#whyrunsofast #marathon #跑什麼短跑 #靜下 #跟自己的對話🤫
「浪費在自己身上的時間永遠不會是浪費時間 」📖💜⠀
回來台灣就是超級忙碌, 電力大概200% (結果我很快就突然生病躺平了🤒 兩天過後恢復了又馬上繼續衝🙈 #別念我 #我知道要放慢腳步可是我頭腦一直轉🤯 ) ⠀
所以跟自己和大家說:運動伸展,按摩放鬆,大自然,安靜地工作與平靜地讀一點書~ 這些事表面上看起來很簡單很無聊,但卻是讓人靜下休息並走更長的路 #很重要的習慣 🧡 人生是一場馬拉松,不是短跑賽🏃🏻♀️ #提性自己一百次 😅⠀
“Time "wasted" on yourself is never be time wasted.”💛⠀
Came back to Taiwan and working with 200% power and speed, just to break down for two days (fever) and then continue with this madness. (I know I should slow down but my brain is going nuts 🧠🤯🙈) ⠀
So just reminding myself and everyone else: Exercise, stretching, nature, calm work and slow self study are simple things that may seem boring or quiet, but they are the habits that refuel you and let you go further and run longer. 😘 Life's a marathon, not a sprint. #slowdowneileen #citymakesmeworktoohard 🙈
marathon madness 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳解答
NYDeTour週末何處去:11/3-11/5 (Fri-Sun)
*11/3 (Fri) The Library After Hours: Menu Madness
想看看全世界最獨特的餐廳菜單嗎?想試做自己心目中理想的菜單嗎?星期五晚上7點到9點在5th Avenue上的New York Public Library的after hours活動是難得的機會可以接觸到這些有趣的事物。同時也可以觀賞市圖收藏調出來相關短片
地點:New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Buiding. 476 Fifth Avenue. NY
時間:11/3 (Fri) 7pm-9pm 需要RSVP
*11/3 (Fri) Church Of Vinyl - Record Fair!
今天下午四點到午夜在Williamsburg與Greenpoint交界的San Damiano Mission Catholic Church有一場黑膠唱片特賣會。16家唱片行將銷售一些少見或絕版的黑膠唱片。是愛好者挖寶的好機會!
地點:San Damiano Mission Catholic Church, 85 N. 15th St. Brooklyn (G train to Nassau Ave)
時間:11/3 (Fri) 4pm-11:59pm
*11/3-11/26 Hem NYC Pop-Up
瑞典傢俱商Hem 這個月在Soho設立了一間pop-up shop展示他們家的產品。是朋友們找如何佈置家裡新靈感的好去處!
地點:325 W. Broadway, New York
時間:Now thru 11/26 11am-7pm daily
*11/2-/11/15 Canstruction® New York 2017
想像樂高積木組合起來的作品,但是是用各種不同形狀的罐頭食品堆疊起來的!來Brookfield Winter Garden看這些Canstruction的創意,也是拍instagram的好地方!
地點:Brookfield Place, 230 Vesey Street, NY
時間:Now thru 11/15, 10am-9pm
*11/2-12/16 Festival of Life by Yayoi Kusama
星期四開始在Chelsea的David Zwirner Gallery有草間彌生個展。之前在紐約展過排隊一兩小時得infinity room也回來了!有興趣的朋友在12/16之前的星期二到星期六可以前往觀賞!
地點:David Zwirner Gallery, 525, 533 W. 19th Street, NY
時間:Now thru 12/16 10am-6pm (bet Tues-Sat)
*11/4 (Sat) Pumpkin Smash 2017
萬聖節過了不知道怎麼處理家裡的南瓜燈嗎?星期六把家裡不要的南瓜帶來Chelsea的Clement Clarke Moore Park,主辦單位提供器具可以讓你把那些南瓜砸爛!需要消氣的朋友去借幾顆南瓜吧!
地點:Clement Clarke Moore Park, 10th Ave bet W. 21st & W. 22nd St.
時間:11/4 (Sat) 10am-1pm
*11/4 (Sat) Target First Saturdays
這星期六又是Target贊助的活動Brooklyn Museum Free First Staurdays。待家裡的小朋友來Brooklyn Museum參觀先有的展懶,手做課程,音樂表演以及其他多樣有趣活動!
地點Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
時間:11/4 (Sat) 5pm-11pm
*11/4 (Sat) 8th Hello Taiwan Charity Concert and Family Day!『喂台灣』慈善活動暨家庭日
地點:台灣會館,137-44 Northern Blvd, Flushing
時間:11/4 (Sat) 4pm-7pm
*115 (Sun) The 6th Annual Momo Crawl
星期天在皇后區的Jackson Heights將有圖博包子(momo)大車拼活動,除了20家業者參與外也有圖博傳統舞蹈音樂表演。是非常有特色的活動!
地點:Diversity Plaza, Jackson Heights (MTA subway station)
時間:11/5 (Sun) 2pm-5pm
*11/5 (Sun) TCS New York City Marathon
地點:New York City
時間:11/5 (Sun)
Have a great weekend, my friends!
marathon madness 在 Red Hong Yi Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Long post ahead]
This Sunday, I'll be doing my first ever *full* marathon. OMG!
I have a love-hate relationship with running. It started with trek and field races with my high school team, then 5km jogs around the park in an attempt to lose some weight (lol) which eventually became 10km jogs and then a 21km half marathon (to which I told myself, "never again").
When I was an exchange student in Holland, I represented my uni's trek and field team in some relay races. Our team was missing a runner for our 1600m race, and asked if I was comfortable showing up for it. I don't know what gave me the audacity to say "OK" (afterall, I've done a 10km race before, right? What's 1.6km compared to that?), but I knew I made a big mistake when I got to the race track.
Most of the runners were Africans. And many of them were Kenyan.
I remember praying very hard for a miracle to happen.
I won't tell you which position I came in, but let's just say I didn't bring any pride to the Asian community that day, lol.
That day onwards, I told myself I wouldn't compete with anyone else but myself. I guess that's what I love about jogging - it's a solo sport and my only competitor is myself.
I love how running makes me feel accomplished and that it stretches my body to distances I never thought I was capable of, but I hate the agony it puts me through physically and mentally. I love how it clears my mind and gives me the headspace to think, but I hate how it takes up so much time! I love how all that burnt calories means I'm able to eat that extra serve of gelati without any guilt (OMG JOY), but I hate that that's not entirely true because my food intake directly affects my running results and excess weight means excess strain on my back (which hurt bad two months ago after a long run)!
Early this year, I couldn't imagine going beyond the half marathon mark during my training sessions. A few months ago, I almost called it quits when my back started hurting after a run. A month ago, I reached my peak of 35km, finally. It was strange, terrifying and wonderful all at once when I discovered I could do it. I don't know what this Sunday will be like and I hope my body won't give me any nasty surprises, but I will try my best to drag myself across the finish line. I hope that this encourages you... that despite the gremlins in your head telling you "NO!", you are able to get closer to your goals with enough persistence, patience and practice...and scraped knees (yes, fell down once)!
And to my fellow runners: I don't know why the heck we put ourselves through this, but it makes me so, so happy when I meet another person crazy enough to put themselves through all this madness!
Soft serve ice-cream, here I come!