#怎麼休息 #腰受傷 #backpain #recovery 💧
知道嗎?忙碌的時候需要更重視健康, 需要更多【自律】照顧好自己的身體與心靈。休息 = 放空 運動 吃飯 睡覺。不是看手機 吃垃圾 耍廢。 😑
上個禮拜可能因為活動過度,搬太多重的東西,我昨天突然感到腰又開始痛。我曾經有受過傷,所以我決定這個禮拜不做我平常的運動,而讓全身休息。雖然我只要沒運動很容易難過(運動流汗是我壓力的出口💀),但是我這次決定用【看書】來替代運動📖 看書能讓我放空放鬆,而同時也會讓我有收穫 ❤️
The busier you get, the more discipline you need to keep up with your health. Taking care of your body and soul is priority when you have pressure. Taking a break for me isn’t scrolling mindlessly through the phone while lying on the couch. 😑Taking a break is turning my mind off by moving, eating well and sleeping. 🙌🏼 🍱 😴🏊♀️
Last week though, I think I hurt my back while moving our pop-up store. My lower back pain is back and it’s freaking me out to be honest. 😢 But well... it’s not the first time that I have to take complete rest.
I decided to exchange my usual work out, yoga and surf routines with “reading”. I know that it’s not the same, but it will calm my mind and give me similar inspiration and satisfaction 📖🤓💡�What do you do, when you can’t move? How do you recover?
#read #move #inspo #healthset #mindset #reading #exercise #healhtylife #loveyourbody #takecare #loveryourself #surfaceapparel #surfacesport #surfacebikinis #fitenss #yogi #yoga #meditation #recover #body #mind #健康 #matataiwan #yogaeverday