我剛結束為期一年的全人觀 (Holistic) 營養訓練課程,從美國最早創立、培養出最多健康教練的「整合營養學院」 (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) 畢業,正式授證成為「 整合營養健康教練」(Integrative Nutrition Health Coach) 。 我也從六月起開始半讀半執業,投入近年來市場需求激增、協助客戶翻轉人生的全球健康運動!
會來這個園地的朋友,就算不是我的讀者,多少了解我對健康飲食的熱情和決心。嚴格說來,我在這條自然飲食和療癒的路上, 已經走了二十年。我始終相信食物是取得健康的根基,也是維持身心靈平衡的藥引。十年前開始, 我在僑居地透過健康廚藝課,與人分享以食養生,進而利潤大地的理念;教課的六年當中,我還穿插寫了兩本中文食譜書,邀請家鄉的朋友共襄盛舉。我對治病這件事, 也從多年來療癒自己和家人的經驗中,體會到身心靈一體相連的法則。這些種種,都為眼前這段人生新路程,埋下伏筆。
去年(2019) 夏天, 我發現我竟然雞婆地當起幾位朋友的“健康教練”來,於是有了更系統化去學習全人營養和諮商技巧的想法。這念頭 其實已在我心裡蘊釀了幾年,卻總因我下不了決心無疾而終,如今那臨門一腳的助緣終於出現。很慶幸現在的我已大致恢復健康,還在飲食之外,學得一套經認證有效的健康管理方法,利己又助人。
簡而言之, 就是協助客戶改變行為,進而促成健康目標。 這個目標可以是減重、耐壓、提升體力、睡得更好,或者以上皆是。我這個健康教練要做的, 是透過專業諮商技巧, 包括積極聆聽、觀察及提問,來引導客戶思考自身處境,釐清盲點,找出造成身心健康失衡的源由,並依此提供客製化、 容易執行、可衡量、能持久的改善建議。這些行動步驟加上營養教育和經驗分享, 將協助客戶改變飲食、生活習慣和想法認知,讓無病者得以預防疾病、平衡身心,進而有力氣去實現人生夢想;也讓慢性病者得以逐步減藥 (由醫生評估執行), 甚至逆轉疾病,重拾健康。
很幸運地 ,就在我課程過半, 覺得需要機會練習所學的今年五月,第一個客戶自動找上門。半年來,我得以一邊充實營養知識,一邊學習、磨練諮商技巧,還親眼目睹客戶在我即使仍生澀的引導下,身、心、靈出現的種種蛻變。那不只讓我很有成就感, 也對自己要成為「促進健康推手」的抱負,充滿信心和希望。
跟任何一種教練課程一樣,我的客戶也需要適時的支持和督促, 才能有持續的進步。因此必要時, 我會溫和但堅定地提醒他們確實執行雙方同意的行動步驟而不脫軌。大家都很清楚, 這年頭,沒有什麼食譜、健康資訊是找不到的。會讓絕大部份人健康失守的原因 , 是缺乏行動力。這一點,健康教練最能使上力。
在這個前提下,健康教練也就成為醫生營養師和病人間的一座橋樑。絕大多數慢性病都是飲食和生活習慣造成的。過去醫界認為和疾病高度關聯的遺傳, 已在基因營養學(Nutrigenomics)的證實下,被推翻或釐清。因為遺傳基因固然是彈夾裡的子彈,但射出子彈的導火線大多是飲食和生活習慣 (epigenetics)。因此現在許多傳統西醫為慢性病人開藥控制病情時,也會建議病人改善飲食和生活習慣。但絕大部份醫生缺乏營養知識和訓練,或者就算有也沒時間進行衛教。營養師有知識時間,卻對病人沒有約束力,也不會去追究 為何病人改變飲食後,病情仍無法改善的原因。這時健康教練就可以填補這個缺口, 讓醫生治病和病人復元都更有效率。
除了食物和營養,身為全人觀的健康教練, 我也一併考量其他足以影響客戶身心靈健康的因素,例如人際關係、活動量、職場狀況、財務和靈性成長等等。在我的訓練裡,這些非食物因素被稱為「主要營養」 (Primary food),餐盤裡的食物反而是「 次要營養」(Secondary food) 。為什麼呢? 因為就算你吃得再健康、再乾淨,如果你的婚姻不和諧或痛恨你的工作,你會覺得身心平衡、快意舒暢嗎?
