投資就要好小心。
最後 (5) 越大內部競爭的激烈程度 Internal Rivalry 價格就越低及成本也越高,因為大家同行都鬥平鬥靚, 可能導致割喉式競爭。
"If rivalry is intense, companies compete away the value they create, passing it on to buyers in lower prices or dissipating it in higher costs of competing." by Michael Porter
如果行頭有割喉式競爭,任何價值製造嘅利潤, 都會因為減價或者成本上升而消失。
咁你又點知道你個行頭易唔易會有割喉式競爭? 睇6樣嘢:
(1) 大家競爭對手係唔係差唔多大細,好多好散。好似街市咁,咁就好容易減價競爭。 但如突然有一兩個大嘅龍頭冒起, 好似百佳/惠康咁,反而會穩定價格。
(2) 大家賣嘅產品差唔多, 好容易格價。 例如手機品牌、電子產品。
(3) 好多人入嚟爭,唔係為錢而爭, 而係為社會貢獻或者國家任務而爭。
(4) 整體行業增長好慢, 甚至乎收縮,變成「困獸鬥」
(5) 產品係 "perishable" 即係 時間係敵人! 呢一刻唔要,之後想要返都唔得。 例如: 酒店房,今晚唔住,聽日就有其他人。 機位今日唔答,聽日就已經飛走咗。 因此今日就大家都要劈價求售。
(6) High Exit Barrier 高離開行業嘅門檻, 好多生意,唔係話走就走,好多面子面俾、好多員工要炒、好多數要找、 老豆、阿爺留落嚟, 阿孫阿仔焗住要做, 有生意但唔識變通嘅,唯有減價。
"Price competition is the most dangerous form of rivalry." by Michael Porter
自問,平時你又有幾大劈價求售嘅壓力呢? 你點樣可以做得獨特性,唔同人哋割喉式競爭呢? 把時間變成朋友呢?
以上就係 Michael Porter 1979年首次提出嘅 Porter's Five Competitive Forces (行業競爭五大動力), 近年好多人都提倡應該有第六個。
(6) Availability of Complements 互補商品的存在 (仲於有個好嘢!) 。越多就越把價錢提升及成本下降,因為多咗馬路 (車嘅 complements) 就自然更多人想買車, 更多人想買車,就自然車價格上升,每架車生產及銷售成本也下降。
做餐廳嘅,Deliveroo 可能係 complements 互補品, 馬上送外賣成本下降。 做電動車嘅,多啲充電站就係互補品,令到多啲人買電動車。4G/5G 上網快咗,係手機遊戲嘅 completment. 唔同嘅 Apps 都係買手機嘅 completment. 越多人創業,都係我買舖嘅 complement.
Michael Porter 話做生意,就要明白以上五加一項的行業推動力,點樣影響整個行業嘅利潤。 頭五樣,is not Add-Up effect,唔係睇總和,而係只要一個差至極點, 成個行頭及你盤生意好易玩完。
例如有咗手機網上新聞之後, threat of substitute 代替品嘅威脅,舊式嘅報紙檔/雜誌社就執一間少一間。 如果你做餐廳只得一間舖,咁多年來太依賴某業主單一位置, 唔知係咪因為風水好定心頭好,萬一業主一沽舖,下手買家大幅加租,盤生意也馬上玩完。記住 Bargain power of supplier 業主就係你供應商, 如果你冇得搬,佢議價能力就好強。
因此,做生意你就係要盡量想辦法, 把握以上五加一動力,加強你自己嘅生意穩定性及賺錢能力。記住,一開場我話:
The real point of competition is not to beat rivals. It's to earn profits.
競爭,最重要唔係要贏對手,而係要賺錢! 要賺錢,長遠賺得穩定,就要好好把握頭5大動力,把他們盡量推下降,及第6動力盡量拉上升。
有興趣一齊研究下點做? 聽多啲 Michael Porter,就來我七/八月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 下集我再同你講 (3) Competitive advantage through your value chain 你的企業價值鏈如何令你更具競爭優勢?
My hobby 《星期六早餐會》!
七/八/九月份早餐會 Topic: Applying "Michael Porter" to your business: How to compete and win!
哈佛分享: 如何應用「米高波特」於你盤生意? 點競爭? 點贏?
