#告白 #忍不住 #心得 🌊 ⠀
忍耐好幾個星期的雨天後,我前天終於下水衝浪了🥰 而高雄同時出大太陽,真的是讓我放鬆一口氣 #謝謝宇宙🌞 心靜下來後,我今天有點想跟大家告白一件事:我最近越來越想換地方住了...!✈️🌍🏠 (知道嗎?再一年,我就要住高雄10年了!接近我人生的一半😵 ~老朋友都看我長大啦😆 ) ⠀
我的心忍不住想去完成我的夢想:住在一個可以衝浪的海邊,每天上班前後可以可以看到浪,摸到沙,看到大自然中的日出跟日落🌄 #大自然是我的真愛🌊 ⠀
同時我也想給自己換一個環境,再次踏入不同的文化,再次打開心去接納不同的生活跟思考方式⋯ 所以我要去哪?maybe 印尼? maybe夏威夷? 還是maybe多走走再決定下一站要住哪?😅🌺⠀
5年前開始創立 SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel ,過程中讓我學習了非常多,我很感謝所有發生過的低潮跟高潮,透過壓力讓我練出抵抗力,透過熱情讓我認識了很多很棒的人❤️ 一步一步的時間跟心靈投資可以讓一個人成長,但同時⋯我很清楚,這幾年我為了創業把自己給綁住了~ 👣🖐🏼⠀
我想,若要嘗試不同的生活,現在該準備了,該試試看了吧?人生只活一次... 而我們後悔的,總是那些我們沒勇氣去嘗試過的事,對吧?👀⠀
Finally got to surf in Kaohsiung again... And the sun was out #thankyoujesus 🙈 When I paddled out, also while I was sitting in the water, and even when I came back to work... I couldn't stop thinking.... I really want to move again. ✈️ 🌍 Somewhere closer to my dream: close to the ocean, to the waves, to sunrise and sunsets in the middle of nature. 🌅 ...there’s places in my head, and my heart beats faster when I think about them. Don't ask me (yet) when and where, or for how long, cuz I’m not sure. I just feel it in my heart more and more, that I gotta move again. 💓 I might as well just start traveling and see where life flows? I've never had any plan that is longer than 6 months anyway... so never mind planning🙈 Only one thing is certain though, I WILL give it a try... Starting SOON! #2020 ⠀
PS: I love Taiwan and its good to know that I have a home here 🇹🇼 taiwan has become part of me and will always be. Just like Switzerland. ♥️ #alwaysgrateful ⠀
#chaseyourdreams #keepmoving #alwaysmoving #alwaysstill #meditationinmotion #surfyogi #lifephilosophy #livelife #yolo #loseyourself #findothers #travel #unstuckyourself #findinspiration #noexcuses #dream #chasingdreams #chasingwaves #findcalm #surfaceapparel #surf #bikinis #indo
findothers 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳貼文
留下舒服的家給今天抵達台灣的瑞士繼父,然後自己就這樣離開⋯準備去追那張掛在牆壁上好幾年的浪🌊💛🧡❤️ 我好久沒有這麼緊張過⋯ 第一次又是一個人去印尼船衝~ 誰教我需要那麼多刺激才有活著的感覺⋯ 團隊說我去度假 我卻覺得這堂旅遊是一個考驗!不過這樣也好,或許我休息充電的方式就是這樣🙈
希望安全地抵達目的地,船上遇到好人,可以順利下幾道浪,安全地回台灣⋯ 開心地回台灣💞🙌🏽
#mentawaii #norisknofun #feelalive #loseyourself #findothers #船衝 #明達維 #不一樣的休息 #浪 #衝浪 #surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #surflove #barrel #surfhome #dreamhome #homeofhopesanddreams #追夢 #勇氣 #踏出舒適圈 #leaveyourcomfortzone #taiwan #indo #indonesia