我自己就是個典型的例子。我已經執行有機和完整營養的飲食型態快二十年了,但這期間我仍偶爾會掙扎於身心病痛,主要就是源於女兒生病那些年的壓力和喪女之慟,讓體內聚積了很多恐懼、憂慮和悲傷的能量。十幾年來我持續進行身心靈的療癒,從中學習到的心得和工具, 如今都成為支持我走上這條路的因緣和養份。這是一段常讓我回首驚嘆的旅程,許多當下以為的「壞事」,如今看來都有它發生的理由和必要。我常常想著想著就渾身疙瘩,忍不住要一再對自己說,It’s all good,一切都是最好的安排!
所以親愛的朋友,如果你或者你認識的親友有興趣藉由我的協助改善身心, 請不吝開口。只要時間能配合,我很樂意提供五十分鐘的免費線上諮商服務。你可以在我們的會面中暢談生活、夢想,以及你想達成的健康目標,也藉此體驗一下有個人在身邊支持、打氣的感覺。到時候我會解釋我的教練療程內容,以及如何幫助你達成目標等細節。如果你諮商完不想繼續,沒問題,不要有負擔。
至於這個園地,未來的分享將不侷限於食物食譜。我會適時分享全人營養的觀念, 讓大家也有機會學習提升身心靈平衡的方法。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,460的網紅Natalia Ng 黄彩菱 Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【I Dare U To】the leading song for this album, is also the commercial theme song for the latest range of products, Töush, inspired by the well-establis...
wide range中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Books / 書訊] Yann Brys 與 François Perret 主廚出版新書、 Fou de Pâtisserie 食譜書將出中文版 / Chef Yann Brys and François Perret publish their first books, Fou de Pâtisserie book launch traditional Chinese version soon (for English, please click “see more”)
我想法國主廚們跟書商完全沒有要讓消費者喘口氣的意思,11 月好書連發,最近輪到陀飛輪(tourbillon)創始人、擁有法國最佳工藝職人(MOF)頭銜的 Yann Brys 主廚和巴黎麗池酒店 Ritz Paris 的主廚 François Perret 出新書;甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年出版的同名食譜書也確認即將推出中文版。
Yann Brys 主廚過去的資歷顯赫,他師承 MOF Philippe Urraca、在 FAUCHON 時在有「甜點小王子」之稱的主廚 Sébastien Gaudard Pâtissier 底下工作,接著經歷巴黎數個豪華酒店,包括宮殿級酒店(palace)的 Hotel Le Bristol Paris,然後前往 DALLOYAU。他在 2009 年發展了現在聞名世界的「陀飛輪」擠花手法,2011 年通過一系列的嚴格比賽與鑑定、獲得法國最佳工藝職人的頭銜,並在同年被任命為 Dalloyau 的創意總監。Yann Brys 主廚在這本即將在 11/27 上市的書中分享了以陀飛輪手法裝飾的多種蛋糕、還有其他或經典或創新的精彩作品。
現任 Ritz 酒店甜點主廚的 François Perret 的經歷也不遑多讓,他幾乎在巴黎所有宮殿級酒店都工作過,一開始在 Le Meurice、接著在 Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris,然後在 Hotel Lancaster Paris 擔任甜點主廚。2010 年他協助巴黎香格里拉飯店 Shangri-La Hotel, Paris 開幕,並很快幫後者的 L’Abeille 餐廳取得米其林二星。接著他加入 Ritz,這個歷經四年整修的巴黎傳奇宮殿級酒店在他與主廚 Nicolas Sale Officiel 的協力合作下,一年之後便分別為酒店內的兩個餐廳取得米其林二星(La Table d'Espadon)與一星(Les Jardins d'Espadon),他和 Nicolas Sale 也分別奪下 2017 年由《Le Chef》雜誌頒發的年度甜點主廚與年度主廚獎項。上月 François Perret 主廚再獲肯定,被 Les Grandes Tables du Monde 協會選為「meilluer pâtissier de restaurant du monde」(「全球最佳餐廳甜點主廚」)。如同書名「Instants sucrés au Ritz Paris」指明的,本書是以「Rtiz 的甜點時光」規劃,從早餐、午餐、下午茶、晚餐等都有相應的作品。François 主廚的的知名創作如瑪德蓮蛋糕、蜂蜜等都收錄其中。另外有一個好消息要跟台灣讀者分享,本書的繁體中文版已經被 大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖) 簽下,大家再稍等一下就能看到囉!
