我最喜歡鍛煉臀腿的動作-相撲硬舉 🍑
#相撲硬舉 是複合式訓練動作,意味著可以啟動多個主要肌群!這個動作拿來練臀超棒,但前提是動作要正確👌🏽
My FAVORITE exercise ever👉🏽 SUMO DEADLIFTS🙂 Let’s break them down👇🏽
Sumo deadlifts are a COMPOUND movement, meaning they work multiple major muscle groups!
They are a PHENOMENAL exercise to build your glutes🍑 but ONLY if you’re doing the exercise properly.
1️⃣Set up with your feet wide (sumo stance) - “how wide” varies on your hip anatomy, flexibility & comfort. Toes turned outwards
2️⃣Chest right above the bar. As you open up your hips & push your knees OUT, drop straight down & grab the bar
3️⃣Before you even lift the weight, sit back into your hips, bring your chest up & draw your lats down...now lift.
4️⃣PUSH YOUR KNEES OUT THE ENTIRE TIME - do not let them cave-in! This will keep your glutes from engaging in the exercise & wreck your knees
5️⃣At the top, squeeze your glutes! Be sure not to over-extend at the top, it’ll hurt your back.
6️⃣Drop the weight down & repeat!
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