white bean 在 How to make Sakura mochi"Domyoji" Japanese Traditional Sweets Wagashi 的影片資訊
I made Wagashi"Domyoji".it is also called "Sakura mochi" Domyoji is one of famous Wagashi consists o...
I made Wagashi"Domyoji".it is also called "Sakura mochi" Domyoji is one of famous Wagashi consists o...
Read full review - Đọc bài giới thiệu: http://danangcuisine.com/reviews/xoa-xoa/ Danang's Top 1...
I cooked flavored rice using the lucky beans which was leftover from the bean scattering on Setsubun...
Imperial Court confectionery for spring in Japan...
烹調時間 : 50分鐘 食材費用 : $120 腐乳炒飯釀燒雞 外國人燒火雞,做法很傳統,今次改變一下,帶點中式口味,用普通雞代替火雞,適合小家庭及派對,而且肉質較嫩滑多汁,雞肉較薄,中間釀...
GABANバニラビーンズで香りを入れたチョコサブレです。 甘さひかえめですので、甘い物が苦手な男性でも美味しく食べられると思います。 サブレは割と簡単、美味しいので、スイーツ初心者にも作りやすいですね...
I made rainbow candy using sweet bean paste,these candies are called "Ankodama" in Japan. This vide...
烹調時間 : 20分鐘 食材費用 : $35 酥炸魚卷 我們很多時將魚肉釀進燈籠椒和茄子,我將魚肉混和膶腸後做成卷狀再油炸,非常適合用來伴飯或佐酒。 材料 魚肉 ...
I made "Kingyoku Kan of Goldfish". "Kingyoku Kan" is one of better known Wagashi on summer in Japan....
Nerikiri(Jo-Namagashi) is a type of wagashi(Japanese-style confection) that is a general term for sn...