最後則是甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年十月出版的同名食譜書,近日剛剛發表了德文版,同時也宣布簡體和繁體中文版即將推出。這是一本想要認識法式甜點經典、同時一覽法國主廚們各種精彩重新詮釋版本的讀者們必定要收藏的作品。書中精選了 17 種最經典的法式甜點,如 Baba 巴巴、Opéra 歌劇院蛋糕、Saint-Honoré 聖多諾黑泡芙、Tarte au citron 檸檬塔等,每個主題前先解釋該甜點的起源、並以詳細的步驟圖介紹一個最具代表性的作品,接著介紹該甜點的重要組成元素、然後呈現四五個不同的變化版本(全部由知名主廚提供),最後提供一個能夠使用市售商品與簡便方法,在家快速重現經典的食譜。能夠一次飽覽當代最知名的40 位甜點主廚們的作品、領略法式甜點不斷推陳出新的活力,大概也只有 Fou de Pâtisserie 可以辦到。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
如何鑑賞 François Perret 主廚的瑪德蓮蛋糕?https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu
深度專訪 Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu:https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3
This November is marked by beautiful pastry recipe books. If you still remember that we’ve talked about the books of the chef Yann Couvreur, Angelo Musa, and Michelin Guide, now there’re some more! The MOF chef Yann Brys and François Perret, head pastry chef of Ritz Paris are publishing their books this week as well. Moreover, Fou de Pâtisserie has just announced that their great recipe book is going to have its traditional and simplified Chinese versions soon.
Even if you don’t know the chef Yann Brys, you must recognise his world-renowned gesture “tourbillon” still, a technique to pipe cream on a turntable to create a whirl effect. He learnt a wide range of skills from another MOF chef Philippe Urraca, and then worked with Sébastien Gaudard, the “petit prince de la pâtisserie” when he was at Fauchon. He then went through several luxury hotels such as Concorde Lafayette (current Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile) and Hotel Bristol Paris. After that he joined Dalloyau and was named the Creative Director in 2011. He passed through a series of competitions and got his MOF title the same year. In this book “Tourbillon”, the chef shares with us lots of beautiful cakes employing the technique and his other creations as well as the know-how as a Meilleur Ouvrier de France.
Having worked at most of the Parisian palace hotels, François Perret, current chef pâtissier of Ritz Paris also boasts impressive experiences at Le Meurice, George V before he was appointed as the head pastry chef at Hotel Lancaster Paris. He joined Shangri-La Paris in 2010, assisting its opening and contributing to the Michelin two stars gained in two years for L’Abeille, the fine-dining restaurant at the hotel. He then joined Ritz and has been collaborating with the chef Nicolas Sale ever since. The legendary hotel situated on Place Vendôme reopened in 2016 after 4 years of renovation, but the duo has gained the hotel 3 Michelin stars in total in just a year - La Table d’Espadon got two stars and Les Jardin d’Espadon got 1 star in 2017. The both were further awarded as “Pastry chef of the year” and “Chef of the year” by the magazine “Le Chef” in the same year. François was elected as “Best restaurant pastry chef of the world 2019” last month by Grandes Tables du Monde. The book “Instant sucrés au Ritz Paris” presents those sweet moments offered by the hotel, starting from breakfast, wonderful pastries and desserts served in lunch time, tea time, and on dinner tables are all included. The chef’s signature desserts like the entremets Madeleine, Miel, Île flottante are also covered. Good news is that both the English and traditional Chinese version of the book are on their way. English and Chinese-speaking readers will only need to be patient for little while to learn more about the sweet universe of the chef.
Last but not least, the Fou de Pâtisserie book published last October is now having its German version. The traditional and simplified Chinese versions will be available soon, too. Collaborating with 40 great French pastry chefs, this book offers pastry passionates a wonderful opportunity to learn about those great French classics as well as their creative variations. 17 classic like baba au rhum, Opera, Saint-Honoré cakes, etc are presented. Their origins and legends are well explained, followed by a signature recipe illustrated step-by-step and presented by one famous chef, followed by four to five variations with real recipes provided by influential chefs. Then finally an express version using existing products sold in shops or supermarkets is featured. This is a fantastic book to glance through some of the best creations of our time and to learn the spirit of creation.
Click on the following photos to have a closer look!