講起哈佛策略教授, 無人出名過 Michael Porter. 有幸我2017年在哈佛親身上過他教的課程, 今次早餐會同你分享,希望對你做生意亦有所啟發。
有興趣參加啦 😃 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 中小企老闆/創業者/公司管理層,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 😉 Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
#michael_porter #競爭策略
target in store 在 AllRightsReserved Facebook 的最讚貼文
You’re invited!
This Aug, we are excited to announce our latest collaboration with Yusuke Hanai - “FACING THE CURRENT” exhibition in Hong Kong, making it the artist's largest solo show overseas.
The exhibition will be showcasing the artist's Largest Sculptural Artwork to date alongside 19 brand-new canvas and multi-layered frame drawings.
Yusuke Hanai “FACING THE CURRENT” Exhibition
Exhibition Period:
14 Aug - 5 Sep 2021
Opening Hours:
Mon to Sat: 11am to 7pm
Sun: 11am to 5pm
Free Admission
Special thanks to Gallery Target
【花井祐介最大型海外個人展覽 《FACING THE CURRENT》登陸香港】
日本著名藝術家花井祐介(Yusuke Hanai)歷年最大型海外個人展覽《FACING THE CURRENT迎浪當下》正式登陸香港。
展覽由AllRightsReserved主辦及策劃,於8⽉14⽇⾄9⽉5⽇假中環置地廣塲BELOWGROUND舉⾏,將展出藝術家⾄今最巨型立體雕塑作品、⾸次創作的19幅油畫與多層框架作品,與及展覽另一亮點 - 花井祐介首個引入NFT(非同質化代幣)技術的《WAKE UP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE》立體小屋裝置藝術。
花井祐介《FACING THE CURRENT》最大型海外個人展覽
展覽日期:2021年8月14日 至 9月5日
地點 :香港中環皇后大道中15號置地廣塲地庫BELOWGROUND 7號鋪
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#花井祐介 #YusukeHanai #AllRightsReserved #DDTStore #FACINGTHECURRENT
target in store 在 KIM THAI Youtube 的精選貼文
⊹ Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video.
https://www.betterhelp.com/thai for 10% off your first month!
things mentioned in this video:
⊹ motion solar backyard lights - https://amzn.to/3un8Xpo
⊹ oc picnic - @oc.picnics // [email protected]
⊹ tote bag - @cats.thetics
let's connect:
⊹ business - nikki@expandentertainment.co
⊹ instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kkimthai
⊹ subscribe to my food channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5zak5tqTE3JJFtiIpXyOnA
shop my merch collection:
⊹ https://shopkimthai.com
my po box:
⊹ attn - kim thai nguyen
po box 1160
huntington beach, ca 92647
music used:
⊹ Music by Naomi - Tidal Wave - https://thmatc.co/?l=91B57992
⊹ Music by Naomi - Tidal Wave via @hellothematic
⊹ Music by Fiji Blue - Reasons You Should Care - https://thmatc.co/?l=02A9E6B7
⊹ Music by @fijiblue - Reasons You Should Care via @hellothematic
target in store 在 Dickson Chai Youtube 的最佳貼文
Campaign : Blissful Together
Brand : Auntie Anne's Malaysia
Marketer : Dickson Chai
Agency : Nil
Auntie Anne’s is a well-known International Brand from U.S.A specializing in baked soft pretzels. The first outlet arrived at Malaysian shores 25 years ago and has since experienced continuous growth in both outlets and customer base.
Sales during the Chinese New Year festive period (January to February) are typically non-peak season with lower-than-average volumes.Malaysians from city areas (where the majority of Auntie Anne’s outlets are located) back to their respective hometowns in sub-urban or rural areas to spend time with the family, traditionally the week preceding and during Chinese New Year. This leads to lower footfall at shopping areas and malls during this window, generating lower transactions.
Auntie Anne’s devised a breakthrough strategy to increase brand presence, awareness and drive customers’ visitation to outlets when doing shopping in malls.
The campaign’s concept – “Blissful Together”, inspired by “福” (Blissful) – a word commonly used during Chinese New Year seasons which means good wishes and also represents the joy and festive mood associated with Chinese New Year. Creatively combined the brand logo with the word “福”, fusing a Western brand with iconic traditional Chinese element, to become the central art of the campaign, making all customers felt like enjoying a piece of Auntie Anne’s means receiving a “Blissful” wishes from the brand during Chinese New Year.
Campaign’s target audience was Malaysians of all races, all ages, including new and repeat customers.