🔖 You might also be interested:
More book reviews: #yingsbookreviews
Revisiting classics, the fountain-of-youth secret of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y5xenfqz
How to appreciate French pastries (with an example of the “Madeleine” of the chef François Perret): https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu
Tea time at Ritz Paris: https://tinyurl.com/v4hqj5g
Interview with Julie Mathieu, founder and editor in chief of Fou de Pâtisserie: https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3
#yingc #françoisperret #yannbrys #foudepâtisserie
wide range中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的精選貼文
這次展出的 華嵒寫生集 除了上一次刊出的 貓、螳螂、金魚、天牛 這些動物的寫生之外,策展人也選了一件「西園醉酒」的人物寫生,正如華嵒作品一貫的 #幽默生動,#表情俱足,今天看的就是這一幅 #東園載酒西園醉。
受贈寄存名品展(2019/10/05 ~ 12/25)
Famous Paintings Donated and Entrusted to the National Palace Museum (05 OCT ~ 25 DEC 2019)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 208
Gallery: 208 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/donated10810/en/page-1.html
【清 華嵒 寫生冊(一)】形式:冊;尺寸:20.2 x 25.6 cm
華喦(1682~1756),字秋岳,號新羅山人。畫藝初期受 惲壽平(1633~1690)、朱耷(約1626~1705)、石濤(1642~1707)、陳洪綬(1598~1652) 影響,爾後自出新意,為「揚州畫派」成員之一。所繪題材廣泛,涵括人物、鳥禽、草蟲、畜獸、水族等,形象幽默生動,表情俱足,流露自家性情。此冊未署年款,屬六十歲之後晚期繪製,為蘭千山館寄存文物。
【Album of Sketches from Life (I)】Hua Yan (1682-1756), Qing dynasty
Hua Yan, style name Qiuyue and sobriquet Xinluo shanren, was influenced by the painting of Yun Shouping (1633-1690), Zhu Da (ca. 1626-1705), Shitao (1642-1707), and Chen Hongshou (1598-1652) early in his career as an artist. Later he developed a new manner of his own and became one of the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou." He painted a wide range of subjects, including figures, birds, grasses-and-insects, various animals, and water creatures. The forms in his works often have a lively and humorous touch with a sense of expression that reveals his feelings. This album, which is not dated but belongs to Hua Yan's late period after the age of sixty, has been entrusted by the Lanqian shanguan collection to the National Palace Museum.
【清 華嵒 写生冊(一)】形式:冊;サイズ:20.2 x 25.6 cm
華喦(1682~1756)、字は秋岳、号は新羅山人。初期は惲寿平(1633~1690)、朱耷(1626頃~1705)、石涛(1642~1707)、陳洪綬(1598~1652) から影響を受けたが、その後は独自の画風を確立し、「揚州画派」の一人となった。題材は人物や鳥類、草虫、蓄獣、水生動物など幅広く、生き生きとしてユーモラスな生き物たちは表情も豊かで、その性質までもうかがえる。この冊には署名も年款もないが、晩年(60歳頃)の作である。蘭千山館寄託作品。
wide range中文 在 Natalia Ng 黄彩菱 Official Youtube 的最佳貼文
【I Dare U To】the leading song for this album, is also the commercial theme song for the latest range of products, Töush, inspired by the well-established electrical brand, Pensonic. The song was written especially for Natalia by renowned music producer Percy Phang inspired by the Western Pop genre that was made to suit her style and personality.
The MV is lively, visually rich and fashion forward with hints of futurism, which set designs and themes were largely inspired by the epic science fiction film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Directed by Stanley Kubrick. This MV’s aim was to take a playful twist on how the advance Töush technology is as good as 5 strong men completing household chores, every housewife’s dream. The cast that boasts international allurement introduces five talented and stunningly good looking models including Andy Oshima (ex-national volleyball player turned model of Belgian and Japanese descent), Henrique Fukuoka (supermodel of Japanese and Brazilian descent), Mason Roberts (Australian model turned artistic painter), Benjamin Hori (supermodel of Japanese and Canadian descent), and Sampei Okuno (Japanese model and musician). The cast flew in from cities across the globe; Shanghai, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, and Japan, for the filming of this music video.
On a deeper lyrical note, Percy and Natalia wrote this song with the idea that due to Natalia’s ambitious and confident demeanor, she tends to appear intimidating. The song was to encourage future prospects to dare to step up to the plate, break down her walls and fight for her, because behind all that strong exterior, she’s really just an easy-going goofball.
【I Dare U To】 是一首由知名音乐人彭学斌根据Natalia的风格量身打造的Western Pop 风格歌曲,是本次专辑的主打歌,也是Pensonic主推的新系列产品Töush的代言歌曲。
【I Dare U To】 MV可说是充满着满满的视觉享受,时尚感及未来感,因为场景及服装设计的主要灵感就是来自电影大师Stanley Cubrick的作品《太空漫游》。MV中一共五名壮男,以展示在Töush科技下的家电就如壮男般帅气且智能地完成家务,实现每一位家庭主妇的梦想。这无名壮男分别由五名名模所扮演,其中包括Andy Oshima(前排球选手,现为模特,日本比利时混血);Henrique Fukuoka (名模,日本巴西混血);Mason Roberts (澳洲名模,现为艺术画家);Benjamin Hori(日本加拿大混血名模);Sampei Okuno(日本模特,音乐家)。他们分别从上海、澳洲、台湾、加拿大及日本到来进行本次拍摄。在这强大的演员卡司下,可是大大提升了本MV的视觉享受。
【I Dare U To】 is available for stream or download 可在此下载:
1.iTunes / Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/my/album/i-dare-u-to-ep/1475467463
2.Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5gcr43Mi3ABi3LTjax6ZiL?si=eju4QA4OSWikEyNXvssZPA
3.KKBOX : https://kkbox.fm/3U4TRz
4.JOOX: https://www.joox.com/my-zh_cn/album/pGVLequCylK0gWLYWsG29A==
5.MOOV: https://moov.hk/#/album/VATH00501125A
6.Friday音乐 : https://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1704880 (Taiwan platform)
7.QQ音乐:https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/album/002yCVIk1oWNPI.html#stat=y_new.singer.index.album_name (China platform)
8.千千音乐:http://music.taihe.com/album/664196818 (China platform)
9.网易云音乐:https://music.163.com/#/album?id=80831543 (China platform)
10. 酷我音乐:http://www.kuwo.cn/album_detail/10493891 (China platform)
11.微博音乐: https://weibo.com/p/10151501_65196845 (China platform)
更多Natalia Ng 黄彩菱相关资讯:
Connect further with Natalia 黄彩菱:
Website: http://www.nataliangofficial.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nataliangoff...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natalia__ng/
微博: https://weibo.com/u/5744128666
抖音: http://v.douyin.com/RFR5rS/
I Dare U To
词 : (中文词)彭学斌 / (英文词)Natalia
曲 / 制作:彭学斌 @ 口袋音乐 Percy Phang
编曲:帼航 Hanzz / 陈韦汐@口袋音乐
我不知道你的过去 是如何伤害你
我只知道你的现在 有我在陪伴你
想得太多 会变得 容易怀疑
难道你看不出 我眼神中的确定?
你不相信永远这事 到底有多可信
你不相信因为那些 不完美的结局
时间飞快 难道我那么用力
( I Dare U To ) Open Up Your Heart, Open Wide
( I Dare U To ) Say You’ll Fight For Me, Say You’ll Try
( I Dare U To ) Don’t Let Go, Don’t Let This Slip By
Break Down My Walls And Tell Me That You’ll Stay Through The Night
( I Dare U To ) 让爱再次为我澎湃
( I Dare U To ) 把你的真心掏出来
( I Dare U To ) 紧握了手就不放开
让我的等待一直在 幸福的路口徘徊
Presented by Pensonic and JN Entertainment
由Pensonic 及 JN Entertainment 呈现
Singer歌手 & English Lyrics 英文歌词: Natalia Ng 黄彩菱
Composed作曲 & Chinese Lyrics 华文歌词: Percy Phang 彭学斌
Director of Photography 摄影师: Carmen Lee
Creative Direction 创意指导: Leslie Kee
Line Producer制片人: TK Cheng
Executive Produced 执行制片人: Nelson Chew, Jamie Ng
Assistant Line Producer制片助理: Amber Ooi, Ariel Siow, Don
Art Director美术指导: Too Wen Huei
Gaffe灯光师r: Vincent Chai
Stylist造型师: Weechee
Wardrobe Stylist Assistant服装造型师: Jill
Natalia’s Makeup Artist Natalia’s化妆师: Kevin Lee
Natalia’s Hair Stylist Natalia’s发型师: Bibian Leong
Cyborg Makeup Artist特效化妆师: Kenji Sato
Cyborg Hair Stylist特效发型师: Tatsuya Suzuki
Editor剪辑: Carmen Lee
BTS Videographer幕后影片: Ryutaro Hori, View East Creative
BTS Photographer幕后照片: Carol Leong, Rinesh Timoga
Natalia’s Assistant Natalia’s 助理: Eunice Ng, Yuki Okuno
Music Arrangement 编曲 : Hanzz 陈韦汐
Harmony Singer/ Writter 和音编写/和音 : Irene Sow, Natalia Ng
Sound Engineer 录音师 : Hanzz 陈韦汐
Mixer 混音师: Billy Ong
Recording Studio 录音/混音室: Bosh Production Studio
Op: Pocket Music Production
#NataliaIDareUTo #NataliaxTöush #IDareUToMV