Auntie Anne’s used an integrated approach to maximise reach and engagement of target audience via relevant touch-points.
Packaging: All packaging were changed into a couplet-like design with Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word on it, spreading the “Blissful” experience to every customer who visited Auntie Anne’s throughout the period.
In-store promotional items: Utilized all potential spaces and real estate within each outlet to display campaign-related in-store items. All collaterals strongly presented the Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word and functioned like couplets display at outlets.
Promotion Scheme: 3 promotional sets and used different “Blissful” levels to represent different promotional sets: i. “So Blissful” – RM8.50 (Original Stix + Any Pretzel) , ii. “More Blissful” – RM9.50 (Cinnamon Stix + Any Pretzel) , iii. “Very Blissful” – RM10.50 (Choco Eclairs Stix + Any Pretzel).
Social Media: Consistent postings highlighting the couplet-like design packaging to bring up the festive mode among audience as well as a reminder to loyal fans and potential customers throughout campaign period.
On ground:
All Auntie Anne’s outlets turn into “Blissful” outlets by displaying all “Blissful Together” theme promotion materials.
All outlet staffs strongly promote “Blissful” promotion set items with use of “Blissful” name for promotion items: “So Blissful”, “More Blissful” and “Very Blissful” instead items’ original names during the campaign.
Only “Blissful” design packaging was used during the period to pack every product sold.
On line:
The campaign was announced through Facebook and Instagram page by changing the profile photos to display Auntie Anne’s version of “福” (Blissful) word and followed immediately by promotion information post on 1st day of campaign. Facebook and Website landing page cover pictures were changed to “Blissful Together” campaign key visuals to be consistent with the “Blissful” decoration displayed at physical outlets.
1 social media posting was made on Facebook and Instagram platforms on average, every 2.5 days, about “Blissful Together” campaign to maintain the campaign hype and momentum.
Successfully spread “Blissful” wishes to more than 945,000 customers with more than 1,790,000 “Blissful” packaging handed out together with the products sold – exceeding the sales made last year for same period by more than 41,000 units.
A growth in Revenue of 5.6% and growth in number of transactions by 2.7% during the Chinese New Year period compared to last year. Average spending per transaction increased by 2.8% showing the direct impact of the promotional set items sold which encouraged customer’s higher spending or more quantity purchase per transaction.
“Blissful Together” postings gained total of 42,622 reached with in Facebook fan page and 20,438 reached in Instagram during campaign period with ZERO advertising budget. “Blissful Together” first day posting achieved 5% engagement rate which was higher than industry benchmark (3-4%).
Campaign successfully created a new mindset of inclusivity, reminding that festive seasons such as the Chinese New Year can be celebrated by all races through the concept of blending a western international brand with traditional Chinese culture to symbolize joy and fortune during Chinese New Year.
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Other products used:
Lancome L’absolue Soft Cream https://shopstyle.it/l/bq45M
Clinique Moisture Surge Hydro Lip-plump https://shopstyle.it/l/bq45O
Chosungah 22 Cushion Foundation https://amzn.to/3c4ie02
WakeMake Concealer https://amzn.to/36a01dN
Innisfree no sebum mineral powder http://shrsl.com/2qyzp
Gesgep Cream Contour
Peripera V Shading Contour Powder https://amzn.to/3iM6DDX
Eyecrown Brow Show Tint http://shrsl.com/2qyzy
Eyecrown Volume King Mascara https://amzn.to/2YeUYEg
Colourpop Volumizing Mascara Smart Cookie
Heroine Make Liquid Eyeliner brown https://amzn.to/2LUCEhu
Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow https://shopstyle.it/l/bq5EL
Fenty Beauty Stunna Lip Paint- Unbutton https://shopstyle.it/l/bq5EO
Gesgep Lip Fresco in Glorious
Cezzane Double Eyelid Liner
Marc Jacobs Fineliner Ultra Skinny Gel Eye https://shopstyle.it/l/bq5FX
WakeMake Real Gel Fit Liner Black
Petite Cosmetics Pixie Lashes https://petitecosmetics.com/products/pixie
Shop my Lashes https://petitecosmetics.com
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Music from Artlist.io Music by Alexi Blue - Easy Love - https://thmatc.co/?l=309E20BB
*This video is not sponsored. Some links above are affiliate links which mean I do make a small amount if you chose to buy the products. This does not cost you any extra but it’s a great way to help support my content.
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